android Programming Glossary: gc_for_malloc
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeStream() out of memory with a 400KB file with 2MB free heap 25.056MB to 24.000MB 08 05 21 22 12.443 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1K 50 free 2709K 5379K external 18296K 19336K paused 58ms.. 25.073MB to 24.000MB 08 05 21 22 14.903 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K 50 free 2709K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 53ms.. allocate 2097152 bytes 08 05 21 26 05.163 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K 50 free 2710K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 30ms..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? DoPostOnIntervals false 07 08 19 51 23.232 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3250 objects 238920 bytes in 63ms 07 08 19 51 23.262 I.. Client State change true 07 08 19 51 26.842 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5447 objects 429112 bytes in 71ms 07 08 19 51 31.494 D.. to local storage... 07 08 19 51 32.402 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6653 objects 552224 bytes in 58ms 07 08 19 51 34.072 D..
What do GC_FOR_MALLOC, GC_EXPLICIT, and other GC_* mean in Android Logcat? do GC_FOR_MALLOC GC_EXPLICIT and other GC_ mean in Android Logcat If you see.. doing better memory allocations. Example 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 665 objects 239992 bytes in 71ms 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC.. freed 665 objects 239992 bytes in 71ms 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 673 objects 240288 bytes in 87ms 21940 dalvikvm D GC_EXPLICIT..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeStream() out of memory with a 400KB file with 2MB free heap 05 21 22 12.443 I dalvikvm heap 2319 Clamp target GC heap from 25.056MB to 24.000MB 08 05 21 22 12.443 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1K 50 free 2709K 5379K external 18296K 19336K paused 58ms 08 05 21 22 14.513 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed.. 05 21 22 14.903 I dalvikvm heap 2319 Clamp target GC heap from 25.073MB to 24.000MB 08 05 21 22 14.903 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K 50 free 2709K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 53ms 08 05 21 22 22.843 D ddm heap 2319 Heap GC request 08 05.. 08 05 21 26 05.163 E GraphicsJNI 2319 VM won't let us allocate 2097152 bytes 08 05 21 26 05.163 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K 50 free 2710K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 30ms 08 05 21 26 05.283 D skia 2319 decoder decode returned false..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? 300 AddMessageTypeHeader true RandomSampleParam DoPostOnIntervals false 07 08 19 51 23.232 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3250 objects 238920 bytes in 63ms 07 08 19 51 23.262 I UICAndroid 664 Screen height 800 Screen width420 07 08 19 51.. Ignore this event 07 08 19 51 23.732 I UICAndroid 664 Did Client State change true 07 08 19 51 26.842 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5447 objects 429112 bytes in 71ms 07 08 19 51 31.494 D WLDroidGap 664 Started copying files to local storage... 07.. 71ms 07 08 19 51 31.494 D WLDroidGap 664 Started copying files to local storage... 07 08 19 51 32.402 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6653 objects 552224 bytes in 58ms 07 08 19 51 34.072 D dalvikvm 664 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1876 objects 203720 bytes..
What do GC_FOR_MALLOC, GC_EXPLICIT, and other GC_* mean in Android Logcat? do GC_FOR_MALLOC GC_EXPLICIT and other GC_ mean in Android Logcat If you see the Android logs you may see a lot of those things. What do.. of those things. What do they mean knowing those may help us doing better memory allocations. Example 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 665 objects 239992 bytes in 71ms 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 673 objects 240288 bytes in 87ms 21940 dalvikvm.. memory allocations. Example 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 665 objects 239992 bytes in 71ms 28470 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 673 objects 240288 bytes in 87ms 21940 dalvikvm D GC_EXPLICIT freed 4802 objects 185320 bytes in 78ms 28470 dalvikvm..