android Programming Glossary: initializes
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 savedInstanceState creates our custom LocationSource and initializes some of its members followMeLocationSource new FollowMeLocationSource..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? savedInstanceState creates our custom LocationSource and initializes some of its members followMeLocationSource new FollowMeLocationSource..
Application crashes on installation with error sqlite3_exec - Failed to set synchronous mode = 1(Normal) AirshipConfigOptions .loadDefaultOptions this Take off initializes the services UAirship.takeOff this options PushManager.enablePush..
Sliding menu locks touch event on upper view menu.setFadeDegree 0.35f This line initializes the way the sliding menu is working if you set the boolean to..
android maps stop responding after resuming fragment private void setViews gMaps mapFragment.getMap getData initializes overlays markers polygons etc. @Override public void onPause..
Android: I want to shake it CPU Battery . The code assumes we are on planet Earth and initializes the acceleration to earth gravity. Otherwise you would get a..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? The constructor is the same as is for ArrayAdapter though initializes a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No..
Black screen when returning to video playback activity in Android I know the cause of the problem. It seems that mediaplayer initializes its surface ONLY when you call prepare Async . If you will change..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar you call setContentView .. since setContentView .. also initializes the actionbar next to setting the content you can set a background..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? null DATABASE_VERSION mContext context initialize Initializes database. Creates database if doesn't exist. private void initialize..
How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts Fragment Initializes the Viewpager and has the adapter for it as an inner class import..
How to make client on Android listen to server on C#? use local m c IP address and use the same in the client Initializes the Listener TcpListener myList new TcpListener ipAd 4444 Start..
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called ft.commit Log.d TAG Closed ViewPlayerFragment Initializes the player adapter private void initializePlayerAdapter Cursor.. setEmptyText getText R.string.no_players_msg Initializes the player adapter public void setPlayersCursor Cursor cursor..
Slide down effect on ExpandableListView private int mEndHeight private int mStartVisibility Initializes expand collapse animation. If the passed view is invisible gone..
Android animate drop down/up view proper mAnimatedView private int mEndHeight private int mType Initializes expand collapse animation has two types collapse 1 and expand..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState creates our custom LocationSource and initializes some of its members followMeLocationSource new FollowMeLocationSource We can't be guaranteed that the map is available because..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState creates our custom LocationSource and initializes some of its members followMeLocationSource new FollowMeLocationSource We can't be guaranteed that the map is available because..
Application crashes on installation with error sqlite3_exec - Failed to set synchronous mode = 1(Normal) place it in your assets folder AirshipConfigOptions options AirshipConfigOptions .loadDefaultOptions this Take off initializes the services UAirship.takeOff this options PushManager.enablePush android android sqlite share improve..
Sliding menu locks touch event on upper view R.drawable.slidingmenu_shadow menu.setBehindOffsetRes R.dimen.slidingmenu_offset menu.setFadeDegree 0.35f This line initializes the way the sliding menu is working if you set the boolean to true the ActionBar will slide along with the content. if you..
android maps stop responding after resuming fragment void onResume super.onResume mapFragment.onResume setViews private void setViews gMaps mapFragment.getMap getData initializes overlays markers polygons etc. @Override public void onPause mapFragment.onPause super.onPause android google maps fragment..
Android: I want to shake it deactivated onPause and activated onResume to save resources CPU Battery . The code assumes we are on planet Earth and initializes the acceleration to earth gravity. Otherwise you would get a strong shake when the application starts and hits the ground..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? array list. T is commonly a string though may be anything. The constructor is the same as is for ArrayAdapter though initializes a constant called middle. This is the middle of the list. No matter what the length of the array MIDDLE can be used to center..
Black screen when returning to video playback activity in Android player playback share improve this question I think I know the cause of the problem. It seems that mediaplayer initializes its surface ONLY when you call prepare Async . If you will change the surface after that you will get what you`ve got. So..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar .requestFeature Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY Then after you call setContentView .. since setContentView .. also initializes the actionbar next to setting the content you can set a background drawable on your actionbar getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? public DatabaseHelper Context context super context DATABASE_NAME null DATABASE_VERSION mContext context initialize Initializes database. Creates database if doesn't exist. private void initialize if databaseExists SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager..
How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts it is. Also be aware that I am using the support library's Fragment Initializes the Viewpager and has the adapter for it as an inner class import android.os.Bundle import
How to make client on Android listen to server on C#? void Main try IPAddress ipAd IPAddress.Parse use local m c IP address and use the same in the client Initializes the Listener TcpListener myList new TcpListener ipAd 4444 Start Listeneting at the specified port myList.Start Console.WriteLine..
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called vpf ft.setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_CLOSE ft.commit Log.d TAG Closed ViewPlayerFragment Initializes the player adapter private void initializePlayerAdapter Cursor cursor if playerAdapter null return playerAdapter new PlayerCursorAdapter.. DraftBoardActivity getActivity repository setListAdapter playerAdapter setEmptyText getText R.string.no_players_msg Initializes the player adapter public void setPlayersCursor Cursor cursor if playerAdapter null initializePlayerAdapter cursor else..
Slide down effect on ExpandableListView extends Animation private View mAnimatedView private int mEndHeight private int mStartVisibility Initializes expand collapse animation. If the passed view is invisible gone the animation will be a drop down if it is visible the animation..
Android animate drop down/up view proper class ExpandCollapseAnimation extends Animation private View mAnimatedView private int mEndHeight private int mType Initializes expand collapse animation has two types collapse 1 and expand 0 . @param view The view to animate @param duration @param..