android Programming Glossary: found
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars and apache.commons.httpclient is throwing class not found exceptions at RUN TIME Meaning they compile fine but then crash..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) is the closest example to get this to work that I have found Receiving MMS However there is a variable mainActivity of type..
Saving Activity state in Android poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found anything obvious so would appreciate any help. Cue me looking..
Standard Android Button with a different color button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] StackOverflow's already asked questions but have not found any of the situations in which the changes to the project were.. and my project has stopped working android classnotfoundexception share improve this question Right click on your..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app return null ADD 3 jars found in the following link to your Android Project mail.jar activation.jar..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? the user to zoom in and out and pan the image Until now I found two ways overwriting ImageView that seems a little bit too much..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] the WebView.addJavascriptInterface method. Details can be found at the above link. The other solutions may present a more straightforward..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker catch NameNotFoundException e return false package not found if pacInfo null for ActivityInfo actInfo pacInfo.receivers ..
FFMPEG on Android
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds with every recursion . But I'm sure somebody out there has found a good solution that doesn't involve what I'm doing writing.. the text and repeat until a suitably small size has been found. What routines does TextView use to wrap the text Couldn't those..
How to ship an Android application with a database? be great. android share improve this question I just found a way to do this in ReignDesign blog in an article titled Using..
Android: How to declare global variables? a singleton is a common Java way of achieving this. I have found however that a more elegant way in Android is to associate your..
When to call activity context OR application context? I built one app using a custom Application object and found it to be painful. Ms. Hackborn also agrees with this position..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) need the gyroscopes too. As for indoor positioning I have found these useful RSSI Based Indoor Localization and Tracking Using..
How to support Arabic text in Android? chIn In.toCharArray for i 0 i In.length i boolean found false for j 0 j arrStruc.length j if chIn i arrStruc j .midGlyph.. j .isoGlyph strBuilder.append arrStruc j .character found true break if found strBuilder.append chIn i strOut strBuilder.toString.. arrStruc j .character found true break if found strBuilder.append chIn i strOut strBuilder.toString strOut..
R cannot be resolved - Android error this question After tracking down this problem as well I found this note in the Android documentation http
Android - basic gesture detection 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything Activity ClassNotFoundException tried everything I've just refactored an app into.. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.matthewrathbone.eastersays.EasterSimonSaysActivity.. 22 35.529 E AndroidRuntime 586 Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.matthewrathbone.eastersays.EasterSimonSaysActivity..
Emulator not running .android avd JellyBelly.avd hardware qemu.ini emulator Found AVD target API level 16 emulator found skin 'WXGA800 7in' in..
Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list Mismatch Found 2 versions of android support v4.jar in the dependency list.. and am trying to use the Library but get the error below Found 2 versions of android support v4.jar in the dependency list..
Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1 SDK Can anyone help me Thanks in Advance. EDITED I Found the Solution For above problem and have added the Solution as..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? log level to DEBUG 3 07 08 19 51 22.502 I CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D CordovaLog.. exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D DroidGap..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView android android layout share improve this question Found the solution myself in the end. The problem was not with the..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? myOutputStream.close data.close catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. community FilePermissions for more on chmod. EDIT Found another simple approach here useful for those without rooted..
Defining custom attrs to implement my own attributes like in Found nothing in official documentation so I need information about..
Intent to launch the clock application on android alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException.. packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e debug vendor does not exists if foundClockImpl PendingIntent..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android Update Making some good progress on this problem. Found out that JKS is indeed not supported neither is directly choosing..
Android WebView “tel:” links show web page not found go back to the app it is at a page that says Web Page Not Found tel 0000000000 . Then I have to hit the back button once more..
Android XML Percent Symbol did you mean to add the formatted false attribute error Found tag item where string array is expected android xml share..
Error inflating class fragment other mode I get the error. Any idea how I can solve it Found some answers here but none of these helped me out... 06 21 14..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties.. Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties... App Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties...
Can the android SDK work with JDK 1.7? Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties...
Calling native method twice of third party library in an Activity causes the Android application to close down new Activity. Any ideas how to solve this issue I FINALLY FOUND A SOLUTION ... HERE IT IS Okay I have finally found a way to..
Android: Intent.ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_STREAM doesn't attach any image when choosing Gmail app on htc Hero see the following 02 05 17 03 37.526 DEBUG Gmail 11511 URI FOUND file sdcard DCIM 100MEDIA IMAG0001.jpg 02 05 17 03 37.535 DEBUG..
Changing Locale within the app itself uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses..
Sqlite Database LEAK FOUND exception in android? Database LEAK FOUND exception in android I am getting this exception in database..
How to retrieve an Facebook-AuthToken from the accounts saved on Android Log.e RuntimeVars.MY_NAME FACEBOOK TYPE FOUND am.getAuthToken account com.facebook.auth.login null ConversationList.this.. null The login credentials are found and FACEBOOK TYPE FOUND is written into LogCat but neither THIS AUTHTOKEN ... nor EXCEPTION@AUTHTOKEN..
Android Web Service Implememnation webview in Android. Always i get the webview with PAGE NOT FOUND error. Kindly help me in solving my queries. Thanks in advance..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email gmail ls labels null null D Gmail 2507 URI FOUND file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg Looks like the email..
Android UDP Communication else System.err.println THREAD ID thread_id COULD NOT BE FOUND catch IOException e if e instanceof SocketException e instanceof..
Android: Cancel Async Task async task when I press the back button. Any ideas EDIT FOUND THE SOLUTION . SEE MY ANSWER BELOW. android asynchronous task..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? io exception e System.out.println Image NOT FOUND return null protected Object fetch String address throws MalformedURLException..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall So any ideas how I could reach my goal EDIT WORKAROUND FOUND It seems that the only way to create new posts containing photos..
Android Stop Background Music Stop Background Music EDIT FOUND A EASY 5 10 LINE SOLUTION See MY OWN ANSWER BELOW YAY I've searched..
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars its java installation and now some of my old jars like javax.mail and apache.commons.httpclient is throwing class not found exceptions at RUN TIME Meaning they compile fine but then crash at run time with exceptions that look like this E dalvikvm..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) Provider consequently allowing you to detect incoming MMS. Here is the closest example to get this to work that I have found Receiving MMS However there is a variable mainActivity of type ServiceController . Where is the ServiceController class..
Saving Activity state in Android like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found anything obvious so would appreciate any help. Cue me looking a fool in three two one... android application state share..
Standard Android Button with a different color match a client's branding. For example see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in res drawable red_button.xml xml..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] to API17 had made anything crash ... I have searched through StackOverflow's already asked questions but have not found any of the situations in which the changes to the project were NONE. So I am feeling quite frustrated now because I have.. quite frustrated now because I have actually changed NOTHING and my project has stopped working android classnotfoundexception share improve this question Right click on your project goto properties. Java Build Path. Choose Order export..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app put TrustManagerFactory.X509 org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.TrustManagerFactoryImpl return null ADD 3 jars found in the following link to your Android Project mail.jar activation.jar additionnal.jar Click here How to add External Jars..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? images Is there a common way to show a big image and enable the user to zoom in and out and pan the image Until now I found two ways overwriting ImageView that seems a little bit too much for such a common problem. using a webview but with less..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed]
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS catch NameNotFoundException e return false package not found if pacInfo null for ActivityInfo actInfo pacInfo.receivers test if recevier is exported. if so we can toggle GPS. if
FFMPEG on Android
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds and forces the user to watch the text shrink step by step with every recursion . But I'm sure somebody out there has found a good solution that doesn't involve what I'm doing writing several heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize.. several heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize the text and repeat until a suitably small size has been found. What routines does TextView use to wrap the text Couldn't those be somehow used to predict whether text will be small enough..
How to ship an Android application with a database? thoughts Pointers to documentation regarding any issues would be great. android share improve this question I just found a way to do this in ReignDesign blog in an article titled Using your own SQLite database in Android applications . Basically..
Android: How to declare global variables? parts of your application. A static variable for instance a singleton is a common Java way of achieving this. I have found however that a more elegant way in Android is to associate your state with the Application context. As you know each Activity..
When to call activity context OR application context? reason than you can only have one custom Application object. I built one app using a custom Application object and found it to be painful. Ms. Hackborn also agrees with this position . Here are reasons why not to use getApplicationContext wherever..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) subsection 6.2.3 Propagation of Errors. By the way you will need the gyroscopes too. As for indoor positioning I have found these useful RSSI Based Indoor Localization and Tracking Using Sigma Point Kalman Smoothers Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe..
How to support Arabic text in Android? new StringBuilder int i 0 int j 0 char chIn new char In.length chIn In.toCharArray for i 0 i In.length i boolean found false for j 0 j arrStruc.length j if chIn i arrStruc j .midGlyph chIn i arrStruc j .iniGlyph chIn i arrStruc j .endGlyph.. j .iniGlyph chIn i arrStruc j .endGlyph chIn i arrStruc j .isoGlyph strBuilder.append arrStruc j .character found true break if found strBuilder.append chIn i strOut strBuilder.toString strOut strOut.replace szLa ا strOut strOut.replace.. i arrStruc j .endGlyph chIn i arrStruc j .isoGlyph strBuilder.append arrStruc j .character found true break if found strBuilder.append chIn i strOut strBuilder.toString strOut strOut.replace szLa ا strOut strOut.replace szLaStick ا return..
R cannot be resolved - Android error layout . android eclipse android resources share improve this question After tracking down this problem as well I found this note in the Android documentation http source using eclipse.html Note Eclipse sometimes likes to..
Android - basic gesture detection so far and I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything Activity ClassNotFoundException tried everything I've just refactored an app into a framework library and an application but now when I try and.. ComponentInfo com.matthewrathbone.eastersays com.matthewrathbone.eastersays.EasterSimonSaysActivity java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.matthewrathbone.eastersays.EasterSimonSaysActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader data app com.matthewrathbone.eastersays.. at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method 06 02 18 22 35.529 E AndroidRuntime 586 Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.matthewrathbone.eastersays.EasterSimonSaysActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader data app com.matthewrathbone.eastersays..
Emulator not running config.ini emulator using core hw config path home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd hardware qemu.ini emulator Found AVD target API level 16 emulator found skin 'WXGA800 7in' in directory home padmakumar android sdk platforms android 16..
Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list Mismatch Found 2 versions of android support v4.jar in the dependency list I am trying to create 2 versions of an Android app free paid.. files common to both. I created a new Android project and am trying to use the Library but get the error below Found 2 versions of android support v4.jar in the dependency list but not all the versions are identical check is based on SHA..
Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1 Read timed out issue. Below is the screen shot while updating SDK Can anyone help me Thanks in Advance. EDITED I Found the Solution For above problem and have added the Solution as an answer. If anyone has the same problem he she can also..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? 0x6e at 0x0043 07 08 19 51 22.502 I CordovaLog 664 Changing log level to DEBUG 3 07 08 19 51 22.502 I CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08.. 3 07 08 19 51 22.502 I CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D DroidGap 664 DroidGap.onCreate 07 08 19 51 22.552 I dalvikvm 664..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView bottom makes the ScrollView unable to well scroll. Other ideas android android layout share improve this question Found the solution myself in the end. The problem was not with the LinearLayout but with the ScrollView seems weird considering..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? 0 myOutputStream.write buffer Close the streams myOutputStream.flush myOutputStream.close data.close catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. myfile Which is basically a linux command. See https community FilePermissions for more on chmod. EDIT Found another simple approach here useful for those without rooted phones . Since the application owns the file it can create..
Defining custom attrs custom attrs I need to implement my own attributes like in Found nothing in official documentation so I need information about how to define these attrs and how to use them from my code...
Intent to launch the clock application on android aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e debug vendor does not exists if foundClockImpl.. alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e debug vendor does not exists if foundClockImpl PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android output.close socket.close catch IOException ioe finally Update Making some good progress on this problem. Found out that JKS is indeed not supported neither is directly choosing the SunX509 type. I've updated my code above to reflect..
Android WebView “tel:” links show web page not found opens up the phone. However once I am done with my call and go back to the app it is at a page that says Web Page Not Found tel 0000000000 . Then I have to hit the back button once more to get to the page that I clicked the telephone number on...
Android XML Percent Symbol Multiple substitutions specified in non positional format did you mean to add the formatted false attribute error Found tag item where string array is expected android xml share improve this question The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt..
Error inflating class fragment my fragment and I can see my fragment and then switch to the other mode I get the error. Any idea how I can solve it Found some answers here but none of these helped me out... 06 21 14 55 05.600 ERROR AndroidRuntime 7636 FATAL EXCEPTION main 06..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties Did anybody have similar problem with this I import android.. project and I get errors like 2011 10 03 17 20 09 Screen Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 55 App Android requires compiler compliance.. Android Tools Fix Project Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 55 App Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. 2011 10 03 17 21 59 App Android requires compiler compliance..
Can the android SDK work with JDK 1.7? the Android SDK R16 and JDK 7 but I keep getting the error Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. I am using some features of the JRE 1.7 so I can't just..
Calling native method twice of third party library in an Activity causes the Android application to close down to call the native methods more than once without creating a new Activity. Any ideas how to solve this issue I FINALLY FOUND A SOLUTION ... HERE IT IS Okay I have finally found a way to resolve this issue. The solution is actually pretty simple...
Eclipse Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED details. 2012 09 09 14 38 28 SearchApp Launch canceled android eclipse share improve this question I EVENTUALLY FOUND THE SOLUTION FOR INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT and INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED ERROR After lot of testing a vary of tricks in vain..
Android: Intent.ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_STREAM doesn't attach any image when choosing Gmail app on htc Hero emailIntent getString R.string.send_intent_name in Logs I see the following 02 05 17 03 37.526 DEBUG Gmail 11511 URI FOUND file sdcard DCIM 100MEDIA IMAG0001.jpg 02 05 17 03 37.535 DEBUG Gmail 11511 ComposeActivity added to message 0 attachment..
Changing Locale within the app itself intent filter activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time you change..
Sqlite Database LEAK FOUND exception in android? Database LEAK FOUND exception in android I am getting this exception in database Leak Found my LOGCAT Shows this 02 17 17 20 37.857 INFO ActivityManager..
How to retrieve an Facebook-AuthToken from the accounts saved on Android accounts j if account.type null account.type.equals com.facebook.auth.login Log.e RuntimeVars.MY_NAME FACEBOOK TYPE FOUND am.getAuthToken account com.facebook.auth.login null ConversationList.this new AccountManagerCallback Bundle public void.. e Log.e RuntimeVars.MY_NAME EXCEPTION@AUTHTOKEN null The login credentials are found and FACEBOOK TYPE FOUND is written into LogCat but neither THIS AUTHTOKEN ... nor EXCEPTION@AUTHTOKEN is logged. So I suppose am.getAuthToken is..
Android Web Service Implememnation from my server and dispaly error. I also have problem with webview in Android. Always i get the webview with PAGE NOT FOUND error. Kindly help me in solving my queries. Thanks in advance Regards Raghav Rajagopalan android web services share..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email has extras D gmail ls 120 MailProvider.query content gmail ls labels null null D Gmail 2507 URI FOUND file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg Looks like the email provider is attaching a 0 length file. When I check the filesystem..
Android UDP Communication .compareTo thread_id 0 t.setCommSocket rpkt port else System.err.println THREAD ID thread_id COULD NOT BE FOUND catch IOException e if e instanceof SocketException e instanceof SocketTimeoutException log.warning Error while listening..
Android: Cancel Async Task stop. So how can I fix this I want to cancel both dialog and async task when I press the back button. Any ideas EDIT FOUND THE SOLUTION . SEE MY ANSWER BELOW. android asynchronous task back cancel share improve this question From SDK Cancelling..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? error at URI e return null catch IOException e System.out.println io exception e System.out.println Image NOT FOUND return null protected Object fetch String address throws MalformedURLException IOException URL url new URL address Object..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall params POST new PostPhotoRequestListener null Facebook result So any ideas how I could reach my goal EDIT WORKAROUND FOUND It seems that the only way to create new posts containing photos on user's wall is to add photos and related comments to..
Android Stop Background Music Stop Background Music EDIT FOUND A EASY 5 10 LINE SOLUTION See MY OWN ANSWER BELOW YAY I've searched for 5 hours dozens of SO posts no answers and this seems..