android Programming Glossary: galaxy
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen . But now there are many phones with large screen such as Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z A small tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab.. Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z A small tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab is classified as large larger than 4 inches Extra large.. from the this folder. for example to find the Samsung Galaxy S3 dp to suffix to drawable sw dp With reference of DP Calculation..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps the button works . At least this is how it shows up on my Galaxy Nexus. So the last thing I did is that I delayed the button.. dp scale 0.5f That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy Nexus 4.2.1 and Nexus 7 also 4.2.1 I will try it on some Gingerbread..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) When I have the exact same problem you describe above Galaxy Nexus on t mobile USA it is because mobile data is turned off...
HTML5 <video> element on Android
Version of SQLite used in Android? Gingerbread GRJ90 s SQLite 3.7.5 instead of 3.7.4 Samsung Galaxy Note 15 GT N7000 IML74K.ZSLPF Samsung Galaxy SII 15 SC 02C IML74K.OMMP4.. 3.7.4 Samsung Galaxy Note 15 GT N7000 IML74K.ZSLPF Samsung Galaxy SII 15 SC 02C IML74K.OMMP4 and GT I9100 IML74K.DXLP7 Samsung.. 15 SC 02C IML74K.OMMP4 and GT I9100 IML74K.DXLP7 Samsung Galaxy S Duos 15 GT S7562 IMM76I.S7562XXBMD6 Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7..
Detect application heap size in Android returned value corresponding to the 64 MB reported for a Galaxy S3 running Jelly Bean. if anyone has other largeheap numbers..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout When trying to run debug an Android app on a real device Galaxy Samsung S in my case I'm getting the following error in the..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? SurfaceView as described in this answer LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API This seems to be solution that..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? prefer to just run my own version as an AVD. android avd galaxy share improve this question The interface to the AVD manager.. platforms android 10 images skin.dynamic yes galaxy_s2 skin.path platforms android 10 skins GALAXY_S2 vm.heapSize..
SDCard content exist but cant see them result. What could be the reason android android sdcard galaxy share improve this question You probably need to index your..
Samsung Galaxy s3 emulator settings Galaxy s3 emulator settings Can anyone with galaxy s3 access confirm the below emulator settings for Galaxy s3.. size 48 Device ram size 1024 android android emulator galaxy samsung mobile share improve this question I had to set..
I can't figure the issue with a stacktrace error Check similar issues here and here There is mention of the galaxy in the post. Both are marked for future release. UPDATED djmedic..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 2011 03 30 null intent passed back on samsung galaxy tab However if I take the picture in Landscape mode everything..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions to use in my app. The problem is My Nexus 7 1280 x 800 and galaxy s2 800 x 480 seem to use the resources in drawable hdpi. How..
How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon count of notifications in app launcher icon samsung galaxy note 2 android version 4.1.2 I know that this question was asked.. come facebook app can and I cant do so for my app samsung galaxy note 2 android version 4.1.2 android android layout notifications..
Android Google Maps V2 authentication error . I believe my key is valid because it works on one phone galaxy s but does not work for an older phone optimus v and newer phone.. does not work for an older phone optimus v and newer phone galaxy s3 . I have all necessary permissions in the manifest and my..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f true samsung galaxy vibrant f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_chg_current..
Android Printing API on Galaxy Tab text plain image png image jpeg android printing tablet galaxy share improve this question Printing is not yet supported..
How to use camera flash/led as torch on a Samsung Galaxy Tab? text Flash OFF LinearLayout Thanks android tabs camera galaxy led share improve this question You aren't doing anything..
Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab till its requested to Stop. android android camera galaxy samsung mobile flashlight share improve this question I.. I will soon released a new version of my app to support to galaxy ace. You can download here https store apps..
Set EditText cursor color with no positive result. android styles edittext galaxy tab share improve this question Setting the android textCursorDrawable..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 return Integer.toHexString Checksum android gps galaxy tab nmea share improve this question This seems to be affecting..
Accessing localhost of PC from USB connected Android mobile device Android mobile device I have an android device Samsung galaxy tab connected to my PC via USB . I want to use WebServices and..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen as small or normal roughly 3 to 4 inches diagonally . But now there are many phones with large screen such as Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z A small tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab is classified as large larger than 4 inches Extra large applies.. . But now there are many phones with large screen such as Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z A small tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab is classified as large larger than 4 inches Extra large applies to large devices for example large tablets Android defines.. the device with 720dp either width or height will use resource from the this folder. for example to find the Samsung Galaxy S3 dp to suffix to drawable sw dp With reference of DP Calculation If you want to support your layout or drawable to S3..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps in it's normal state although the click itself is fired so the button works . At least this is how it shows up on my Galaxy Nexus. So the last thing I did is that I delayed the button in it's pressed state a little. This is also quite ugly and.. context.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density return int dp scale 0.5f That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy Nexus 4.2.1 and Nexus 7 also 4.2.1 I will try it on some Gingerbread phone when I have a chance. A limitation I found so..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) android manifest mms share improve this question When I have the exact same problem you describe above Galaxy Nexus on t mobile USA it is because mobile data is turned off. In Jelly Bean it is Settings Data Usage mobile data Note..
HTML5 <video> element on Android
Version of SQLite used in Android? P940 10 2.3.3 Gingerbread GWK74 LG LU6200 SU640 10 2.3.3 Gingerbread GRJ90 s SQLite 3.7.5 instead of 3.7.4 Samsung Galaxy Note 15 GT N7000 IML74K.ZSLPF Samsung Galaxy SII 15 SC 02C IML74K.OMMP4 and GT I9100 IML74K.DXLP7 Samsung Galaxy S Duos.. SU640 10 2.3.3 Gingerbread GRJ90 s SQLite 3.7.5 instead of 3.7.4 Samsung Galaxy Note 15 GT N7000 IML74K.ZSLPF Samsung Galaxy SII 15 SC 02C IML74K.OMMP4 and GT I9100 IML74K.DXLP7 Samsung Galaxy S Duos 15 GT S7562 IMM76I.S7562XXBMD6 Samsung Galaxy.. Galaxy Note 15 GT N7000 IML74K.ZSLPF Samsung Galaxy SII 15 SC 02C IML74K.OMMP4 and GT I9100 IML74K.DXLP7 Samsung Galaxy S Duos 15 GT S7562 IMM76I.S7562XXBMD6 Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 15 GT P6810 IMM76D.ZSLP8 SQLite instead of 3.6.22 LG..
Detect application heap size in Android to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 64 MB reported for a Galaxy S3 running Jelly Bean. if anyone has other largeheap numbers please post a comment below. My expectation which seems to..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout this error from time to time and don't know what causing this When trying to run debug an Android app on a real device Galaxy Samsung S in my case I'm getting the following error in the Console Failed to install .apk on device timeout Launch canceled..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? This link is now broken Update6 You could also try to add a SurfaceView as described in this answer LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API This seems to be solution that works on many phones. Update 5 Major Update I have found alternate..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? I just end up with blank black screens anyway. So I'd really prefer to just run my own version as an AVD. android avd galaxy share improve this question The interface to the AVD manager has changed. So there are changes needed to the process... yes hw.touchScreen yes hw.trackBall no image.sysdir.1 platforms android 10 images skin.dynamic yes galaxy_s2 skin.path platforms android 10 skins GALAXY_S2 vm.heapSize 32 disk.dataPartition.size 2G webcam0 sdcard.size..
SDCard content exist but cant see them this on another Nexus which has Android 4.0.4 but still same result. What could be the reason android android sdcard galaxy share improve this question You probably need to index your files via MediaScannerConnection . Quoting myself from a..
Samsung Galaxy s3 emulator settings Galaxy s3 emulator settings Can anyone with galaxy s3 access confirm the below emulator settings for Galaxy s3 Target Google APIs API Level 15 Skin Built in WXGA720 Hardware.. LCD density 320 Keyboard lid support no Max VM application heap size 48 Device ram size 1024 android android emulator galaxy samsung mobile share improve this question I had to set the device ram to 512 in emulator. Above configs were the best..
I can't figure the issue with a stacktrace error this question Seems to be a known bug with TextView. Check similar issues here and here There is mention of the galaxy in the post. Both are marked for future release. UPDATED djmedic has found a workaround here share improve this answer..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 orientation Based on the tutorial http 2011 03 30 null intent passed back on samsung galaxy tab However if I take the picture in Landscape mode everything works fine I am puzzled In Samsung S3 android android camera..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions I have 4 different sizes for each of the icons I need to use in my app. The problem is My Nexus 7 1280 x 800 and galaxy s2 800 x 480 seem to use the resources in drawable hdpi. How do I force the Nexus to use resources in drawable xhdpi and..
How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon to display count of notifications in app launcher icon samsung galaxy note 2 android version 4.1.2 I know that this question was asked before and the reply was not possible How to display balloon.. to show a counter of unread messages private messages. How come facebook app can and I cant do so for my app samsung galaxy note 2 android version 4.1.2 android android layout notifications icons share improve this question Android does not..
Android Google Maps V2 authentication error an authentication issue but could be due to network errors . I believe my key is valid because it works on one phone galaxy s but does not work for an older phone optimus v and newer phone galaxy s3 . I have all necessary permissions in the manifest.. my key is valid because it works on one phone galaxy s but does not work for an older phone optimus v and newer phone galaxy s3 . I have all necessary permissions in the manifest and my network connection is just fine so not sure why it would work..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone one f new File sys class power_supply battery current_now if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f true samsung galaxy vibrant f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_chg_current if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false sony..
Android Printing API on Galaxy Tab following mime types are supported application pdf text html text plain image png image jpeg android printing tablet galaxy share improve this question Printing is not yet supported on Android. You have to use a 3rd party solution like Mobile..
How to use camera flash/led as torch on a Samsung Galaxy Tab? fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Flash OFF LinearLayout Thanks android tabs camera galaxy led share improve this question You aren't doing anything wrong. In fact you are doing everything correct. You are encountering..
Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab be the problem. OR any way to turn ON the LED light continuously till its requested to Stop. android android camera galaxy samsung mobile flashlight share improve this question I will soon released a new version of my app to support to galaxy.. samsung mobile flashlight share improve this question I will soon released a new version of my app to support to galaxy ace. You can download here https store apps details id In order to solve your..
Set EditText cursor color style of the EditText to @android style Widget.Holo.Light.EditText with no positive result. android styles edittext galaxy tab share improve this question Setting the android textCursorDrawable attribute to @null should result in the use of..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 e Return the checksum formatted as a two character hexadecimal return Integer.toHexString Checksum android gps galaxy tab nmea share improve this question This seems to be affecting all stock Samsung firmwares i am logging a concern with..
Accessing localhost of PC from USB connected Android mobile device localhost of PC from USB connected Android mobile device I have an android device Samsung galaxy tab connected to my PC via USB . I want to use WebServices and run a web page which is located on my local xampp server..