

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:52

android Programming Glossary: inflater.inflate

Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically


ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState View view inflater.inflate R.layout.slide null TextView view.findViewById R.id.text .setText..

How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application


LayoutInflater inflater act.getLayoutInflater rowView inflater.inflate R.layout.menu_listitem null MenuItem viewHolder new MenuItem.. act.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE menu inflater.inflate R.layout.menu null FrameLayout.LayoutParams lays new FrameLayout.LayoutParams..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position.. inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new PakistaniDrama holder.tvDramaName..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE rowView inflater.inflate R.layout.category_row parent false TextView textView TextView..

Caching images and displaying


ViewHolder vh new ViewHolder if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new ImageHolder holder.txtTitle..

How to close Android application?


Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.settings_menu menu Assume that the HOME key will be..

Android: How to create a Dialog without a title?


Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View view inflater.inflate R.layout.map_dialog null AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder.. LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View layout inflater.inflate R.layout.custom_dialog ViewGroup findViewById R.id.layout_root..

Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate]


textTitle TextView textTimer final ImageView image view inflater.inflate resourceId parent false try textTitle TextView view.findViewById..

Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager


savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView return inflater.inflate R.layout.second container false FIRST PAGE FRAGMENT public.. savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView View root inflater.inflate R.layout.first container false button Button root.findViewById.. savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView return inflater.inflate R.layout.next container false ...and here the xml files fragment_pager.xml..

Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view


convertView null inflater context.getLayoutInflater view inflater.inflate R.layout.test_listitems null final ViewHolder viewHolder new..

ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_listview container mProgressView inflater.inflate.. R.layout.fragment_listview container mProgressView inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow_progress null mEmptyView inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_nodata.. inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow_progress null mEmptyView inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_nodata null return super.onCreateView inflater..

List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result


if convertView null holder new ViewHolder convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.row null holder.textView TextView convertView .findViewById..

Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically


@Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState View view inflater.inflate R.layout.slide null TextView view.findViewById R.id.text .setText text return view Here is also somebody with a similar..

How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application


ViewGroup parent View rowView convertView if rowView null LayoutInflater inflater act.getLayoutInflater rowView inflater.inflate R.layout.menu_listitem null MenuItem viewHolder new MenuItem viewHolder.label TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.menu_label.. content.getParent LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater act.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE menu inflater.inflate R.layout.menu null FrameLayout.LayoutParams lays new FrameLayout.LayoutParams 1 1 3 lays.setMargins 0 statusHeight 0 0 menu.setLayoutParams..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


ViewGroup parent if convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.day_hour_side.. position convertView View row convertView if row null LayoutInflater inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new PakistaniDrama holder.tvDramaName TextView row.findViewById R.id.dramaName holder.cbCheck..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


rowView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater context .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE rowView inflater.inflate R.layout.category_row parent false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1 TextView textView1 TextView..

Caching images and displaying


int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View vi convertView ViewHolder vh new ViewHolder if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView vi.findViewById..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


row convertView ImageHolder holder null if row null LayoutInflater inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new ImageHolder holder.txtTitle TextView row.findViewById R.id.txtTitle holder.imgIcon..

How to close Android application?


UIHelper.checkHomeKeyPressed true public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.settings_menu menu Assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event by the user or the app..

Android: How to create a Dialog without a title?


set properly LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View view inflater.inflate R.layout.map_dialog null AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setView view dialog new Dialog.. LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater mContext.getSystemService LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View layout inflater.inflate R.layout.custom_dialog ViewGroup findViewById R.id.layout_root TextView text TextView layout.findViewById R.id.text text.setText..

Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate]


position View convertView ViewGroup parent View view TextView textTitle TextView textTimer final ImageView image view inflater.inflate resourceId parent false try textTitle TextView view.findViewById R.id.text image ImageView view.findViewById R.id.icon catch..

Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager


onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView return inflater.inflate R.layout.second container false FIRST PAGE FRAGMENT public static class FirstPageFragment extends Fragment Button button.. LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView View root inflater.inflate R.layout.first container false button Button root.findViewById R.id.button button.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener.. onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Log.d DEBUG onCreateView return inflater.inflate R.layout.next container false ...and here the xml files fragment_pager.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..

Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view


ArrayList Integer checkedItems new ArrayList Integer if convertView null inflater context.getLayoutInflater view inflater.inflate R.layout.test_listitems null final ViewHolder viewHolder new ViewHolder viewHolder.CItv TextView view.findViewById R.id.CITextView..

ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


@Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_listview container mProgressView inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow_progress null mEmptyView inflater.inflate.. ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_listview container mProgressView inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow_progress null mEmptyView inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_nodata null return super.onCreateView inflater.. R.layout.fragment_listview container mProgressView inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow_progress null mEmptyView inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_nodata null return super.onCreateView inflater container savedInstanceState @Override public void onActivityCreated..

List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result


View convertView ViewGroup parent ViewHolder holder null if convertView null holder new ViewHolder convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.row null holder.textView TextView convertView .findViewById R.id.textview convertView.setTag holder else ..