android Programming Glossary: fos.flush
android:take screenshot and share it Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 90 fos System.out.println b is b fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch.. if null fos b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 90 fos fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace..
Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android new File sdcard DCIM filename .jpeg fos.write imageData fos.flush fos.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace if imageData..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device File succesfully placed on sdcard Close the streams fos.flush fos.close is.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? b byte d new byte 8 while b d 1 fos.write d 0 b fos.flush fos.close cis.close After the execution of decrypt there should..
Streaming AAC audio with Android if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close Log.i FileOutputStream Saved MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer..
Download a file programatically on Android new FileOutputStream outputFile fos.write buffer fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e return swallow a 404..
android - save image from web server and set it as wallpaper output.jpg bmImg.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 75 fos fos.flush fos.close Context context this.getBaseContext context.setWallpaper..
How to serialize a Bundle?
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close catch Exception e handle I tried also a code from..
How to save file from website to sdcard fos new FileOutputStream file fos.write baf.toByteArray fos.flush fos.close Log.d DownloadManager download ready in System.currentTimeMillis..
Android take screen shot programatically myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver.. myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver..
Android saving file to external storage fos fos new FileOutputStream file fos.write mediaTagBuffer fos.flush fos.close But it's throwing an exception
How to download XML file from server and save it in SD card? fos new FileOutputStream file fos.write baf.toByteArray fos.flush fos.close Log.d DownloadManager download ready in System.currentTimeMillis..
Encryption of video files? decipher while read 1 fos.write char read fos.flush fos.close while read 1 cos.write read cos.flush..
Bluetooth file transfer Android fos.write success buffer buffer.length current current fos.flush fos.close socket.close Logcat D ReceiveService 5761 do while..
android:take screenshot and share it fos new FileOutputStream strFileName if null fos b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 90 fos System.out.println b is b fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace public static void shoot.. fos null try fos new FileOutputStream strFileName if null fos b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 90 fos fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace share improve this..
Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android minute second try FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream new File sdcard DCIM filename .jpeg fos.write imageData fos.flush fos.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace if imageData null Intent mIntent new Intent setResult 0 mIntent PictureActivity.this.showDialog..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device buffer 0 fos.write buffer 0 length System.out.println File succesfully placed on sdcard Close the streams fos.flush fos.close is.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace android android emulator android ndk rooted device share..
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? CipherInputStream cis new CipherInputStream fis cipher int b byte d new byte 8 while b d 1 fos.write d 0 b fos.flush fos.close cis.close After the execution of decrypt there should be a file named decrypted . This file contains the free..
Streaming AAC audio with Android write to file until complete do int numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close Log.i FileOutputStream Saved MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer create listener to tidy up after playback complete..
Download a file programatically on Android buffer stream.close DataOutputStream fos new DataOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputFile fos.write buffer fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e return swallow a 404 catch IOException e return swallow a 404 share improve this..
android - save image from web server and set it as wallpaper FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream filepath output.jpg bmImg.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 75 fos fos.flush fos.close Context context this.getBaseContext context.setWallpaper bmImg catch Exception e Log.e MyLog e.toString TextView..
How to serialize a Bundle?
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder mc.getAssets .open path 3 ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error This file..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL try FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream sdcard screeshot.png bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close catch Exception e handle I tried also a code from that site link text In each case the result is a png file which..
How to save file from website to sdcard current Convert the Bytes read to a String. FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream file fos.write baf.toByteArray fos.flush fos.close Log.d DownloadManager download ready in System.currentTimeMillis startTime 1000 sec catch IOException e Log.d..
Android take screen shot programatically test.jpg FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver b Screen screen catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto.. .jpg FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver b Screen screen catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto..
Android saving file to external storage filename FileOutputStream fos fos new FileOutputStream file fos.write mediaTagBuffer fos.flush fos.close But it's throwing an exception mnt sdcard MyApp MediaCard MediaCard 0.png No such..
How to download XML file from server and save it in SD card? Convert the Bytes read to a String. FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream file fos.write baf.toByteArray fos.flush fos.close Log.d DownloadManager download ready in System.currentTimeMillis startTime 1000 sec catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Encryption of video files? skey CipherOutputStream cos new CipherOutputStream decfos decipher while read 1 fos.write char read fos.flush fos.close while read 1 cos.write read cos.flush cos.close I am generating a new key using generateKey ...
Bluetooth file transfer Android len buffer.length current current fos.write buffer Log.d TAG fos.write success buffer buffer.length current current fos.flush fos.close socket.close Logcat D ReceiveService 5761 do while current 155232 D ReceiveService 5761 bytesRead 1008 D ReceiveService..