android Programming Glossary: fout.close
Capture screen shot of GoogleMap Android API V2 Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
OAuth instance state in Android ObjectOutputStream fout oos.writeObject provider oos.close fout.close fout this.openFileOutput tmp_consumer.dat MODE_PRIVATE oos new.. ObjectOutputStream fout oos.writeObject consumer oos.close fout.close Log.d OAuthTwitter Saved state catch FileNotFoundException e..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
How to unzip files programmatically in Android? count buffer 1 fout.write buffer 0 count fout.close zis.closeEntry zis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
How to speed up unzipping time in Java / Android? fout.write c Debug.out Closing streams zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Debug.out Error trying to unzip..
FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping buffer 0 length publishProgress length zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e mProgressDialog.dismiss return..
How to zip and unzip the files? c 1 c fout.write c zin.closeEntry finally fout.close finally zin.close catch Exception e Log.e TAG Unzip exception..
Unzip a zipped file on sd card in Android application c c 1 c fout.write c zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Log.e Decompress unzip e private..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? as well. finally try if sin null sin.close if fout null fout.close catch IOException e PS FLACFileOutputStream fout will need to..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e System.out.println in file not.. Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e System.out.println in file not..
Creating irregular shaped ImageButton with different click states
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android fOut new FileOutputStream file fOut.write decodedBytes fOut.close return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Saved successfully..
Save an ArrayList to File on android .show finally try if osw null osw.close if fOut null fOut.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Read data from file..
Storing data on SD Card in Android fOut.write Test .getBytes Close output stream fOut.flush fOut.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace When I create the..
Android Download Zip to SD card? buffer 0 bytesRead byteCount bytesRead fOut.flush fOut.close You also might want to check whether the phone is at least connected..
Screen capture from code bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 85 fOut fOut.flush fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 85 fOut fOut.flush fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage..
Write a file in external storage in Android fOut myOutWriter.append txtData.getText myOutWriter.close fOut.close catch Exception e Log.e ERRR Could not create file e onClick..
Capture screen shot of GoogleMap Android API V2 MODE_WORLD_READABLE Write the string to the file bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block Log.d ImageCapture FileNotFoundException Log.d ImageCapture..
OAuth instance state in Android tmp_provider.dat MODE_PRIVATE ObjectOutputStream oos new ObjectOutputStream fout oos.writeObject provider oos.close fout.close fout this.openFileOutput tmp_consumer.dat MODE_PRIVATE oos new ObjectOutputStream fout oos.writeObject consumer oos.close.. this.openFileOutput tmp_consumer.dat MODE_PRIVATE oos new ObjectOutputStream fout oos.writeObject consumer oos.close fout.close Log.d OAuthTwitter Saved state catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? new File mPath try fout new FileOutputStream imageFile bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated..
How to unzip files programmatically in Android? new FileOutputStream path filename cteni zipu a zapis while count buffer 1 fout.write buffer 0 count fout.close zis.closeEntry zis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return false return true share improve this answer..
How to speed up unzipping time in Java / Android? directory ze.getName for int c c 1 c fout.write c Debug.out Closing streams zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Debug.out Error trying to unzip file zipFile java android android emulator unzip zipinputstream..
FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping crashes here while length buffer 0 fout.write buffer 0 length publishProgress length zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e mProgressDialog.dismiss return false return true Another AsyncTask which downloads the .zip..
How to zip and unzip the files?
Unzip a zipped file on sd card in Android application fout new FileOutputStream _location ze.getName for int c c 1 c fout.write c zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Log.e Decompress unzip e private void _dirChecker String dir File f new File _location dir..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? function. Please update your post code so others can benefit as well. finally try if sin null sin.close if fout null fout.close catch IOException e PS FLACFileOutputStream fout will need to be promoted to a class variable for this to work. share improve..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location try fout new FileOutputStream imageFile bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e System.out.println in file not found e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated.. try fout new FileOutputStream imageFile bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 90 fout fout.flush fout.close catch FileNotFoundException e System.out.println in file not found e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated..
Creating irregular shaped ImageButton with different click states
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Save Binary file to phone file.createNewFile FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream file fOut.write decodedBytes fOut.close return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Saved successfully catch FileNotFoundException e return new PluginResult..
Save an ArrayList to File on android context Settings not saved Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finally try if osw null osw.close if fOut null fOut.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Read data from file and put it into a string @param context @param filename fully..
Storing data on SD Card in Android FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream path fname fOut.write Test .getBytes Close output stream fOut.flush fOut.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace When I create the new FileOutputStream I get a FileNotFound exception. I have..
Android Download Zip to SD card? 4096 int bytesRead 1 while bytesRead buffer 1 fOut.write buffer 0 bytesRead byteCount bytesRead fOut.flush fOut.close You also might want to check whether the phone is at least connected to WiFi and 3G check for wifi or 3g ConnectivityManager..
Screen capture from code File path screentest.jpg fOut new FileOutputStream file bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 85 fOut fOut.flush fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android new File path screentest.jpg fOut new FileOutputStream file bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 85 fOut fOut.flush fOut.close Log.e ImagePath Image Path MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver file.getAbsolutePath file.getName file.getName..
Write a file in external storage in Android myFile OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter new OutputStreamWriter fOut myOutWriter.append txtData.getText myOutWriter.close fOut.close catch Exception e Log.e ERRR Could not create file e onClick btnWriteSDFile android android layout android emulator..