android Programming Glossary: game
Write applications in C or C++ for Android? [closed] in C or C for Android closed I'm trying to develop port a game to Android but it's in C and Android supports Java but I'm sure..
Android NDK linking irrlicht rendering engine as 2 separate libraries for my game . LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_C_INCLUDES.. main code LOCAL_SRC_FILES main code src files LOCAL_MODULE gamescript LOCAL_ARM_MODE arm LOCAL_CFLAGS LOCAL_C_INCLUDES I O3..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) OpenGL ES Android I'm currently developing a small OpenGL game for the Android platform and I wonder if there's an easy way.. know if I want to do that since I might want to port the game to other platforms later. Any ideas Regards Per android opengl..
Removing an activity from the history stack runs the app looks like ActivitySplashScreen welcome to game sign up for an account ActivitySplashScreenSignUp great fill.. great fill in this info ActivityGameMain main game screen so the activities launch each other in exactly that order..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] writing an OpenGL ES powered framework for my next Android game s . Currently I'm supporting three different techniques of drawing..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? Theme.Dialog then you wouldn't have to play a guessing game about when to call setAttributes. Although it's a bit more work..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder that can be easily avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder for example can easily see that in their assets..
Android game engine for 2d and 3d games? [closed] game engine for 2d and 3d games closed There is a library called.. game engine for 2d and 3d games closed There is a library called cocos 2d for iphone. There.. a library called cocos 2d for iphone. There are number of games developed with that nowadays. Also there is cocos 2d library..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue share improve this question This is what I use for my game. This is the compilation of various part found on various articles..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap quality after resizing scaling bitmap I'm writing a card game and need my cards to be different sizes in different circumstances...
Android - disable landscape mode? When users are on devices with hardware keyboards or game pads a la the Droid 1 4 Xperia Play or the Nvidia Shield forcing.. software won't cope with well for example in a tilt based game consider supporting landscape and portrait but using nosensor..
Android: failed to allocate memory work. But I'd rather have it with more ram so I can test a game I'm developing. I'm assuming with more ram it would run faster..... milestone to test on however since it is a network based game I need at least one other client hoping to use the emulator.. 2011 03 08 1299521520000.html Runs my game a lot faster comparable to phone quality. Update 08 24 12 I..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] designed to solve different problems. Some are focused on games some are focused on apps. I would ask the following questions.. application personal productivity application puzzle game first person shooter What kind of development environment do.. C C# Java Lua and Ruby. My company is more in the game space so I haven't played as much with the JavaScript CSS frameworks..
ProgressBar while loading ListView (using AsyncTask) view is loaded. Here is my code private ListView listViewGameResults protected View dialogLayout protected ArrayList Game.. protected View dialogLayout protected ArrayList Game listGames @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. protected View dialogLayout protected ArrayList Game listGames @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game doorState doorState.Open return true else return false Game class if tile instanceof DoorTile DoorTile doorTile DoorTile.. all other immediate work has finished. If the code in your Game class is being called from the main thread and it puts that..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in Play Game Services unable to sign in Right after yesterday's Google I.. the OAuth client id into my app manifest added BaseGameActivity and GameHelper to my project from GitHub added the google.. client id into my app manifest added BaseGameActivity and GameHelper to my project from GitHub added the google play services..
Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed] engine for iPhone Android closed Is it possible to do cross..
Android game engine for 2d and 3d games? [closed] share improve this question Hi here is a list of Game engine for Android Open Source Android Apps for Developers jMonkeyEngine.. Android Apps for Developers jMonkeyEngine Java Based 3D Game Engine Open Source Android Apps for Developers Android 2D Engine.. Android Apps for Developers Android 2D Engine Android Game Open Source Android Apps for Developers YoghurtGum Android Game..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked Game Keeps Getting Hacked So we've been through this several times..
how to make Multiplayer Game to make Multiplayer Game I already knew the basic of android programming especially..
how to raise a alert dialog from BroadcastReciever class? user is not in your application let's say he's playing a Game and your Dialog pops up every 15 minutes this will be very annoying..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file Needs more researching... Even my book Beginning Android 4 Game Development depends on OGG files. Here's my proof below. This..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.welcome GAME MENU Button playBtn Button findViewById playBtn.setOnClickListener..
Access resource files in Android bis while dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine fis.close bis.close dis.close catch FileNotFoundException..
proguard hell - can't find referenced class find referenced class For example 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME Warning can't find.. class 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME Warning there were 52 unresolved references to classes or interfaces... references to classes or interfaces. 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME You may need to specify additional library jars using ' libraryjars'..
Write applications in C or C++ for Android? [closed] applications in C or C for Android closed I'm trying to develop port a game to Android but it's in C and Android supports Java but I'm sure there must be a way to get a C app on there anyone knows..
Android NDK linking 2nd library In my case I build bullet physics library and the irrlicht rendering engine as 2 separate libraries for my game . LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_C_INCLUDES HEADER FILES LOCAL_MODULE bullet LOCAL_SRC_FILES SRC FILES.. includes for bullet includes for irrlicht includes for main code LOCAL_SRC_FILES main code src files LOCAL_MODULE gamescript LOCAL_ARM_MODE arm LOCAL_CFLAGS LOCAL_C_INCLUDES I O3 DANDROID_NDK DDISABLE_IMPORTGL LOCAL_LDLIBS lOpenSLES landroid..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) text in OpenGL ES Android I'm currently developing a small OpenGL game for the Android platform and I wonder if there's an easy way to render text on top of the rendered frame like a HUD with.. I've seen an example using a View as an overlay but I don't know if I want to do that since I might want to port the game to other platforms later. Any ideas Regards Per android opengl es share improve this question The Android SDK doesn't..
Removing an activity from the history stack stack My app shows a signup activity the first time the user runs the app looks like ActivitySplashScreen welcome to game sign up for an account ActivitySplashScreenSignUp great fill in this info ActivityGameMain main game screen so the activities.. welcome to game sign up for an account ActivitySplashScreenSignUp great fill in this info ActivityGameMain main game screen so the activities launch each other in exactly that order when the user clicks through a button on each screen. When..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] on different Android devices closed I'm in the process of writing an OpenGL ES powered framework for my next Android game s . Currently I'm supporting three different techniques of drawing sprites the basic way using vertex arrays slow using..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? shown or something. It would be better to do this by extending Theme.Dialog then you wouldn't have to play a guessing game about when to call setAttributes. Although it's a bit more work to have the dialog automatically adopt an appropriate light..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder I read that is a limit of Android platform but I also know that can be easily avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder for example can easily see that in their assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This is my code for read 1..
Android game engine for 2d and 3d games? [closed] game engine for 2d and 3d games closed There is a library called cocos 2d for iphone. There are number of games developed with.. game engine for 2d and 3d games closed There is a library called cocos 2d for iphone. There are number of games developed with that nowadays. Also there.. game engine for 2d and 3d games closed There is a library called cocos 2d for iphone. There are number of games developed with that nowadays. Also there is cocos 2d library available for Android too. I just wanted to know if that is..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue as the ColorFilter. android drawable colormatrix colorfilter share improve this question This is what I use for my game. This is the compilation of various part found on various articles on websites. Credits goes to the original author from..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap image quality after resizing scaling bitmap I'm writing a card game and need my cards to be different sizes in different circumstances. I am storing my images as bitmaps so that they can be..
Android - disable landscape mode? devices where portrait is not the clearly popular orientation. When users are on devices with hardware keyboards or game pads a la the Droid 1 4 Xperia Play or the Nvidia Shield forcing portrait can make your app a giant usability hassle especially.. changes mid activity that you think the device's sensors and software won't cope with well for example in a tilt based game consider supporting landscape and portrait but using nosensor for the orientation. This forces landscape on most tablets..
Android: failed to allocate memory memory 8 I understand that lowering the number will make it work. But I'd rather have it with more ram so I can test a game I'm developing. I'm assuming with more ram it would run faster... Has anyone got 2047 mb of ram on the emulator If so how.. have over 8gb of ram available. I do have one device motorola milestone to test on however since it is a network based game I need at least one other client hoping to use the emulator to run with in addition to my phone. android android emulator.. this question Solution to running a faster emulator http 2011 03 08 1299521520000.html Runs my game a lot faster comparable to phone quality. Update 08 24 12 I see that people still come here and comment on this answer and..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] take different approaches and many of them are fundamentally designed to solve different problems. Some are focused on games some are focused on apps. I would ask the following questions What do you want to write Enterprise application personal.. ask the following questions What do you want to write Enterprise application personal productivity application puzzle game first person shooter What kind of development environment do you prefer IDE or plain ol' text editor Do you have strong.. Of the frameworks I'm familiar with you can choose from ActionScript C C# Java Lua and Ruby. My company is more in the game space so I haven't played as much with the JavaScript CSS frameworks like Titanium PhoneGap and Sencha. But I can tell you..
ProgressBar while loading ListView (using AsyncTask) set and the previous layout view is stuck until all the list view is loaded. Here is my code private ListView listViewGameResults protected View dialogLayout protected ArrayList Game listGames @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. view is loaded. Here is my code private ListView listViewGameResults protected View dialogLayout protected ArrayList Game listGames @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.adresults.. loaded. Here is my code private ListView listViewGameResults protected View dialogLayout protected ArrayList Game listGames @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.adresults..
Why isn't view.invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game return true else if doorState DoorState.Opening doorState doorState.Open return true else return false Game class if tile instanceof DoorTile DoorTile doorTile DoorTile tile Door door doorTile.getDoor if door.isClosed calling invalidate schedules your view to be redrawn after all other immediate work has finished. If the code in your Game class is being called from the main thread and it puts that thread to sleep you aren't just pausing rendering you are pausing..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in Play Game Services unable to sign in Right after yesterday's Google I O keynote I've updated my Android SDK to integrate the game.. added and linked my app in the Dev Console game services included the OAuth client id into my app manifest added BaseGameActivity and GameHelper to my project from GitHub added the google play services library to my project extended BaseGameActivity.. my app in the Dev Console game services included the OAuth client id into my app manifest added BaseGameActivity and GameHelper to my project from GitHub added the google play services library to my project extended BaseGameActivity added a
Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed] engine for iPhone Android closed Is it possible to do cross platform game engine for iphone and android. if its how can..
Android game engine for 2d and 3d games? [closed] core Android API rather than using any game engine. android share improve this question Hi here is a list of Game engine for Android Open Source Android Apps for Developers jMonkeyEngine Java Based 3D Game Engine Open Source Android Apps.. Hi here is a list of Game engine for Android Open Source Android Apps for Developers jMonkeyEngine Java Based 3D Game Engine Open Source Android Apps for Developers Android 2D Engine Android Game Open Source Android Apps for Developers YoghurtGum.. Developers jMonkeyEngine Java Based 3D Game Engine Open Source Android Apps for Developers Android 2D Engine Android Game Open Source Android Apps for Developers YoghurtGum Android Game Engine Open Source Android Apps for Developers Catcake Android..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked Game Keeps Getting Hacked So we've been through this several times now we release a game for cheap and someone hacks it and..
how to make Multiplayer Game to make Multiplayer Game I already knew the basic of android programming especially the one at game. now I want to try multiplayer game. but I dont..
how to raise a alert dialog from BroadcastReciever class? receiver Also why would you want to launch a Dialog If the user is not in your application let's say he's playing a Game and your Dialog pops up every 15 minutes this will be very annoying for him. If the user is in your application there are..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file with MediaPlayer and SoundPool when using simple codecs. Needs more researching... Even my book Beginning Android 4 Game Development depends on OGG files. Here's my proof below. This is the file test.m4a I'm using from your link. I made it so..
how to trigger timer from other class and its TextView and implementation in another xml and class respectively? public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.welcome GAME MENU Button playBtn Button findViewById playBtn.setOnClickListener this Button settingsBtn Button findViewById..
Access resource files in Android file bis new BufferedInputStream fis dis new DataInputStream bis while dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine fis.close bis.close dis.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
proguard hell - can't find referenced class to export using proguard I'm getting lots of warning ie can't find referenced class For example 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME Warning can't find referenced class 2011 08.. can't find referenced class 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME Warning there were 52 unresolved references to classes or interfaces. 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME You may need to specify additional.. 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME Warning there were 52 unresolved references to classes or interfaces. 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME You may need to specify additional library jars using ' libraryjars' 2011 08 07 17 44 37 GAME or perhaps the ' dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses'..