android Programming Glossary: gallery.layoutparams
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images true dealerSign.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT I get the..
Android Gallery zoom in/out ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY imageView.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams int ITEM_WIDTH mDensity 0.5f int ITEM_HEIGHT mDensity 0.5f..
Android: Animation in Gallery View? 1 if sideView null ImageView sideView .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 sideView parent.findViewById position 1 if sideView.. 1 if sideView null ImageView sideView .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 v.startAnimation grow v.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams.. 150 100 v.startAnimation grow v.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 170 150 public void onNothingSelected AdapterView parent System.out.println..
How to make a 2-dimension image gallery with both horizontal and vertical scrolling? images pos mIV.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams gv.getWidth gv .getHeight 3 return mIV and my xml file xml..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 import android.widget.Toast import android.widget.Gallery.LayoutParams import android.widget.ImageSwitcher import android.widget.ImageView.. position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT i.setBackgroundResource..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 136 88 The preferred Gallery item background i.setBackgroundResource..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview null i.setImageBitmap b i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource..
Android gallery with caption mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams.. 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 125 125 return i Returns the size 0.0f to 1.0f of the views..
Android - EditTexts in Gallery show strange behaviour when being (long)-clicked i new EditText mContext editText i .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT editText..
Android GalleryView Recycling mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource.. ImageView cv new ImageView mContext cv.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 cv.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY cv.setBackgroundResource..
Horizontal ListView like Google Catalogs mImageIds position imageView.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 imageView.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY imageView.setBackgroundResource..
How can i Implement SlideShow in android? import android.widget.Gallery import android.widget.Gallery.LayoutParams import android.widget.ImageSwitcher import android.widget.ImageView.. position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT i.setBackgroundResource..
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images dealerSign.setImageResource dealerSign.setAdjustViewBounds true dealerSign.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT I get the error at setImageResource line. 04 09 22 04 37.226 E AndroidRuntime..
Android Gallery zoom in/out imageView ImageView convertView imageView.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY imageView.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams int ITEM_WIDTH mDensity 0.5f int ITEM_HEIGHT mDensity 0.5f else imageView ImageView convertView imageView.setImageResource..
Android: Animation in Gallery View? R.anim.grow View sideView parent.findViewById position 1 if sideView null ImageView sideView .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 sideView parent.findViewById position 1 if sideView null ImageView sideView .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams.. 150 100 sideView parent.findViewById position 1 if sideView null ImageView sideView .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 v.startAnimation grow v.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 170 150 public void onNothingSelected AdapterView.. null ImageView sideView .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 v.startAnimation grow v.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 170 150 public void onNothingSelected AdapterView parent System.out.println NOTHING SELECTED NOTE You may notice that all..
How to make a 2-dimension image gallery with both horizontal and vertical scrolling? ViewGroup parent ImageView mIV new ImageView Test.this mIV.setBackgroundResource images pos mIV.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams gv.getWidth gv .getHeight 3 return mIV and my xml file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 import android.widget.ProgressBar import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast import android.widget.Gallery.LayoutParams import android.widget.ImageSwitcher import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.ViewSwitcher public class TestStreaming.. i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mThumbIds position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT i.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.picture_frame return i private Context..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] mContext i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 136 88 The preferred Gallery item background i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground return i private Context mContext..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview originalImageId MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND null i.setImageBitmap b i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground return i I guess the most..
Android gallery with caption ImageView i ImageView v.findViewById i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground return v caption.xml..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 125 125 return i Returns the size 0.0f to 1.0f.. Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 125 125 return i Returns the size 0.0f to 1.0f of the views depending on the 'offset' to the center. public float..
Android - EditTexts in Gallery show strange behaviour when being (long)-clicked new EditText 5 for int i 0 i editText.length i editText i new EditText mContext editText i .setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT editText i .setText TEXT i editText i .setTextSize 30 @Override..
Android GalleryView Recycling ViewGroup parent ImageView i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mImageIds position i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY i.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground return i android performance.. cv ViewGroup parent if convertView istanceof ImageView ImageView cv new ImageView mContext cv.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 cv.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY cv.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground cv.setImageResource mImageIds..
Horizontal ListView like Google Catalogs ImageView imageView new ImageView mContext imageView.setImageResource mImageIds position imageView.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 150 100 imageView.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY imageView.setBackgroundResource mGalleryItemBackground return..
How can i Implement SlideShow in android? android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.BaseAdapter import android.widget.Gallery import android.widget.Gallery.LayoutParams import android.widget.ImageSwitcher import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.ViewSwitcher public class SlideShow.. i new ImageView mContext i.setImageResource mThumbIds position i.setAdjustViewBounds true i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT i.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.picture_frame return i private..