

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:56

android Programming Glossary: initialx

How to draw a path on an Android canvas with animation?


Path path private float initialScreenW private float initialX plusX private float TX private boolean translate private int.. 0 Y screenH 2 screenH 4 screenH 10 initialScreenW screenW initialX screenW 2 screenW 4 plusX screenW 24 path.moveTo X Y @Override.. X Y canvas.translate TX 0 if translate true TX 4 if X initialX X 8 else if X initialX plusX X 2 Y 8 else if X initialX..

Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling


fling return removeCallbacks this stop pending flings int initialX initialVel 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 mLastFlingX initialX setup.. int initialX initialVel 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 mLastFlingX initialX setup the scroller to calulate the new x positions based on.. Impose no cap on the min max x values. mScroller.fling initialX 0 initialVel 0 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE post..

Android: Scroller Animation?


Scroller getActivity void start int initialVelocity int initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some.. or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling at.. initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling at initialX velocity is initialVelocity lastX initialX getView .post this..

How to draw a path on an Android canvas with animation?


Paint paint private int screenW screenH private float X Y private Path path private float initialScreenW private float initialX plusX private float TX private boolean translate private int flash private Context context public HeartbeatView Context.. super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH h X 0 Y screenH 2 screenH 4 screenH 10 initialScreenW screenW initialX screenW 2 screenW 4 plusX screenW 24 path.moveTo X Y @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas .. 7 0 0 Color.RED if flash 100 flash 0 path.lineTo X Y canvas.translate TX 0 if translate true TX 4 if X initialX X 8 else if X initialX plusX X 2 Y 8 else if X initialX plusX 2 X 2 Y 14 else if X initialX plusX 3..

Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling


int initialVel if initialVel 0 there is no velocity to fling return removeCallbacks this stop pending flings int initialX initialVel 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 mLastFlingX initialX setup the scroller to calulate the new x positions based on the initial.. to fling return removeCallbacks this stop pending flings int initialX initialVel 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 mLastFlingX initialX setup the scroller to calulate the new x positions based on the initial velocity. Impose no cap on the min max x values... to calulate the new x positions based on the initial velocity. Impose no cap on the min max x values. mScroller.fling initialX 0 initialVel 0 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE 0 Integer.MAX_VALUE post this private void endFling mScroller.forceFinished true endFlingMotion..

Android: Scroller Animation?


Scroller scroller private int lastX 0 Flinger scroller new Scroller getActivity void start int initialVelocity int initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0.. initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling at initialX velocity is initialVelocity lastX initialX getView.. appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling at initialX velocity is initialVelocity lastX initialX getView .post this public void run if scroller.isFinished Log.i TAG scroller..