android Programming Glossary: forums
Search in ListView with EditText improve this question follow the link http forums android learning_android_book 617.html http
How can I make my layout scroll both horizontally and vertically? tried android scrollbars horizontal . I have read on some forums that in the cupcake update horizontal scrolling is possible...
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM whether the phone is dual SIM After a lot of research on forums now I know that there is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number..
using asynctask to speed up android app launch time webview when started.This is making it too slow on startup forums told me to use asynctask.Can some one make this code an asynctask...
OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) any thoughts I did some research on the forums and it pointed to this post I just don't know why it is not..
When will Android have a public Calendar API? writing event data to the user's calendar Searching the forums I see that this is a much desired feature by many developers..
Android Drag/Animation of Views There is also a copy of this question on the forums so I'll keep this post updated with any responses I get over..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show or anything but I can't get it right. I've been through forums and tutorials as well as the Sample Code that comes with the..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? This started out as a general user question on Android forums. However it's become by necessity a programming question. Here's..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? of people struggling on this very question on various forums and all across the community. I know this is not that straight..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View I want an animations beside It. So far I have learned from forums that it is not possible. However I saw A video for an android..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException all possible errors I already read about here and in some forums don't apply to my app. The activity is present in the manifest...
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? the realm of android. I have read many books and wikis and forums including numerous answers provided in Stackflow it appears..
Force “portrait” orientation mode not designed for the landscape mode. After reading some forums I added this line in my manifest file application android debuggable.. from portrait lo landscape as usual. Then after more forums reading I tried to add this in my manifest file application..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? couldn't read the number This has been reported in other forums as well. In the end we decided to ask the user for the phone..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? the overlay radius does not change. I have tried searching forums and google for a solution but could not find one that worked..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx ratio issue across the internet I came across several forums developers who had this problem of How to maintain the aspect.. the bug directly. After that he replied me on libgdx forums and I am indebted to him for his helping me out. Here is the..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off when the screen is turned off. I read on some forums that this bug I consider it a bug since when I acquire a Wakelock..
Search in ListView with EditText by the value in first TextView of each row android share improve this question follow the link http forums android learning_android_book 617.html http 2011 06 android custom list view filter.html..
How can I make my layout scroll both horizontally and vertically? not working. I am using Android SDK 1.5 r3. I have already tried android scrollbars horizontal . I have read on some forums that in the cupcake update horizontal scrolling is possible. How can I make my layout scroll in both directions android..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM Check whether the phone is dual SIM After a lot of research on forums now I know that there is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number for both the SIM cards in a dual SIM phone except for..
using asynctask to speed up android app launch time which load ads from two networks and sets a flash file to webview when started.This is making it too slow on startup forums told me to use asynctask.Can some one make this code an asynctask. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) catch IllegalStateException ex It fails on the bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap any thoughts I did some research on the forums and it pointed to this post I just don't know why it is not working. Any help would be great Thanks Chris. android exception..
When will Android have a public Calendar API? the Android SDK is likely to include a public API for reading writing event data to the user's calendar Searching the forums I see that this is a much desired feature by many developers but I haven't seen any indication as to when or even if this..
Android Drag/Animation of Views I don't know all the terminology as well as most of you might. There is also a copy of this question on the forums so I'll keep this post updated with any responses I get over there. android share improve this question Why can't you..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show simple one showing the user that stuff is happening no buttons or anything but I can't get it right. I've been through forums and tutorials as well as the Sample Code that comes with the SDK but to no avail. This is what I got btnSubmit.setOnClickListener..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? can I refresh MediaStore on Android This started out as a general user question on Android forums. However it's become by necessity a programming question. Here's my problem. Android has a service MediaScanner which runs..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? read WEP EAP WiFi configurations in Android I have seen a number of people struggling on this very question on various forums and all across the community. I know this is not that straight forward especially EAP to figure out because When I wanted..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View I am Creating a notification for downloading Mp3 files. And I want an animations beside It. So far I have learned from forums that it is not possible. However I saw A video for an android App which downloads and displays animation beside it while..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException minSdkVersion 3 android targetSdkVersion 8 manifest So all possible errors I already read about here and in some forums don't apply to my app. The activity is present in the manifest. The super method is called in the overriden method. The..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? connecting a database is incorrectly in the first place in the realm of android. I have read many books and wikis and forums including numerous answers provided in Stackflow it appears to me that many people are concentrating on getting something..
Force “portrait” orientation mode mode for my application because I my application is absolutely not designed for the landscape mode. After reading some forums I added this line in my manifest file application android debuggable true android icon @drawable icon android label @string.. But in my decice HTC Desire btw it doesn't work. It switches from portrait lo landscape as usual. Then after more forums reading I tried to add this in my manifest file application android debuggable true android icon @drawable icon android..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? unknown in Settings cell phone was perfectly functional just couldn't read the number This has been reported in other forums as well. In the end we decided to ask the user for the phone number. A bit more involved actually if SIM card present cannot..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? map. Everything is working fine but when I zoom on the map the overlay radius does not change. I have tried searching forums and google for a solution but could not find one that worked for me. Does anyone have any ideas Here is my code
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx which I would like to discuss here. While searching the aspect ratio issue across the internet I came across several forums developers who had this problem of How to maintain the aspect ratio on different screen sizes One of the solutions that.. find any solutions so decided to contact the person who reported the bug directly. After that he replied me on libgdx forums and I am indebted to him for his helping me out. Here is the link It was a single line of code and all you have to do is..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off and some of them reported they receive events from the accelerometers when the screen is turned off. I read on some forums that this bug I consider it a bug since when I acquire a Wakelock I would expect to have some processing going on depends..