android Programming Glossary: foundclockimpl
Intent to launch the clock application on android Samsung Galaxy Clock boolean foundClockImpl false for int i 0 i clockImpls.length i String vendor clockImpls i 0 String packageName clockImpls i 1 String className.. cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e debug vendor does not exists if foundClockImpl PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity.. Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e debug vendor does not exists if foundClockImpl PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 alarmClockIntent 0 add pending intent to your component..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart Moto Blur Alarm Clock com.motorola.blur.alarmclock com.motorola.blur.alarmclock.AlarmClock boolean foundClockImpl false for int i 0 i clockImpls.length i String vendor clockImpls i 0 String packageName clockImpls i 1 String className.. ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error vendor does not exist if foundClockImpl Vibrator vibrator Vibrator.. cn foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error vendor does not exist if foundClockImpl Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views..