android Programming Glossary: inflates
How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist? This is done using custom adapter which basically inflates it row by row. Everything up to this point is fine until i want..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget like. In SearchView contructor one can find a line that inflates layout inflater.inflate R.layout.search_view this true Now we..
Swiping images (not layouts) with viewpager ImageView s the layout inflater as it states by itself it inflates a whole layout in a single View . Instead of doing that try..
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent inflates two different layouts depending on if the current data object..
Android: How to create a Dialog without a title? from the official website. That takes a custom layot file inflates it gives it some basic text and icon then creates it. You'd..
custom row in a listPreference? be sure to use the name of this xml file in the line that inflates this. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..
Layout params of loaded view are ignored Item i addView view As you can see putContent method inflates an items and adds to my view. Here is an item layout xml version..
ListView Item Selected State not working and text. This ListView is inside a ListFragment. My code inflates the layout in the onCreateView and inflates the layout of each.. My code inflates the layout in the onCreateView and inflates the layout of each item in the newView . The android state_pressed..
Android - Custom Dialog - Can't get text from EditText I fixed your code as you see I removed your line where it inflates and changed the line where you try to find the EditText view...
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views of your activity the android framework automatically inflates the view and puts it to use . In order to inflate your header..
Why so complex to set style from code in Android from a a.recycle More code When Android's LayoutInflater inflates views it uses the 2 argument constructor with the arguments..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? fill_parent android text Message Text Adapter that inflates the above layout and does SpannableStringBuilder f new SpannableStringBuilder..
Android PagerView between Activities of useful info. Here's another example full source that inflates TextViews on each page. Here's an example that I typed up PagerAdapter..
How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist? of data that i display using a combination of textview and checkbox. This is done using custom adapter which basically inflates it row by row. Everything up to this point is fine until i want to retrieve the checked data . What i read from other people..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget out view layout I've checked how SearchView layout looks like. In SearchView contructor one can find a line that inflates layout inflater.inflate R.layout.search_view this true Now we know that SearchView layout is in file named res layout search_view.xml..
Swiping images (not layouts) with viewpager is right there. You are using LayoutInflater to inflate ImageView s the layout inflater as it states by itself it inflates a whole layout in a single View . Instead of doing that try to create ImageView objects through code and then in the return..
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views false for public boolean isEnabled int position and public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent inflates two different layouts depending on if the current data object consists of real data or is just a separator dummy. This works..
Android: How to create a Dialog without a title? very short summary you do this with code like copied below from the official website. That takes a custom layot file inflates it gives it some basic text and icon then creates it. You'd show it then with . AlertDialog.Builder builder..
custom row in a listPreference? My xml for the dialog's list view row. In the getView method be sure to use the name of this xml file in the line that inflates this. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android orientation..
Layout params of loaded view are ignored TextView tv TextView view.findViewById tv.setText Item i addView view As you can see putContent method inflates an items and adds to my view. Here is an item layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
ListView Item Selected State not working and I want to change the color of each items background and text. This ListView is inside a ListFragment. My code inflates the layout in the onCreateView and inflates the layout of each item in the newView . The android state_pressed true is working.. items background and text. This ListView is inside a ListFragment. My code inflates the layout in the onCreateView and inflates the layout of each item in the newView . The android state_pressed true is working fine whenever I press in one item the..
Android - Custom Dialog - Can't get text from EditText You are inflating a layout where it is not needed. I fixed your code as you see I removed your line where it inflates and changed the line where you try to find the EditText view. final Dialog dialog new Dialog MyActivity.this dialog.setContentView..
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views . In a nutshell when you do setContentView at the beginning of your activity the android framework automatically inflates the view and puts it to use . In order to inflate your header view all you have to do is View header View getLayoutInflater..
Why so complex to set style from code in Android defStyleAttr 0 Read AwesomeButton specific style attributes from a a.recycle More code When Android's LayoutInflater inflates views it uses the 2 argument constructor with the arguments Context AttributeSet . The R.attr constant is passed through..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? text_message android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android text Message Text Adapter that inflates the above layout and does SpannableStringBuilder f new SpannableStringBuilder check.getContent f.append username f.setSpan..
Android PagerView between Activities Fragment topic on the Android Developers website it has a lot of useful info. Here's another example full source that inflates TextViews on each page. Here's an example that I typed up PagerAdapter public class PagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter..