

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:53

android Programming Glossary: info.settext

How to Ping External IP from Java Android


en el cual ha de responder try if in.isReachable 5000 info.setText Responde OK else info.setText No responde Time out catch.. if in.isReachable 5000 info.setText Responde OK else info.setText No responde Time out catch IOException e TODO Auto generated.. out catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block info.setText e.toString Ping OK Ping Google DNS Time..

How to get gateway and subnet mask details in Android? programmatically


dispaly them info TextView findViewById R.id.infolbl info.setText Network Info n s_dns1 n s_dns2 n s_gateway n s_ipAddress n s_leaseDuration..

How integrate Paypal in android Application?


0 5 0 5 info.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL info.setTextSize 20.0f info.setVisibility View.VISIBLE info.setText Please.. info.setTextSize 20.0f info.setVisibility View.VISIBLE info.setText Please Wait Initializing Paypal... info.setTextColor Color.BLACK.. info.setText Please Wait Initializing Paypal... info.setTextColor Color.BLACK content.addView info extra new TextView this..

How to Ping External IP from Java Android


generated catch block e.printStackTrace Definimos un tiempo en el cual ha de responder try if in.isReachable 5000 info.setText Responde OK else info.setText No responde Time out catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block info.setText.. Definimos un tiempo en el cual ha de responder try if in.isReachable 5000 info.setText Responde OK else info.setText No responde Time out catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block info.setText e.toString Ping OK Ping.. Responde OK else info.setText No responde Time out catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block info.setText e.toString Ping OK Ping Google DNS Time Out I put the following line at Manifest XML too uses permission..

How to get gateway and subnet mask details in Android? programmatically


s_serverAddress Server IP String.valueOf d.serverAddress dispaly them info TextView findViewById R.id.infolbl info.setText Network Info n s_dns1 n s_dns2 n s_gateway n s_ipAddress n s_leaseDuration n s_netmask n s_serverAddress xml Coding xml..

How integrate Paypal in android Application?


android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT info.setPadding 0 5 0 5 info.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL info.setTextSize 20.0f info.setVisibility View.VISIBLE info.setText Please Wait Initializing Paypal... info.setTextColor Color.BLACK.. 0 5 0 5 info.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL info.setTextSize 20.0f info.setVisibility View.VISIBLE info.setText Please Wait Initializing Paypal... info.setTextColor Color.BLACK content.addView info extra new TextView this extra.setLayoutParams.. info.setTextSize 20.0f info.setVisibility View.VISIBLE info.setText Please Wait Initializing Paypal... info.setTextColor Color.BLACK content.addView info extra new TextView this extra.setLayoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..