android Programming Glossary: context.getcachedir
Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method Utils.getExternalCacheDir context .getPath context.getCacheDir .getPath return new File cachePath File.separator uniqueName..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException station downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit Runnable.. 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit bout new.. if counter preparecounter break File f new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE preparecounter FileInputStream ins new FileInputStream..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache than d days numDays int numDeletedFiles clearCacheFolder context.getCacheDir numDays Log.i TAG String.format Cache pruning completed d files..
Creating temporary files in Android this question This is what I typically do File outputDir context.getCacheDir context being the Activity pointer File outputFile File.createTempFile..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? But how do i do this My first attempt writing to my context.getCacheDir based file path appeared to work in the Gmail preview no image.. this question My problem really consisted of two parts context.getCacheDir is private to your app. You can't put something there and expect..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images LazyList else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.stub.. MyApp Temp else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.loading..
How to always show scrollbar
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) Android data LazyList else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.stub.. init 56 ImageLoader 41 is cacheDir context.getCacheDir Main 56 is private ImageLoaderCache imageLoader new ImageLoaderCache.. cache_dir_img else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs This is used for a stub..
How to clear cache Android static void deleteCache Context context try File dir context.getCacheDir if dir null dir.isDirectory deleteDir dir catch Exception.. static void deleteCache Context context try File dir context.getCacheDir if dir null dir.isDirectory deleteDir dir catch Exception..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? byte data String name throws IOException File cacheDir context.getCacheDir long size getDirSize cacheDir long newSize data.length size.. context String name throws IOException File cacheDir context.getCacheDir File file new File cacheDir name if file.exists Data doesn't..
Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method Environment.getExternalStorageState Utils.isExternalStorageRemovable Utils.getExternalCacheDir context .getPath context.getCacheDir .getPath return new File cachePath File.separator uniqueName public void put String key Bitmap data DiskLruCache.Editor..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException false audiourl intent.getStringExtra audiourl station intent.getStringExtra station downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit Runnable r new Runnable public void run try startStreaming audiourl.. int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile.. while true downloadingformp1 true if started false break if counter preparecounter break File f new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE preparecounter FileInputStream ins new FileInputStream f mp1.setDataSource ins.getFD mp1.setAudioStreamType..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache TAG String.format Starting cache prune deleting files older than d days numDays int numDeletedFiles clearCacheFolder context.getCacheDir numDays Log.i TAG String.format Cache pruning completed d files deleted numDeletedFiles Hopefully of use to other people..
Creating temporary files in Android if ever. android file io temporary files share improve this question This is what I typically do File outputDir context.getCacheDir context being the Activity pointer File outputFile File.createTempFile prefix extension outputDir As for their deletion..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? send as an attachment via the ACTION_SEND and EXTRA_STREAM method. But how do i do this My first attempt writing to my context.getCacheDir based file path appeared to work in the Gmail preview no image preview but attached file name and icon was visible but the.. image email attachment dynamically generated share improve this question My problem really consisted of two parts context.getCacheDir is private to your app. You can't put something there and expect another app to be able to access it. I misunderstood what..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images cacheDir new File android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory LazyList else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.stub public void DisplayImage String url Activity activity.. cacheDir new File android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory MyApp Temp else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.loading public void DisplayImage String url Activity activity..
How to always show scrollbar
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) cacheDir new File android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Android data LazyList else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs final int stub_id R.drawable.stub public void DisplayImage String url Activity activity.. 41 05 12 11 36 52.670 ERROR AndroidRuntime 299 at init 56 ImageLoader 41 is cacheDir context.getCacheDir Main 56 is private ImageLoaderCache imageLoader new ImageLoaderCache Main.this public class Main extends Activity.. cacheDir new File android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory cache_dir_img else cacheDir context.getCacheDir if cacheDir.exists cacheDir.mkdirs This is used for a stub when the user can not see the actual image.. this images will..
How to clear cache Android adapter deleteCache this adapter.notifyDataSetChanged public static void deleteCache Context context try File dir context.getCacheDir if dir null dir.isDirectory deleteDir dir catch Exception e public static boolean deleteDir File dir if dir null dir.isDirectory.. share improve this question this will delete cache public static void deleteCache Context context try File dir context.getCacheDir if dir null dir.isDirectory deleteDir dir catch Exception e public static boolean deleteDir File dir if dir null dir.isDirectory..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? CacheManager public static void cacheData Context context byte data String name throws IOException File cacheDir context.getCacheDir long size getDirSize cacheDir long newSize data.length size if newSize MAX_SIZE cleanDir cacheDir newSize MAX_SIZE File.. os.flush os.close public static byte retrieveData Context context String name throws IOException File cacheDir context.getCacheDir File file new File cacheDir name if file.exists Data doesn't exist return null byte data new byte int file.length FileInputStream..