

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:54

android Programming Glossary: infowindowoffsetx

How to display popup on tapping overlay in android?


bitCross bitMoreInformation int testX testY count 0 int infoWindowOffsetX infoWindowOffsetY public String name address argName argAddress.. new RectF 0 0 100 20 RectF closeRect new RectF 0 0 20 20 infoWindowOffsetX selDestinationOffset.x INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH 2 infoWindowOffsetY.. bubbleIcon.getHeight infoWindowRect.offset infoWindowOffsetX 95 infoWindowOffsetY 45 closeRect.offset infoWindowOffsetX..

Custom tap window on Google Map


new RectF 0 0 INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT int infoWindowOffsetX selDestinationOffset.x INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH 2 int infoWindowOffsetY.. bubbleIcon.getHeight infoWindowRect.offset infoWindowOffsetX infoWindowOffsetY Draw inner info window canvas.drawRoundRect.. 28 name name.substring 0 26 .. canvas.drawText name infoWindowOffsetX TEXT_OFFSET_X infoWindowOffsetY TEXT_OFFSET_Y getTextPaint ..

How to display popup on tapping overlay in android?


private boolean isNameAddHold true private Bitmap bitmap bitCross bitMoreInformation int testX testY count 0 int infoWindowOffsetX infoWindowOffsetY public String name address argName argAddress argid Store these as global instances so we don't keep reloading.. 125 int INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT 25 RectF infoWindowRect new RectF 0 0 100 20 RectF closeRect new RectF 0 0 20 20 infoWindowOffsetX selDestinationOffset.x INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH 2 infoWindowOffsetY selDestinationOffset.y INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT bubbleIcon.getHeight.. 2 infoWindowOffsetY selDestinationOffset.y INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT bubbleIcon.getHeight infoWindowRect.offset infoWindowOffsetX 95 infoWindowOffsetY 45 closeRect.offset infoWindowOffsetX 160 infoWindowOffsetY 90 Paint myPaintBlack new Paint Paint..

Custom tap window on Google Map


200 int INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT 50 RectF infoWindowRect new RectF 0 0 INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT int infoWindowOffsetX selDestinationOffset.x INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH 2 int infoWindowOffsetY selDestinationOffset.y INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT bubbleIcon.getHeight.. 2 int infoWindowOffsetY selDestinationOffset.y INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT bubbleIcon.getHeight infoWindowRect.offset infoWindowOffsetX infoWindowOffsetY Draw inner info window canvas.drawRoundRect infoWindowRect 5 5 getInnerPaint Draw border for info window.. 15 String name selectedMapLocation.getName if name.length 28 name name.substring 0 26 .. canvas.drawText name infoWindowOffsetX TEXT_OFFSET_X infoWindowOffsetY TEXT_OFFSET_Y getTextPaint canvas.drawText selectedMapLocation.getPrice infoWindowOffsetX..