

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:54

android Programming Glossary: inheriting

Android checkbox style


because that is merely an empty definition and you're inheriting from Theme.Holo you will always get the CheckBox appearance..

Android text view color doesn't change when disabled


since you're overriding the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating a ColorStateList for..

XML Drawable not expanded to View size, or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly, on Android API < 11


Drawable not expanded to View size or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly on Android API 11 Consider the..

inflating fragments with compatibility package android


share improve this question Make sure your activity is inheriting from FragmentActivity otherwise fragment does not work. Here..

What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android


one way. i use it quite a lot though i use my own adapter inheriting from BaseAdpater . Another way would b like the above to have..

ListView whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.list' Error when I have the ListView id set correctly


had a Splash screen that inherited a base class which was inheriting ListActivity and had no ListView defined for the splash screen..

jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android)


0 return Set the flag to prevent other widgets from inheriting the touch event touchHandled true Track movement to determine..

How to change the star images of the RatingBar?


using the original RatingBar source xml as an example or inheriting and extending the original RatingBar style . Source is available..

Jar-file issue with ADT r17


anything wrong. The main Activity of my application is inheriting from FragmentActivity in the support package and somehow the..

Android checkbox style


since the appearance is theme based and not style based because that is merely an empty definition and you're inheriting from Theme.Holo you will always get the CheckBox appearance matching the theme. Now if you want to change your CheckBox..

Android text view color doesn't change when disabled


share improve this question I think what's happening is that since you're overriding the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating a ColorStateList for it and setting the textColor attribute to it instead of to..

XML Drawable not expanded to View size, or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly, on Android API < 11


Drawable not expanded to View size or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly on Android API 11 Consider the following layout FrameLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

inflating fragments with compatibility package android


backwards compatibility android fragments android inflate share improve this question Make sure your activity is inheriting from FragmentActivity otherwise fragment does not work. Here is a sample project demonstrating this. share improve this..

What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android


value android share improve this question this is one way. i use it quite a lot though i use my own adapter inheriting from BaseAdpater . Another way would b like the above to have an index 0 1 2 etc mappd to a value and when you get an item..

ListView whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.list' Error when I have the ListView id set correctly


android id @android id list works perfectly My issue was I had a Splash screen that inherited a base class which was inheriting ListActivity and had no ListView defined for the splash screen activity. I have altered the SplashScreen to just inherit..

jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android)


self._mouseCapture event.originalEvent.changedTouches 0 return Set the flag to prevent other widgets from inheriting the touch event touchHandled true Track movement to determine if interaction was a click self._touchMoved false Simulate..

How to change the star images of the RatingBar?


there you would also need to create your own RatingBar style using the original RatingBar source xml as an example or inheriting and extending the original RatingBar style . Source is available wtih git at developer.android.com. I suspect making your..

Jar-file issue with ADT r17


application to illustrate my problem I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong. The main Activity of my application is inheriting from FragmentActivity in the support package and somehow the application crashes at launch. To illustrate I made a sample..