android Programming Glossary: gcc
Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone of dynamic binaries to the libc on the phone. android c gcc android ndk arm share improve this question Just use the..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support A prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc export NDK home user Development Tools sdk android ndk export.. L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker.. prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc SSL support no with ssl gnutls nss polarssl cyassl axtls SSH..
Android valgrind build fails directory ` home matt Desktop valgrind valgrind 3.8.1 VEX' gcc DHAVE_CONFIG_H I. I.. I.. I.. include I.. VEX pub DVGA_arm 1.. f 'priv main_globals.c' echo '. '`priv main_globals.c gcc warning mcpu is deprecated use mtune or march instead cc1 error.. 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin arm linux androideabi gcc make clean CPPFLAGS sysroot NDKROOT platforms android 18 arch..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? etc... and libxml2. I am trying to compile using arm eabi gcc but I get the following error cygdrive c android ndk r4 build..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? files from a static library. You can provide it on the gcc link line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with.. using libz on the desktop echo int main return 0 foo.c gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc o foo Wl whole.. 0 foo.c gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc o foo Wl whole archive usr lib libz.a Wl no whole archive foo.c..
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? this does and what happens on older chips . android c gcc jni android ndk share improve this question ARM processors..
Which compiler does Android NDK use? possible to tell it to use a different compiler android gcc compiler android ndk arm share improve this question The.. invokes a customized cross compiler built on the arm eabi gcc compiler. There are examples out there of people creating custom..
Android std and stl support if one include the proper header files . But it seems that gcc on cygwin is not able to find the needed files. What are the..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc static C hello world for Android using arm linux gnueabi gcc I want to build a static hello world from C using arm linux.. build a static hello world from C using arm linux gnueabi gcc as opposed to using the NDK standalone toolchain or Codesourcery.. Ubuntu... I have done the following sudo apt get install gcc arm linux gnueabi I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h..
Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone That is they segfault when compiled with static in GCC. If I don't use static they complain about not being linked.. appreciated Update I finally got this to work using GCC 4.7.0 on Mac OS X. I downloaded the Bionic headers and then.. In order to get this all working I had to pass nostdlib to GCC and then manually add crtbegin_dynamic.o and crtend_android.o..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 android ndk r8 Install JDK android sdk android ndk Install GCC on Mac Xcode Preferences Components Command Line Tools install...
Enable C++11 support on Android all you will need to ensure that your toolchain is Cross GCC . Whilst it was the default on my Linux it was not on my MacOSX.. Chain Editor . Current toolchain should be set to Cross GCC . You might need to uncheck the box Display compatible toolchains..
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? the safest settings and what risks other options have. For GCC specific optimisation I'm using the following flags LOCAL_CFLAGS..
How to use precompiled headers in Android NDK project? project I'm porting a big C project from Visual Studio to GCC for Android. Because of the large number of files the compile.. like to setup a precompiled header file but I find the GCC documentation confusing. I have the stdafx.h file which should..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS which can target C with the android NDK which comes with a GCC port for ARM architectures. JHC can trivially do this with a.. like GHC. Once you have Haskell compiler targeting NDK GCC you will need to write bindings to either the android NDK JNI..
Which compiler does Android NDK use? support those flags was only added quite recently and my GCC version is older. I'm doing the whole thing on Windows and am.. to offer. Here's my question before I go and try to build GCC 4.6.0 on my Windows machine and make Cygwin like it will it.. it work for me or does the NDK use its own version of the GCC and my upgrade will not at all affect it If it does is it possible..
Can't create shared library with static inside called Test_Archive.a using following make file makefile GCC C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi..
How to compile and run a C/C++ program on the Android system translation for Java Bytecode. This is done by having GCC compile to a MIPS binary which is then translated to a Java.. written in C C Fortran or any other language supported by GCC can be run in 100 pure Java with no source changes. share improve..
Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone to the libc provided with the Android NDK or in the case of dynamic binaries to the libc on the phone. android c gcc android ndk arm share improve this question Just use the android ndk. And build a like so. include BUILD_EXECUTABLE..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl fips 2.0 . config make make install # copy..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support ` export A home user Development AOSP 2.3.3 export CC A prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc export NDK home user Development Tools sdk android ndk export NDKLIBS NDK platforms android 4 arch arm usr include export.. generic obj lib L A out target product generic system lib L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS.. prefix usr local Compiler home tanco Development AOSP 2.3.3 prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc SSL support no with ssl gnutls nss polarssl cyassl axtls SSH support no with libssh2 zlib support enabled krb4 support no..
Android valgrind build fails valgrind valgrind 3.8.1 VEX' make all am make 3 Entering directory ` home matt Desktop valgrind valgrind 3.8.1 VEX' gcc DHAVE_CONFIG_H I. I.. I.. I.. include I.. VEX pub DVGA_arm 1 DVGO_linux 1 DVGP_arm_linux 1 DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Ipriv.. main_globals.Tpo c o libvex_arm_linux_a main_globals.o `test f 'priv main_globals.c' echo '. '`priv main_globals.c gcc warning mcpu is deprecated use mtune or march instead cc1 error unrecognised command line option marm priv main_globals.c.. androideabi ld export CC NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin arm linux androideabi gcc make clean CPPFLAGS sysroot NDKROOT platforms android 18 arch arm DANDROID_HARDWARE_ HWKIND CFLAGS sysroot NDKROOT platforms..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? to compile it. The library uses standard libraries stdio.h etc... and libxml2. I am trying to compile using arm eabi gcc but I get the following error cygdrive c android ndk r4 build platforms android 8 arch x86 usr include asm posix_types.h..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? archive flag to the linker will cause it to pull in all object files from a static library. You can provide it on the gcc link line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with Wl no whole archive after specifying your library or ld will.. .o file instead of a .a file. EDIT Simple command line example using libz on the desktop echo int main return 0 foo.c gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc o foo Wl whole archive usr lib libz.a Wl no whole archive foo.c ls s foo.. line example using libz on the desktop echo int main return 0 foo.c gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc o foo Wl whole archive usr lib libz.a Wl no whole archive foo.c ls s foo 104 foo You have to use usr lib libz.a instead..
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? up on newer arm chips although I'm confused at exactly what this does and what happens on older chips . android c gcc jni android ndk share improve this question ARM processors have 2 general instruction sets that they support ARM and..
Which compiler does Android NDK use? GCC and my upgrade will not at all affect it If it does is it possible to tell it to use a different compiler android gcc compiler android ndk arm share improve this question The NDK itself invokes a customized cross compiler built on the.. ndk arm share improve this question The NDK itself invokes a customized cross compiler built on the arm eabi gcc compiler. There are examples out there of people creating custom toolchains using bog standard GCC implementations with..
Android std and stl support usint std should work without any modification to the code if one include the proper header files . But it seems that gcc on cygwin is not able to find the needed files. What are the steps to do in order to be able to use std and stl within a..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc compiling static C hello world for Android using arm linux gnueabi gcc I want to build a static hello world from C using arm linux gnueabi gcc as opposed to using the NDK standalone toolchain.. world for Android using arm linux gnueabi gcc I want to build a static hello world from C using arm linux gnueabi gcc as opposed to using the NDK standalone toolchain or Codesourcery for that matter. In Ubuntu... I have done the following.. NDK standalone toolchain or Codesourcery for that matter. In Ubuntu... I have done the following sudo apt get install gcc arm linux gnueabi I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0..
Want to compile native Android binary I can run in terminal on the phone However when I transfer them to the phone they always segfault. That is they segfault when compiled with static in GCC. If I don't use static they complain about not being linked etc. Put simply they don't work. My hypothesis is that they.. I can execute through a terminal Any guidance here is greatly appreciated Update I finally got this to work using GCC 4.7.0 on Mac OS X. I downloaded the Bionic headers and then compiled a dynamically linked binary using the C library that.. link against the NDK's C library and that also worked. In order to get this all working I had to pass nostdlib to GCC and then manually add crtbegin_dynamic.o and crtend_android.o to GCC's command line. It works something like this CC NDK_PATH..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 How to build OpenSSL FIPS 2.0 on Mac OS X 10.7 with android ndk r8 Install JDK android sdk android ndk Install GCC on Mac Xcode Preferences Components Command Line Tools install. Setup environment for build ANDROID_NDK_HOME is my android..
Enable C++11 support on Android android c c 11 share improve this question First of all you will need to ensure that your toolchain is Cross GCC . Whilst it was the default on my Linux it was not on my MacOSX Lion. In order to do this go to Project Properties C C Build.. In order to do this go to Project Properties C C Build Tool Chain Editor . Current toolchain should be set to Cross GCC . You might need to uncheck the box Display compatible toolchains only . Then add an option to LOCAL_CFLAGS in
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? what settings I use as I assume the current defaults are the safest settings and what risks other options have. For GCC specific optimisation I'm using the following flags LOCAL_CFLAGS ffast math O3 funroll loops I've checked all 3 of these..
How to use precompiled headers in Android NDK project? to use precompiled headers in Android NDK project I'm porting a big C project from Visual Studio to GCC for Android. Because of the large number of files the compile times are glacial. I would like to setup a precompiled header.. large number of files the compile times are glacial. I would like to setup a precompiled header file but I find the GCC documentation confusing. I have the stdafx.h file which should be the base of the precompiled headers and which is the first..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS How you do it is by first getting a Haskell compiler which can target C with the android NDK which comes with a GCC port for ARM architectures. JHC can trivially do this with a very small inf style file which describes the platform word.. a C compiler NHC does not have many Haskell extensions like GHC. Once you have Haskell compiler targeting NDK GCC you will need to write bindings to either the android NDK JNI glue code framework added since android 2.3 or you must write..
Which compiler does Android NDK use? compiler flags not being recognized. I later realized that support those flags was only added quite recently and my GCC version is older. I'm doing the whole thing on Windows and am limited by what versions Cygwin has to offer. Here's my question.. thing on Windows and am limited by what versions Cygwin has to offer. Here's my question before I go and try to build GCC 4.6.0 on my Windows machine and make Cygwin like it will it work for me or does the NDK use its own version of the GCC and.. GCC 4.6.0 on my Windows machine and make Cygwin like it will it work for me or does the NDK use its own version of the GCC and my upgrade will not at all affect it If it does is it possible to tell it to use a different compiler android gcc compiler..
Can't create shared library with static inside int int Then I create make file and build archive .a file called Test_Archive.a using following make file makefile GCC C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi gcc.exe GPP C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm..
How to compile and run a C/C++ program on the Android system device or AVD here you can see NestedVM NestedVM provides binary translation for Java Bytecode. This is done by having GCC compile to a MIPS binary which is then translated to a Java class file. Hence any application written in C C Fortran or..