android Programming Glossary: gallery's
ScrollView and Gallery interfering boolean scrollingVertically false Our own gesture detector Gallery's mGestureDetector is private. We'll feed it with motion events..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] from scratch. The only way to truly override the Gallery's center locking feature is to override the private scrollIntoSlots.. fling by having my own GestureListener delegate to the Gallery's onFling method. If you want to try it out go into your ApiDemos.. retVal public void onUp Here I am merely copying the Gallery's onUp method. for int i g.getChildCount 1 i 0 i g.getChildAt..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview the column index defined at the class level so that the Gallery's ImageAdapter has access to them private Cursor cursor private..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] implements OnItemSelectedListener this counts how many Gallery's are on the UI private int mGalleryCount 0 this counts how many.. on the UI private int mGalleryCount 0 this counts how many Gallery's have been initialized private int mGalleryInitializedCount 0.. stuff like load images setAdapter etc define how many Gallery's are in this view note this could be counted dynamically if you..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering scrolling is already in progress and vice versa. private boolean scrollingVertically false Our own gesture detector Gallery's mGestureDetector is private. We'll feed it with motion events from `onInterceptTouchEvent` method. private GestureDetector..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] have overridden AdapterView and implemented my own HorizontalListView from scratch. The only way to truly override the Gallery's center locking feature is to override the private scrollIntoSlots method which I believe would require generating a subclass.. feature but it also disabled flinging. I was able to re enable fling by having my own GestureListener delegate to the Gallery's onFling method. If you want to try it out go into your ApiDemos sample code and replace the class with the.. action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL retVal true onUp return retVal public void onUp Here I am merely copying the Gallery's onUp method. for int i g.getChildCount 1 i 0 i g.getChildAt i .setPressed false g.setPressed false g.setOnTouchListener..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview for this code to work Make sure you have a Cursor and int for the column index defined at the class level so that the Gallery's ImageAdapter has access to them private Cursor cursor private int columnIndex First obtain a cursor of image IDs located..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] the user Code Example public class myActivity extends Activity implements OnItemSelectedListener this counts how many Gallery's are on the UI private int mGalleryCount 0 this counts how many Gallery's have been initialized private int mGalleryInitializedCount.. OnItemSelectedListener this counts how many Gallery's are on the UI private int mGalleryCount 0 this counts how many Gallery's have been initialized private int mGalleryInitializedCount 0 UI reference private Gallery mGallery @Override public void.. is taking place mGallery.setCallbackDuringFling false do other stuff like load images setAdapter etc define how many Gallery's are in this view note this could be counted dynamically if you are programmatically creating the view mGalleryCount 1 public..