android Programming Glossary: formatteddate
save user data during a day (the same day -> many user data) new SimpleDateFormat dd MM yyyy Date d new Date String formattedDate thedate.format d Log.d tag format formattedDate dates_Strings.add.. String formattedDate thedate.format d Log.d tag format formattedDate dates_Strings.add formattedDate double thedata Double.parseDouble.. d Log.d tag format formattedDate dates_Strings.add formattedDate double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime How to get the string from here to the.. sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime if listener null listener.returnDate formattedDate.. sdf.format c.getTime if listener null listener.returnDate formattedDate MainActivity public class MainActivity extends Activity implements..
How can I get current date in Android?
save user data during a day (the same day -> many user data) day. I save data public void savefunc SimpleDateFormat thedate new SimpleDateFormat dd MM yyyy Date d new Date String formattedDate thedate.format d Log.d tag format formattedDate dates_Strings.add formattedDate double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText.. thedate new SimpleDateFormat dd MM yyyy Date d new Date String formattedDate thedate.format d Log.d tag format formattedDate dates_Strings.add formattedDate double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim mydata.add thedata File.. dd MM yyyy Date d new Date String formattedDate thedate.format d Log.d tag format formattedDate dates_Strings.add formattedDate double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim mydata.add thedata File sdCard Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? day Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.set year month day SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime How to get the string from here to the caller For testing the caller activity just displays the TextView.. day Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.set year month day SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime if listener null listener.returnDate formattedDate MainActivity public class MainActivity extends.. sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime if listener null listener.returnDate formattedDate MainActivity public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DatePickerFragment.TheListener Button b TextView tv..
How can I get current date in Android?