android Programming Glossary: initialise
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling won't work as it will be in a real drag when we want to initialise the fake drag. @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation 0 0.0f gyroOrientation 1 0.0f gyroOrientation 2 0.0f initialise gyroMatrix with identity matrix gyroMatrix 0 1.0f gyroMatrix.. gyroMatrix 7 0.0f gyroMatrix 8 1.0f get sensorManager and initialise sensor listeners mSensorManager SensorManager this.getSystemService.. until gyroscope and magnetometer accelerometer data is initialised then scedule the complementary filter task fuseTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate..
How to connect wii balance board with android a Nunchuk and duplicated it for a Balance Board. Then to initialise the MODE to use channel 0x32 as per the wiibrew Balance Board..
How to print from the Thermal Printer in Android? LinePrinterDeviceBase.CHARACTERSET_USA initialise Cutter lpd.initCutter LinePrinter lp new LinePrinter
Android: How to detect double-tap? ListView lvr ListView findViewById initialise the arrayAdapter this.m_adapter new ResultsAdapter home.this.. e viewA.setText onSingleTapConfirmed return false initialise tab contents mTabHost getTabHost mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview public FontFitTextView Context context super context initialise public FontFitTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs super.. Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set.. attrs super context attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults..
how to parse ics file using ICal4j in android 10 entEvent.set java.util.Calendar.SECOND 10 initialise as an all day event.. VEvent christmas new VEvent new Date startEvent.getTime..
Android; How can I initialise state in one activity, then have another refresh that? How can I initialise state in one activity then have another refresh that I have..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function null short buffers new short 256 160 int ix 0 try ... initialise int N AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize 8000 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO..
How do you format date and time in Android? mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with your own values however you should be aware..
How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive? String 7 List String lst Sorter lst new ArrayList String initialise UNSORTED array fruits 0 Melon fruits 1 apricot fruits 2 peach..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed The issue is that sometimes the fragments that are initialised by the ViewPager by default i.e in it's initial state are not.. ViewPager enough so that the fragments are forced to re initialise them selves when I swipe back the menu populates correctly...
Tamil font in android into your Android project and call the library as below. Initialise the Typeface assumes TSCII Bamini Anjal TAB or TAM font located.. tf Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets fonts mylai.ttf Initialises the TextView TextView tv TextView findViewById
Removing rounded edges of a customized Seekbar? SeekBar public seekBar Context context super context Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs super context.. Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle.. attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle Initialise private void Initialise this.setBackgroundDrawable getResources..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? Question set List Question questions getQuestionSetFromDb Initialise Game with retrieved question set GamePlay c new GamePlay c.setQuestions..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache try ArrayList File stack new ArrayList File Initialise the list File children dir.listFiles for File child children..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? with its mirror image. reverseBackroundFirst false Initialise animation variables. acc 0.2f Acceleration dY 0 vertical speed..
Background service need to send GPS location on server Thread new Runnable public void run try Looper.prepare Initialise the current thread as a looper. lm LocationManager getSystemService..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling We have to intercept this touch event else fakeDrag functions won't work as it will be in a real drag when we want to initialise the fake drag. @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent MotionEvent event return true @Override public boolean onTouchEvent..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation R.layout.activity_attitude_display_indicator gyroOrientation 0 0.0f gyroOrientation 1 0.0f gyroOrientation 2 0.0f initialise gyroMatrix with identity matrix gyroMatrix 0 1.0f gyroMatrix 1 0.0f gyroMatrix 2 0.0f gyroMatrix 3 0.0f gyroMatrix 4 1.0f.. 3 0.0f gyroMatrix 4 1.0f gyroMatrix 5 0.0f gyroMatrix 6 0.0f gyroMatrix 7 0.0f gyroMatrix 8 1.0f get sensorManager and initialise sensor listeners mSensorManager SensorManager this.getSystemService SENSOR_SERVICE initListeners wait for one second until.. SENSOR_SERVICE initListeners wait for one second until gyroscope and magnetometer accelerometer data is initialised then scedule the complementary filter task fuseTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate new calculateFusedOrientationTask 1000 TIME_CONSTANT..
How to connect wii balance board with android
How to print from the Thermal Printer in Android? is the code to do that BuildinEx840 lpd new BuildinEx840 lpd.setMulticharMode LinePrinterDeviceBase.CHARACTERSET_USA initialise Cutter lpd.initCutter LinePrinter lp new LinePrinter lpd try lpd.init catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Android: How to detect double-tap? queryText EditText findViewById ListView lvr ListView findViewById initialise the arrayAdapter this.m_adapter new ResultsAdapter home.this R.layout.listrow sResultsArr lvr.setAdapter this.m_adapter.. return false public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed MotionEvent e viewA.setText onSingleTapConfirmed return false initialise tab contents mTabHost getTabHost mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setIndicator Home .setContent mTabHost.addTab..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview public class FontFitTextView extends TextView public FontFitTextView Context context super context initialise public FontFitTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint.. Context context super context initialise public FontFitTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults to the initially specified text.. initialise public FontFitTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults to the initially specified text size unless it is too..
how to parse ics file using ICal4j in android java.util.Calendar.HOUR 16 entEvent.set java.util.Calendar.MINUTE 10 entEvent.set java.util.Calendar.SECOND 10 initialise as an all day event.. VEvent christmas new VEvent new Date startEvent.getTime new Date entEvent.getTime Shravan Mahino christmas.getProperties..
Android; How can I initialise state in one activity, then have another refresh that? How can I initialise state in one activity then have another refresh that I have two activities The first one gets some data from a content..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function AudioRecord recorder null short buffers new short 256 160 int ix 0 try ... initialise int N AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize 8000 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT recorder new AudioRecord..
How do you format date and time in Android? getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with your own values however you should be aware that the constructors have been deprecated and you should..
How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive? import java.util.List public class Sorter String fruits new String 7 List String lst Sorter lst new ArrayList String initialise UNSORTED array fruits 0 Melon fruits 1 apricot fruits 2 peach fruits 3 mango fruits 4 Apple fruits 5 pineapple fruits 6..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed menu independently of all of the other fragments in the ViewPager. The issue is that sometimes the fragments that are initialised by the ViewPager by default i.e in it's initial state are not having their items populated into the action items menu... this issue only occurs intermittently. If I swipe through the ViewPager enough so that the fragments are forced to re initialise them selves when I swipe back the menu populates correctly. Activity code package net.solarnz.apps.fragmentsample import..
Tamil font in android very simple. All you have to do is simply import the library into your Android project and call the library as below. Initialise the Typeface assumes TSCII Bamini Anjal TAB or TAM font located inside assets fonts folder Typeface tf Typeface.createFromAsset.. TAB or TAM font located inside assets fonts folder Typeface tf Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets fonts mylai.ttf Initialises the TextView TextView tv TextView findViewById Setting the Typeface tv.setTypeface tf Magic happens here..
Removing rounded edges of a customized Seekbar? a Custom Class For public class mSeekbar extends SeekBar public seekBar Context context super context Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet.. seekBar Context context super context Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle Initialise private void Initialise.. context attrs Initialise public seekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle Initialise private void Initialise this.setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.shape this.setProgressDrawable getResources..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? load the main page Log.d LOGIN User has started the game Get Question set List Question questions getQuestionSetFromDb Initialise Game with retrieved question set GamePlay c new GamePlay c.setQuestions questions c.setNumRounds getNumQuestions CYKApplication..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache clearApplicationCache File dir getCacheDir if dir null dir.isDirectory try ArrayList File stack new ArrayList File Initialise the list File children dir.listFiles for File child children stack.add child while stack.size 0 Log.v TAG LOG_START..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Create a flag for the onDraw method to alternate background with its mirror image. reverseBackroundFirst false Initialise animation variables. acc 0.2f Acceleration dY 0 vertical speed initialY 100 Initial vertical position angle 0 Start value..
Background service need to send GPS location on server private void addLocationListener triggerService new Thread new Runnable public void run try Looper.prepare Initialise the current thread as a looper. lm LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Criteria c new Criteria ..