

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:59

android Programming Glossary: inputmethodmanager

Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard


can force Android to hide the virtual keyboard using the InputMethodManager calling hideSoftInputFromWindow passing in the token of the.. in the token of the window containing your edit field. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. window containing your edit field. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow..

Intercept back button from soft keyboard


mInputField EditText findViewById R.id.searchInput InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. findViewById R.id.searchInput InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.toggleSoftInput.. Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.toggleSoftInput InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY mInputField.setOnEditorActionListener..

how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText?


knows that to hide a keyboard you need to implement InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. a keyboard you need to implement InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow.. public static void hideSoftKeyboard Activity activity InputMethodManager inputMethodManager InputMethodManager activity.getSystemService..

How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused


yourEditText EditText findViewById R.id.yourEditText InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. findViewById R.id.yourEditText InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput.. imm.showSoftInput yourEditText InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT And for removing the focus on EditText saddly..

Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate]


code to show keyboard on startup.this code is not working. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. startup.this code is not working. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput.. imm.showSoftInput mUserNameEdit InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT End of onCreate Well the keyboard is not showing..

Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard


android input method share improve this question You can force Android to hide the virtual keyboard using the InputMethodManager calling hideSoftInputFromWindow passing in the token of the window containing your edit field. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager.. the InputMethodManager calling hideSoftInputFromWindow passing in the token of the window containing your edit field. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow myEditText.getWindowToken.. calling hideSoftInputFromWindow passing in the token of the window containing your edit field. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow myEditText.getWindowToken 0 This will force the..

Intercept back button from soft keyboard


and call the setActivity ... function. private void initInputField mInputField EditText findViewById R.id.searchInput InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.toggleSoftInput InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED.. ... function. private void initInputField mInputField EditText findViewById R.id.searchInput InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.toggleSoftInput InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY.. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.toggleSoftInput InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY mInputField.setOnEditorActionListener new OnEditorActionListener @Override..

how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText?


keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText Ok everyone knows that to hide a keyboard you need to implement InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow getCurrentFocus .getWindowToken.. clicking outside EditText Ok everyone knows that to hide a keyboard you need to implement InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow getCurrentFocus .getWindowToken 0 But the big deal here.. it perfect First here is the code that simply hides the keyboard public static void hideSoftKeyboard Activity activity InputMethodManager inputMethodManager InputMethodManager activity.getSystemService Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow..

How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused


To force the soft keyboard to appear you can use EditText yourEditText EditText findViewById R.id.yourEditText InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput yourEditText InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT.. keyboard to appear you can use EditText yourEditText EditText findViewById R.id.yourEditText InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput yourEditText InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT And for removing.. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput yourEditText InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT And for removing the focus on EditText saddly you need to have a dummy View to grab focus. I hope this helps..

Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate]


mPasswordEdit EditText findViewById R.id.password code to show keyboard on startup.this code is not working. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput mUserNameEdit InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT.. EditText findViewById R.id.password code to show keyboard on startup.this code is not working. InputMethodManager imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput mUserNameEdit InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT End of onCreate.. imm InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE imm.showSoftInput mUserNameEdit InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT End of onCreate Well the keyboard is not showing at start up . And my design badly require a keyboard there....