android Programming Glossary: inlined
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile all generate platform specific analogs. In iOS An XCode project configuration is generated JS Source is base64'd and inlined as a variable into a generated C file xcodebuild is used to generate the final binaries provisioning profiles signing keys..
Multi-gradient shapes to the right green color. Next I made a shape rectangle with a half transparent gray. I'm pretty sure that could be inlined into the layer list XML obviating this extra file but I'm not sure how. But okay then the kind of hacky part comes in on..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? perform optimizations like the following Method inlining. Under what conditions private methods can always safely be inlined will this be done How about public final methods Methods on objects of other classes static methods What if the runtime.. conditions like the archetypical for loop Value inlining. Will accesses to some public static final int always be inlined Even if they're in another class Even if they're in another package Branch prediction. How big an issue is this even Is.. setters. Since the underlying JIT frontend is still simple trace based if the callee has branches in there it won't be inlined. But the inline cache mechanism is implemented so that virtual getters setters can be inlined without problems. We are currently..