

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:01

android Programming Glossary: inputstream

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import.. import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream import java.security.Security import.. return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream throws IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream..

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations


double toLon then create connection with this url and get InputStream. Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure public.. with this url and get InputStream. Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure public static Road getRoute InputStream.. and get parsed data structure public static Road getRoute InputStream is Full source code RoadProvider.java BlackBerry class MapPathScreen..

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?


static Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream.. in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection.. download the file input connection.getInputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard file_name.extension byte.. fileLength connection.getContentLength download the file InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.net.URL import java.net.URLConnection import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.. MODE_WALKING 2 public static String inputStreamToString InputStream in throws IOException StringBuffer out new StringBuffer byte..

Android: How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard?


Failed to get asset file list. e for String filename files InputStream in null OutputStream out null try in assetManager.open filename.. to copy asset file filename e private void copyFile InputStream in OutputStream out throws IOException byte buffer new byte..

How to parse XML using the SAX parser


item public Example items new Items public Channel parse InputStream is RootElement root new RootElement rss Element chanElement.. item.setTitle body and so on here we actually parse the InputStream and return the resulting Channel object. try Xml.parse is Xml.Encoding.UTF_8..

How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView


Log.d this.getClass .getSimpleName image url urlString try InputStream is fetch urlString Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromStream.. handler.sendMessage message thread.start private InputStream fetch String urlString throws MalformedURLException IOException..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream import android.content.Context import.. from assets private void copyDataBase throws IOException InputStream mInput mContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME String outFileName DB_PATH..

upload video to facebook in android


.show public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes.. read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len inputStream.read buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can..

Steps to create APK expansion file


ZipHelper.unzipEntry Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new BufferedInputStream zipfile.getInputStream entry BufferedOutputStream.. new FileOutputStream outputFile try IOUtils.copy inputStream outputStream catch Exception e Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry.. Error e setZipError true finally outputStream.close inputStream.close private void createDirectory File dir Log.d control..

Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK


token HttpResponse response client.execute get InputStream inputStream response.getEntity .getContent jFolder.mkdirs java.io.File.. jFile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length inputStream.read buffer 0 fileStream.write buffer 0 length fileStream.close.. 0 fileStream.write buffer 0 length fileStream.close inputStream.close return jFile catch IOException e Handle IOExceptions..

How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class?


getting the response from the server InputStream inputStream httpCon.getInputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader.. bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream ByteArrayBuffer byteArrayBuffer new ByteArrayBuffer 50 int intResponse..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


httpResponse httpClient.execute httpGet InputStream inputStream httpResponse.getEntity .getContent InputStreamReader inputStreamReader.. httpResponse.getEntity .getContent InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader.. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader..

Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently


BufferedReader r new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream String x x r.readLine String total while x null total x x r.readLine.. BufferedReader r new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream StringBuilder total new StringBuilder String line while line..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


are set I'm having issues with BitmapFactory.decodeStream inputStream . When using it without options it will return an image. But.. image. But when I use it with options as in .decodeStream inputStream null options it never returns Bitmaps. What I'm trying to do..

Android read text raw resource file


String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId ByteArrayOutputStream.. new ByteArrayOutputStream int i try i inputStream.read while i 1 byteArrayOutputStream.write i i inputStream.read.. while i 1 byteArrayOutputStream.write i i inputStream.read inputStream.close catch IOException e return null return..

Android - Unzip a folder?


Log.v TAG Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new BufferedInputStream zipfile.getInputStream entry BufferedOutputStream.. new FileOutputStream outputFile try IOUtils.copy inputStream outputStream finally outputStream.close inputStream.close.. inputStream outputStream finally outputStream.close inputStream.close private void createDir File dir if dir.exists return..

Reading a simple text file


code for reading the simple text file. 1. InputStream inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader.. inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader.. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader..

Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK?


. The code is as follows public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes.. read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len inputStream.read buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can..

Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate]


Google JSON Parser feedUrl return route Convert an inputstream to a string. @param input inputstream to convert. @return a.. route Convert an inputstream to a string. @param input inputstream to convert. @return a String of the inputstream. private static.. input inputstream to convert. @return a String of the inputstream. private static String convertStreamToString final InputStream..

Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat)


buffer each time Thx Adrian android character encoding inputstream share improve this question I have seen people run into..

IOException while reading from InputStream


certain size Any help is appreciated Thanks java android inputstream ioexception share improve this question my post to android..

How to parse complex JSON file in android


tmpFile Creating a bitmap from the downloaded inputstream Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeStream iStream Writing the bitmap..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


0 while ret is.read buf 0 os.write buf 0 ret close the inputstream is.close return new String os.toByteArray catch IOException..

Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM?


Droid but on the HTC droid no data is ever present in the inputstream buffer. Personally I'm feeling pretty sure it's a bug or limitation..

Android how to get access to raw resources that i put in res folder?


I always get null on this why android java me resources inputstream android resources share improve this question InputStream..

Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder


ois new ObjectInputStream is why android load inputstream assets objectinputstream share improve this question Faced.. is why android load inputstream assets objectinputstream share improve this question Faced the same issue. I've cut..

How to store large blobs in an android content provider?


e e.printStackTrace return null android inputstream android contentprovider android contentresolver share improve..

How to make a deep copy of an InputStream in Java


possible. Does anyone know an alternate way java android inputstream share improve this question InputStream is abstract and..

Is it possible to use BitmapFactory.decodeFile method to decode a image from http location?


this question Use decodeStream and pass the URL's inputstream instead. Here is an example Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream..

Android : Reading XML from local resource (for testing)


You should be able to use your XML parser using that as an inputstream Xml.parse getResources .openRawResource R.raw.testXML Xml.Encoding.UTF_8..

Converting input stream into bitmap


bufferedInputStream java android multithreading inputstream android 3.0 share improve this question Thank you @Amir..

How to merge two mp3 files into one (combine/join)


tell me P.S and why i can't start bounty android audio inputstream share improve this question Consider two cases for MP3 files..

Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files


files. Thanks in advance. java android file download inputstream share improve this question It's about request method. The..

Download image for imageview on Android


i in.read 1 out.write i out.close in.close Read the inputstream buf new BufferedInputStream in Convert the BufferedInputStream..

Download and Extract Zip File in Android


finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream from server.. int contentLength urlConnection.getContentLength..

Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge


is response.getEntity .getContent You can convert inputstream to a string with http senior.ceng.metu.edu.tr 2009 praeda 2009..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream import java.security.Security import java.util.Properties.. import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream import java.security.Security import java.util.Properties public class GMailSender extends javax.mail.Authenticator.. this.type type public String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream throws IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream data public String getName return ByteArrayDataSource..

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations


String getUrl double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon then create connection with this url and get InputStream. Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure public static Road getRoute InputStream is Full source code RoadProvider.java.. double fromLon double toLat double toLon then create connection with this url and get InputStream. Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure public static Road getRoute InputStream is Full source code RoadProvider.java BlackBerry class.. this url and get InputStream. Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure public static Road getRoute InputStream is Full source code RoadProvider.java BlackBerry class MapPathScreen extends MainScreen MapControl map Road mRoad new Road..

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?


this question You'll have to download the image firstly public static Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream.. Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap bitmap null InputStream in null BufferedOutputStream out null try in new BufferedInputStream new URL url .openStream IO_BUFFER_SIZE final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream new ByteArrayOutputStream out new BufferedOutputStream..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection.. 1 server did not report the length int fileLength connection.getContentLength download the file input connection.getInputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard file_name.extension byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 int count while count input.read.. useful so that you can show a typical 0 100 progress bar int fileLength connection.getContentLength download the file InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard BarcodeScanner debug.apk ..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


model that calls the calculation package com.myapp.android.model.navigation import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.net.URL import java.net.URLConnection import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.. 0 public static final int MODE_CAR 1 public static final int MODE_WALKING 2 public static String inputStreamToString InputStream in throws IOException StringBuffer out new StringBuffer byte b new byte 4096 for int n n in.read b 1 out.append new String..

Android: How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard?


try files assetManager.list catch IOException e Log.e tag Failed to get asset file list. e for String filename files InputStream in null OutputStream out null try in assetManager.open filename File outFile new File getExternalFilesDir null filename.. out.close out null catch IOException e Log.e tag Failed to copy asset file filename e private void copyFile InputStream in OutputStream out throws IOException byte buffer new byte 1024 int read while read in.read buffer 1 out.write buffer 0..

How to parse XML using the SAX parser


private Channel channel private Items items private Item item public Example items new Items public Channel parse InputStream is RootElement root new RootElement rss Element chanElement root.getChild channel Element chanTitle chanElement.getChild.. new EndTextElementListener public void end String body item.setTitle body and so on here we actually parse the InputStream and return the resulting Channel object. try Xml.parse is Xml.Encoding.UTF_8 root.getContentHandler return channel catch..

How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView


urlString return drawableMap.get urlString Log.d this.getClass .getSimpleName image url urlString try InputStream is fetch urlString Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromStream is src if drawable null drawableMap.put urlString drawable.. urlString Message message handler.obtainMessage 1 drawable handler.sendMessage message thread.start private InputStream fetch String urlString throws MalformedURLException IOException DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


below DataHelper class import java.io.File import java.io.FileOutputStream import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream import android.content.Context import android.database.SQLException import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.. dbFile dbFile.exists return dbFile.exists Copy the database from assets private void copyDataBase throws IOException InputStream mInput mContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME OutputStream mOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName..

upload video to facebook in android


2 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Facebook error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream.. new byte bufferSize We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len inputStream.read buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array. return byteBuffer.toByteArray public..

Steps to create APK expansion file


createDirectory outputFile.getParentFile Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new BufferedInputStream zipfile.getInputStream entry BufferedOutputStream outputStream new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream.. entry BufferedOutputStream outputStream new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputFile try IOUtils.copy inputStream outputStream catch Exception e Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry Error e setZipError true finally outputStream.close.. catch Exception e Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry Error e setZipError true finally outputStream.close inputStream.close private void createDirectory File dir Log.d control ZipHelper.createDir Creating directory dir.getName if dir.exists..

Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK


gFile.getDownloadUrl get.setHeader Authorization Bearer token HttpResponse response client.execute get InputStream inputStream response.getEntity .getContent jFolder.mkdirs java.io.File jFile new java.io.File jFolder.getAbsolutePath getGFileName.. it doesn't. FileOutputStream fileStream new FileOutputStream jFile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length inputStream.read buffer 0 fileStream.write buffer 0 length fileStream.close inputStream.close return jFile catch IOException e .. new byte 1024 int length while length inputStream.read buffer 0 fileStream.write buffer 0 length fileStream.close inputStream.close return jFile catch IOException e Handle IOExceptions here... return null else Handle the case where the file on..

How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class?


outputStream writer.write soapRequest writer.flush writer.close getting the response from the server InputStream inputStream httpCon.getInputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream ByteArrayBuffer.. InputStream inputStream httpCon.getInputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream ByteArrayBuffer byteArrayBuffer new ByteArrayBuffer 50 int intResponse httpCon.getResponseCode while intResponse bufferedReader.read..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet weburl try HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpGet InputStream inputStream httpResponse.getEntity .getContent InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream BufferedReader.. httpResponse httpClient.execute httpGet InputStream inputStream httpResponse.getEntity .getContent InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader StringBuilder.. InputStream inputStream httpResponse.getEntity .getContent InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader StringBuilder stringBuilder new StringBuilder String..

Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently


of the page. I then cycle through the reply doing as follows BufferedReader r new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream String x x r.readLine String total while x null total x x r.readLine However this is horrendously slow. Is this inefficient.. implementation for your case would be something like that BufferedReader r new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inputStream StringBuilder total new StringBuilder String line while line r.readLine null total.append line After that you can use total..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


returning null when options are set I'm having issues with BitmapFactory.decodeStream inputStream . When using it without options it will return an image. But when I use it with options as in .decodeStream inputStream.. . When using it without options it will return an image. But when I use it with options as in .decodeStream inputStream null options it never returns Bitmaps. What I'm trying to do is to downsample a Bitmap before I actually load it to save..

Android read text raw resource file


Utils.readRawTextFile ctx R.raw.rawtextsample public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream new ByteArrayOutputStream int i try.. .openRawResource resId ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream new ByteArrayOutputStream int i try i inputStream.read while i 1 byteArrayOutputStream.write i i inputStream.read inputStream.close catch IOException e return null return.. new ByteArrayOutputStream int i try i inputStream.read while i 1 byteArrayOutputStream.write i i inputStream.read inputStream.close catch IOException e return null return byteArrayOutputStream.toString The text get's showed but..

Android - Unzip a folder?


outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDir outputFile.getParentFile Log.v TAG Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new BufferedInputStream zipfile.getInputStream entry BufferedOutputStream outputStream new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream.. entry BufferedOutputStream outputStream new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputFile try IOUtils.copy inputStream outputStream finally outputStream.close inputStream.close private void createDir File dir if dir.exists return Log.v.. new FileOutputStream outputFile try IOUtils.copy inputStream outputStream finally outputStream.close inputStream.close private void createDir File dir if dir.exists return Log.v TAG Creating dir dir.getName if dir.mkdirs throw..

Reading a simple text file


in my sample Android Application. I am using the below written code for reading the simple text file. 1. InputStream inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader.. written code for reading the simple text file. 1. InputStream inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader My questions.. file. 1. InputStream inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader My questions is Where should I place this test.txt..

Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK?


is a function of converting your video file to byte . The code is as follows public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream.. new byte bufferSize We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len inputStream.read buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array. return byteBuffer.toByteArray I got..

Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate]


segment.copy catch JSONException e Log.e e.getMessage Google JSON Parser feedUrl return route Convert an inputstream to a string. @param input inputstream to convert. @return a String of the inputstream. private static String convertStreamToString.. e Log.e e.getMessage Google JSON Parser feedUrl return route Convert an inputstream to a string. @param input inputstream to convert. @return a String of the inputstream. private static String convertStreamToString final InputStream input final.. return route Convert an inputstream to a string. @param input inputstream to convert. @return a String of the inputstream. private static String convertStreamToString final InputStream input final BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new..

Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat)


to the thread buffer thus the hassle. How can I send a unique buffer each time Thx Adrian android character encoding inputstream share improve this question I have seen people run into this sort of problem before when using the Bluetooth Chat example...

IOException while reading from InputStream


it works fine. Is there a problem with files over a certain size Any help is appreciated Thanks java android inputstream ioexception share improve this question my post to android developers isn't showing up so I'll try reposting it here..

How to parse complex JSON file in android


to the temporary file FileOutputStream fOutStream new FileOutputStream tmpFile Creating a bitmap from the downloaded inputstream Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeStream iStream Writing the bitmap to the temporary file as png file b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


a.openConnection InputStream is conn.getInputStream int ret 0 while ret is.read buf 0 os.write buf 0 ret close the inputstream is.close return new String os.toByteArray catch IOException e try int respCode HttpURLConnection conn .getResponseCode ..

Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM?


a device ID. That works fine when I run the app on my Moto Droid but on the HTC droid no data is ever present in the inputstream buffer. Personally I'm feeling pretty sure it's a bug or limitation in this release for the HTC because the app works great..

Android how to get access to raw resources that i put in res folder?


.getResourceAsStream raw_resources.dat But in android I always get null on this why android java me resources inputstream android resources share improve this question InputStream raw context.getAssets .open filename.ext Reader is new BufferedReader..

Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder


bigger files return an java.io.IOException on line ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is why android load inputstream assets objectinputstream share improve this question Faced the same issue. I've cut up my 4MB file into 1 MB chunks and.. java.io.IOException on line ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is why android load inputstream assets objectinputstream share improve this question Faced the same issue. I've cut up my 4MB file into 1 MB chunks and on the first run I join..

How to store large blobs in an android content provider?


1 return ParcelFileDescriptor.open filePath imode catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace return null android inputstream android contentprovider android contentresolver share improve this question The solution phreed gives in the bottom..

How to make a deep copy of an InputStream in Java


done with IOUtils packages but I would like to avoid them if possible. Does anyone know an alternate way java android inputstream share improve this question InputStream is abstract and does not expose neither do its children internal data objects...

Is it possible to use BitmapFactory.decodeFile method to decode a image from http location?


via an xml Thanks Sen android http bitmap share improve this question Use decodeStream and pass the URL's inputstream instead. Here is an example Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream new java.net.URL url .openStream share improve this..

Android : Reading XML from local resource (for testing)


your XML file in there eg. testXML.xml res raw testXML.xml You should be able to use your XML parser using that as an inputstream Xml.parse getResources .openRawResource R.raw.testXML Xml.Encoding.UTF_8 root.getContentHandler Try that. share improve..

Converting input stream into bitmap


new BufferedInputStream inputStream bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream bufferedInputStream java android multithreading inputstream android 3.0 share improve this question Thank you @Amir for point out the log. Discovered a line decoder decode returned..

How to merge two mp3 files into one (combine/join)


solution these links only on streaming audio . Any one can tell me P.S and why i can't start bounty android audio inputstream share improve this question Consider two cases for MP3 files a Files with same sampling frequency and number of channels..

Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files


it will return a unexpected end of stream exception with large files. Thanks in advance. java android file download inputstream share improve this question It's about request method. The default is GET . Try creating an HttpURLConnection first..

Download image for imageview on Android


new FileOutputStream testImage.jpg int i while i in.read 1 out.write i out.close in.close Read the inputstream buf new BufferedInputStream in Convert the BufferedInputStream to a Bitmap Bitmap bMap BitmapFactory.decodeStream buf if..

Download and Extract Zip File in Android


string where the zipped file is stored... urlConnection finalUrl.openConnection Get the size of the zipped file's inputstream from server.. int contentLength urlConnection.getContentLength Log.d DEBUG urlConnection.getContentLength contentLength..

Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge


new HttpGet http www.itortv.com android sendName.php InputStream is response.getEntity .getContent You can convert inputstream to a string with http senior.ceng.metu.edu.tr 2009 praeda 2009 01 11 a simple restful client at android catch ClientProtocolException..