android Programming Glossary: frag1
Problems with Android Fragment back stack make it more clear transaction.replace frag1 Transaction.remove null .add frag1 frag1 on view transaction.replace.. frag1 Transaction.remove null .add frag1 frag1 on view transaction.replace frag2.. frag1 Transaction.remove null .add frag1 frag1 on view transaction.replace frag2 .addToBackStack..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add fragment1 frag1 ft.add fragment2 frag2 ft.commit .. ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS CustomMapFragment frag1 new CustomMapFragment CustomMapFragment frag2 new CustomMapFragment.. .setText Frag1 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag2..
Fragments in Action Bar tab fragments? fragment android name ...Fragment_1 android id @ id frag1 fragment android name ...Fragment_2 android id @ id frag2 LinearLayout..
Android - Change fragment layout in runtime tl.addView tr1 tl.addView tr2 ll.addView tl MyFragment frag1 new MyFragment MyFragment frag2 new MyFragment MyFragment frag3.. getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add ID_ROW1 frag1 cell1_1 .add ID_ROW1 frag2 cell1_2 .add ID_ROW2 frag3 cell2_1..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack happening is like this I'm adding numbers to the frag to make it more clear transaction.replace frag1 Transaction.remove null .add frag1 frag1 on view transaction.replace frag2 .addToBackStack null Transaction.remove.. numbers to the frag to make it more clear transaction.replace frag1 Transaction.remove null .add frag1 frag1 on view transaction.replace frag2 .addToBackStack null Transaction.remove frag1 .add frag2 .addToBackStack.. to the frag to make it more clear transaction.replace frag1 Transaction.remove null .add frag1 frag1 on view transaction.replace frag2 .addToBackStack null Transaction.remove frag1 .add frag2 .addToBackStack..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments setActionBar fragment2 new Fragment2 FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add fragment1 frag1 ft.add fragment2 frag2 ft.commit private void setActionBar ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar.. ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS CustomMapFragment frag1 new CustomMapFragment CustomMapFragment frag2 new CustomMapFragment Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag1 .setTabListener.. frag2 new CustomMapFragment Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag1 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag2 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag2 actionBar.addTab..
Fragments in Action Bar tab fragments? and contains two embedded fragments kinda like this LinearLayout fragment android name ...Fragment_1 android id @ id frag1 fragment android name ...Fragment_2 android id @ id frag2 LinearLayout When the user selects the tab for this fragment all..
Android - Change fragment layout in runtime ID_ROW1 TableRow tr2 new TableRow this tr2.setId ID_ROW2 tl.addView tr1 tl.addView tr2 ll.addView tl MyFragment frag1 new MyFragment MyFragment frag2 new MyFragment MyFragment frag3 new MyFragment MyFragment frag4 new MyFragment getFragmentManager.. MyFragment frag3 new MyFragment MyFragment frag4 new MyFragment getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add ID_ROW1 frag1 cell1_1 .add ID_ROW1 frag2 cell1_2 .add ID_ROW2 frag3 cell2_1 .add ID_ROW2 frag4 cell2_2 .commit getFragmentManager .executePendingTransactions..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? For simplicity lets keep TV screens out of the discussion. Now translating this to design We have three fragments Frag1 Frag2 and Frag3. In the simplest case All three fragments are in a single Activity lets call it ActivityA . This is the.. is the 10 inch landscape case. The other simple case is when each Fragment is in its own Activity ActivityA contains Frag1 ActivityB contains Frag2 and ActivityC contains Frag3. So far we have not considered anything which is significantly different.. tabs which can accommodate only 2 fragments. How would this work Note that there are two combinations possible here Frag1 and Frag2 are being displayed. Frag2 and Frag3 are being displayed. I'm just unable to wrap my head around this. Do I do..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments frag1 new CustomMapFragment CustomMapFragment frag2 new CustomMapFragment Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag1 .setTabListener new NavTabListener frag1 actionBar.addTab tab1 Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Frag2 .setTabListener..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus mActionBar.newTab .setText Tab 1 .setTabListener new MyTabListener getFragmentManager new MyFragment Frag1 mActionBar.addTab mActionBar.newTab .setText Tab 2 .setTabListener new MyTabListener getFragmentManager new MyFragment.. for tabs getActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false Add the tabs mActionBarTabManager.addTab Tab 1 new MyFragment Frag1 mActionBarTabManager.addTab Tab 2 new MyFragment Frag2 main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..