

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:55

android Programming Glossary: initially

Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google +


the filter.xml which is on top of find.xml layout and is initially invisible RelativeLayout 2.Filter.xml later in code refer as.. RelativeLayout In find.xml i have included filter.xml initially which is invisible Now FilterAnimation.java package matchat.helpers..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


inside story of listview refering to image as you can see initially list view has 7 visible items if you scroll up when item 1 is.. position return row you will notice in your logcat initially convertview is null for all the visible rows because initially.. convertview is null for all the visible rows because initially there were no view item in recycler so your getView creates..

Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario?


. For a two fragment scenario e.g. you only see Fragment A initially and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated.. that all three fragments would reside in the container initially with Fragment C hidden at the outset via a hide transaction..

Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager


element which in turn has some fragment pages. When I initially start the application the application I am able to switch between..

'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse


menu View v ContextMenuInfo menuInfo will be initially populated like this list.setOnCreateContextMenuListener new..

How to adjust text font size to fit textview


mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults to the initially specified text size unless it is too small Re size the font..

Blur or dim background when Android PopupWindow active


want that. However that means that the drawable item will initially be opaque solid non transparent . So we need to make it transparent..

Android - Camera preview is sideways


start preview e This was on an HTC Desire and I had to initially put in logging statements in each of the rotation checks to..

Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible?


for running the stuff from doInBackground . The issue is initially in early Android OS versions the pool size was just 1 meaning..

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd


to which you were applying the animation to For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


antiquated and I'd like to enhance the user experience by initially having the MapView set the zoom until all GeoPoints OverlayItems..

Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate]


from this listener. I have tried creating an if statement initially set to false around all the code inside of the overridden method..

ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping


three fragments A B and C . The ViewPager shows Fragment A initially and allows you to navigate to Fragment B by swiping from right..

Get the progress time of the video played under videoview?


Video by mVideoView.getDuration set the Progress bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition..

How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One”


Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text.. spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the item One is displayed. I could just add a new item Select..

Producing eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES


Please consider the following images for the illustration Initially I fill the whole screen stage with individual Images until the..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


listview android gridview share improve this question Initially I was also unaware of listview recycling and the convertview..

How to parse this Web service response in Android?


System.out.println bundleResult.getString i Initially i had a lot of trouble with this kind of data but finally i..

Autogrow ListView in Android


that I want to present to the user in ListView widget. Initially I want to start with say 50 items and as user scrolls near the..

How to Migrate Twitter API from v1 to v1.1?


2.Replace it with the older one and you are done. EDIT Initially after replacing the twitter4j jar it may show error in package..

Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android


must implement scrolling vertical horizontal for moving. Initially implemented a code that moved the layout pixel by pixel but..

Sorting Android ListView


are processed I'm calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged Initially I thought that getItem on the Adapter needed to be sorted and..

Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable


that InetAddress.isReachable should do this for me. Initially I thought that I could code something like InetAddress address..

helloandroid tutorial error: request time failed


tutorial. I have been stuck for a few days now. Initially the first time I tried it everything works perfectly and then..

retain the fragment object while rotating


I have an Activity Say A1 and in that there is a fragment Initially this fragment hold the object one fragment object say F1 Then..

Displaying icon for menu items of Action Bar in Honeycomb android 3.0


title Share Point android onClick onCreate menu item Initially it displays add server with icon on left. clicking on that will..

Android Custom Listview


null ... block will be called only 11 times. getView Count Initially count will be 10 but when you start scrolling count keep on..

Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work?


json web services phonegap share improve this question Initially you have to make an http connection so that you can get the..

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?


How to fit an image of random size to an ImageView When Initially ImageView dimensions are 250dp 250dp The image's larger dimension..

Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator


#ff6600 android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout LinearLayout Initially I want Screen 1 to take all screen width available. Therefore..

ListView: setItemChecked only works with standard ArrayAdapter - does NOT work when using customized ArrayAdapter?


get 4 list.add get 5 list.add get 6 list.add get 7 Initially select one of the items return list private Model get String..

Multiple Apps with a shared code base


market of the same app I had decided to do the same. Initially I just duplicated the complete codebase and adapted some code..

Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google +


RelativeLayout include layout @layout filter here i included the filter.xml which is on top of find.xml layout and is initially invisible RelativeLayout 2.Filter.xml later in code refer as FilterLayout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout.. textColor #33b9cd RelativeLayout RelativeLayout ScrollView RelativeLayout In find.xml i have included filter.xml initially which is invisible Now FilterAnimation.java package matchat.helpers import com.s3.matchat.R import android.content.Context..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


use so that listview work more effcient and fast Now the inside story of listview refering to image as you can see initially list view has 7 visible items if you scroll up when item 1 is not any more visible getView pass this view item1 to recycler.. position .getDramaName holder.cbCheck.setChecked checks.get position return row you will notice in your logcat initially convertview is null for all the visible rows because initially there were no view item in recycler so your getView creates.. position return row you will notice in your logcat initially convertview is null for all the visible rows because initially there were no view item in recycler so your getView creates each new view for the visible items but the moment you scroll..

Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario?


would use setCustomAnimations with a FragmentTransaction . For a two fragment scenario e.g. you only see Fragment A initially and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated effects I am in complete agreement. However Since you can only.. entry shows some tantalizing pseudocode basically saying that all three fragments would reside in the container initially with Fragment C hidden at the outset via a hide transaction operation. We then show C and hide A when the UI event occurs...

Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager


though I have a fragment the xml file of which holds a ViewPager element which in turn has some fragment pages. When I initially start the application the application I am able to switch between tabs no problem but when I press on tab2 for the second..

'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse


have their correct names public void onCreateContextMenu ContextMenu menu View v ContextMenuInfo menuInfo will be initially populated like this list.setOnCreateContextMenuListener new OnCreateContextMenuListener This methods arguments were not..

How to adjust text font size to fit textview


attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults to the initially specified text size unless it is too small Re size the font so the specified text fits in the text box assuming the text..

Blur or dim background when Android PopupWindow active


alpha values we set via the setAlpha in our code so we don't want that. However that means that the drawable item will initially be opaque solid non transparent . So we need to make it transparent in the activity's onCreate method. Here's the Framelayout..

Android - Camera preview is sideways


true catch Exception e Log.d APP_CLASS Cannot start preview e This was on an HTC Desire and I had to initially put in logging statements in each of the rotation checks to say what the rotation was and then debugged on the device and..

Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible?


improve this question AsyncTask uses a thread pool pattern for running the stuff from doInBackground . The issue is initially in early Android OS versions the pool size was just 1 meaning no parallel computations for a bunch of AsyncTasks. But later..

android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd


is to listen for the animation events in the view to which you were applying the animation to For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like this mAnimation.setAnimationListener new AnimationListener..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


visible hard coding the setZoom within onCreate feels very antiquated and I'd like to enhance the user experience by initially having the MapView set the zoom until all GeoPoints OverlayItems are visible on the map. How can this be done auto magically..

Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate]


because I want to keep how I instantiate my layout separate from this listener. I have tried creating an if statement initially set to false around all the code inside of the overridden method but there is no way of knowing when to set it to true because..

ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping


allow navigation between some fragments. Let's say I have three fragments A B and C . The ViewPager shows Fragment A initially and allows you to navigate to Fragment B by swiping from right to left and then to Fragment C by swiping again. This allows..

Get the progress time of the video played under videoview?


improve this question You can get the Duration of the Video by mVideoView.getDuration set the Progress bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition and increase the Progress Bar status based on..

How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One”


to make an Android Spinner with initial text &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list of items.. android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the item One is displayed. I could just add a new item Select One to the items but then Select One would also be displayed..

Producing eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES


eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES Please consider the following images for the illustration Initially I fill the whole screen stage with individual Images until the screen turns pink. Each blob of pink colour is an individual..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


this article puts it ScrapView mechanism. android android listview android gridview share improve this question Initially I was also unaware of listview recycling and the convertview usage mechanism but after a whole days research I pretty much..

How to parse this Web service response in Android?


JSONArr.get i bundleResult.putString String.valueOf i JSONObj.toString System.out.println bundleResult.getString i Initially i had a lot of trouble with this kind of data but finally i got it all working.From then I have been using this.I hope this..

Autogrow ListView in Android


clear and simple answer I have a List of several hundred items that I want to present to the user in ListView widget. Initially I want to start with say 50 items and as user scrolls near the bottom I want to add another 50 and so forth. I think GMail..

How to Migrate Twitter API from v1 to v1.1?


work for you. 1.Download the latest twitter4j from here 2.Replace it with the older one and you are done. EDIT Initially after replacing the twitter4j jar it may show error in package importing. if so then replace import twitter4j.http.AccessToken..

Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android


this I need to define a layout within other the child layout must implement scrolling vertical horizontal for moving. Initially implemented a code that moved the layout pixel by pixel but I think that is not the right way. I tried it with ScrollView..

Sorting Android ListView


3 2 1 When a refresh is made 3 2 1 6 5 4 After the tweets are processed I'm calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged Initially I thought that getItem on the Adapter needed to be sorted and the code below is what I ended up with but I'm still not having..

Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable


I haven't tried this on an actual device . From reading it appears that InetAddress.isReachable should do this for me. Initially I thought that I could code something like InetAddress address InetAddress.getByAddress new byte byte 192 byte 168 byte..

helloandroid tutorial error: request time failed


starting out on android development and trying out the HelloAndroid tutorial. I have been stuck for a few days now. Initially the first time I tried it everything works perfectly and then I move on the second tutorial everything broke. So I'm trying..

retain the fragment object while rotating


an app in Honeycomb and I am using fragments. This is my app I have an Activity Say A1 and in that there is a fragment Initially this fragment hold the object one fragment object say F1 Then depending on the user actions it may change to other objects..

Displaying icon for menu items of Action Bar in Honeycomb android 3.0


android icon @android drawable ic_menu_add android title Share Point android onClick onCreate menu item Initially it displays add server with icon on left. clicking on that will display fileserver sharepoint as dropdown list with out..

Android Custom Listview


scrolling effect . That means statements in if convertView null ... block will be called only 11 times. getView Count Initially count will be 10 but when you start scrolling count keep on increasing. getView called every time to update data. Note This..

Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work?


would greatly appreciate it Thanks in advance android xml json web services phonegap share improve this question Initially you have to make an http connection so that you can get the response from your api be it xml response or json response...

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?


aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions How to fit an image of random size to an ImageView When Initially ImageView dimensions are 250dp 250dp The image's larger dimension should be scaled up down to 250dp The image should keep..

Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator


0dp android layout_height match_parent android background #ff6600 android layout_weight 1 LinearLayout LinearLayout Initially I want Screen 1 to take all screen width available. Therefore my R.id.dual_pane has it's weightSum attribute to 1.0. This..

ListView: setItemChecked only works with standard ArrayAdapter - does NOT work when using customized ArrayAdapter?


1 .setSelected true Model m list.get 1 list.add get 3 list.add get 4 list.add get 5 list.add get 6 list.add get 7 Initially select one of the items return list private Model get String s return new Model s @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu..

Multiple Apps with a shared code base


popular to have both a free and a paid version in the android market of the same app I had decided to do the same. Initially I just duplicated the complete codebase and adapted some code here and there added ads built in some limitations etc since..