android Programming Glossary: foregroundcolorspan
How to make an intent with multiple actions new SpannableString for editing forEditing.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.CYAN 0 forEditing.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component bgc new BackgroundColorSpan _SelectedBackgroundColor ForegroundColorSpan textColor new ForegroundColorSpan _SelectedTextColor int start.. _SelectedBackgroundColor ForegroundColorSpan textColor new ForegroundColorSpan _SelectedTextColor int start textOffsetStart textOffsetEnd offset..
Set color of TextView span in Android know just where to find the answers wordtoSpan.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.BLUE 15 30 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE TV.setText..
Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()? sb new SpannableStringBuilder your text here final ForegroundColorSpan fcs new ForegroundColorSpan Color.rgb 158 158 158 Span to set.. your text here final ForegroundColorSpan fcs new ForegroundColorSpan Color.rgb 158 158 158 Span to set text color to some RGB value..
Android EditText.setError() yields invisible error text whatever color you want String estring Input is incorrect ForegroundColorSpan fgcspan new ForegroundColorSpan ecolor SpannableStringBuilder.. estring Input is incorrect ForegroundColorSpan fgcspan new ForegroundColorSpan ecolor SpannableStringBuilder ssbuilder new SpannableStringBuilder..
How to use SpannableString with Regex in android? replace new SpannableString find replace.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 1 Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE String output.. while true startSpan vString.indexOf target endSpan ForegroundColorSpan foreColour new ForegroundColorSpan colour Need a NEW span object.. target endSpan ForegroundColorSpan foreColour new ForegroundColorSpan colour Need a NEW span object every loop else it just moves..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? its possible. For this you need to use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this SpannableStringBuilder.. new SpannableString red redSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 red.length 0 builder.append redSpannable String.. new SpannableString white whiteSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.WHITE 0 white.length 0 builder.append whiteSpannable String..
How to make an intent with multiple actions they will show up twice identically Spannable forEditing new SpannableString for editing forEditing.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.CYAN 0 forEditing.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE List ResolveInfo resInfo pm.queryIntentActivities editIntent..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component sb new SpannableStringBuilder text BackgroundColorSpan bgc new BackgroundColorSpan _SelectedBackgroundColor ForegroundColorSpan textColor new ForegroundColorSpan _SelectedTextColor int start textOffsetStart textOffsetEnd offset int end offset if start.. text BackgroundColorSpan bgc new BackgroundColorSpan _SelectedBackgroundColor ForegroundColorSpan textColor new ForegroundColorSpan _SelectedTextColor int start textOffsetStart textOffsetEnd offset int end offset if start end int temp start start end..
Set color of TextView span in Android
Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()? this question Use spans Example final SpannableStringBuilder sb new SpannableStringBuilder your text here final ForegroundColorSpan fcs new ForegroundColorSpan Color.rgb 158 158 158 Span to set text color to some RGB value final StyleSpan bss new StyleSpan.. Example final SpannableStringBuilder sb new SpannableStringBuilder your text here final ForegroundColorSpan fcs new ForegroundColorSpan Color.rgb 158 158 158 Span to set text color to some RGB value final StyleSpan bss new StyleSpan
Android EditText.setError() yields invisible error text object rather than a String. int ecolor xxxx whatever color you want String estring Input is incorrect ForegroundColorSpan fgcspan new ForegroundColorSpan ecolor SpannableStringBuilder ssbuilder new SpannableStringBuilder estring ssbuilder.setSpan.. a String. int ecolor xxxx whatever color you want String estring Input is incorrect ForegroundColorSpan fgcspan new ForegroundColorSpan ecolor SpannableStringBuilder ssbuilder new SpannableStringBuilder estring ssbuilder.setSpan fgcspan 0 estring.length 0..
How to use SpannableString with Regex in android? StringReplace String source String find ABC SpannableString replace new SpannableString find replace.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 1 Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE String output source.replace find replace return output Because the function.. 0 endSpan 0 Spannable spanRange new SpannableString vString while true startSpan vString.indexOf target endSpan ForegroundColorSpan foreColour new ForegroundColorSpan colour Need a NEW span object every loop else it just moves the span if startSpan 0.. new SpannableString vString while true startSpan vString.indexOf target endSpan ForegroundColorSpan foreColour new ForegroundColorSpan colour Need a NEW span object every loop else it just moves the span if startSpan 0 break endSpan startSpan target.length..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? string textcolor share improve this question Yes its possible. For this you need to use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder String red this is red.. String red this is red SpannableString redSpannable new SpannableString red redSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 red.length 0 builder.append redSpannable String white this is white SpannableString whiteSpannable new SpannableString.. String white this is white SpannableString whiteSpannable new SpannableString white whiteSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.WHITE 0 white.length 0 builder.append whiteSpannable String blue this is blue SpannableString blueSpannable new SpannableString..