android Programming Glossary: formatter.format
Android Paint PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR new SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMMddHmmss String dateNow formatter.format currentDate.getTime File dir new File mImagePath if dir.exists..
How to display a two column ListView in Android? mCopyright cursor.addRow new Object key PriceName formatter.format mPrice SimpleCursorAdapter data new SimpleCursorAdapter this..
Recording Call help needed yyMMdd HHmmss Date currentTime_1 new Date return formatter.format currentTime_1 private void Recorders_Stop try SharedData._recorder.stop..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android hash Formatter formatter new Formatter for byte b hash formatter.format 02x b return formatter.toString I hope there is another possibility..
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android? calendar.setTimeInMillis milliSeconds return formatter.format calendar.getTime I hope this help... share improve this answer..
how to convert date format in android SimpleDateFormat mm dd yyyy hh mm ss a String newFormat formatter.format testDate Example String date 2011 11 12 16 05 06 SimpleDateFormat.. SimpleDateFormat mm dd yyyy hh mm ss a String newFormat formatter.format testDate System.out.println .....Date... newFormat share improve..
Conversion of Date formatter new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy String now formatter.format new Date this u want right... or String oldString 2009 12 Dec..
Android Paint PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR currentDate Calendar.getInstance SimpleDateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMMddHmmss String dateNow formatter.format currentDate.getTime File dir new File mImagePath if dir.exists dir.mkdirs File file new File mImagePath dateNow .png..
How to display a two column ListView in Android? key AuthorName mAuthor cursor.addRow new Object key CopyrightName mCopyright cursor.addRow new Object key PriceName formatter.format mPrice SimpleCursorAdapter data new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.viewlist_two_items cursor columns layouts setListAdapter..
Recording Call help needed String SanityDate SimpleDateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat yyMMdd HHmmss Date currentTime_1 new Date return formatter.format currentTime_1 private void Recorders_Stop try SharedData._recorder.stop SharedData._recorder.reset SharedData._recorder_down.stop..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android Conversion method private static String byteArray2Hex byte hash Formatter formatter new Formatter for byte b hash formatter.format 02x b return formatter.toString I hope there is another possibility to get it running because I need the performance. java..
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android?
how to convert date format in android hh is for 12 hour date format SimpleDateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat mm dd yyyy hh mm ss a String newFormat formatter.format testDate Example String date 2011 11 12 16 05 06 SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy mm dd HH MM SS Date testDate..
Conversion of Date java android share improve this question SimpleDateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy String now formatter.format new Date this u want right... or String oldString 2009 12 Dec Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.setTime new..