

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:29

android Programming Glossary: contentview

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


tickerText System.currentTimeMillis final RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout.. context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setImageViewResource R.id.image R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText.. R.id.image R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText R.id.text tickerText contentView.setProgressBar..

How to load the Listview “smoothly” in android


you have such code public View getView int position View contentView ViewGroup arg2 ViewHolder holder if contentView null holder.. View contentView ViewGroup arg2 ViewHolder holder if contentView null holder new ViewHolder contentView inflater.inflate R.layout.my_magic_list.. holder if contentView null holder new ViewHolder contentView inflater.inflate R.layout.my_magic_list null holder.label TextView..

Refresh progress bar in notification bar


super.onCreate icicle define Notification ... RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout.. getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress_bar MAX_PROGRESS mProgressStatus.. MAX_PROGRESS mProgressStatus false notification.contentView contentView Start file upload in a background thread new Thread..

Android Runtime Layout Tutorial


share improve this question You forgot to set your contentView. You should add setContentView layout At the end of the onCreate..

Brightness Screen Filter


through use the following Window flags before setting the contentView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..

Custom notification layouts and text colors


standard notification object and then traverse the default contentView created by Notification.setLatestEventInfo ... . When you find.. group new LinearLayout this ViewGroup event ViewGroup ntf.contentView.apply this group recurseGroup event group.removeAllViews catch..

Android ClassNotFoundException


only seems to be when an activity is loaded which when the contentView is set it tries to inflate a custom View called GoBoardView..

sliding drawer appear in all activities


in method call combine them as we need and set as the contentView of the activity. EDIT After you've created the stuff above just..

How to get Activity's content view?


what method should I call to get know if Activity has it's contentView I mean method setContentView has been done android share..

inflating fragments with compatibility package android


Fragment and then tried to inflate it by setting the contentView of the Activity to LinearLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

Extract notification text from parcelable, contentView or contentIntent


notification text from parcelable contentView or contentIntent So I got my AccessibilityService working with.. message either from notification or notification.contentView notification.contentIntent . Any ideas edit To clarify what.. event.getParcelableData RemoteViews views notification.contentView Class secretClass views.getClass try Map Integer String text..

Custom Spinners/drop down menu


protected void onMeasureAndLayout Rect anchorRect View contentView contentView.setLayoutParams new FrameLayout.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. void onMeasureAndLayout Rect anchorRect View contentView contentView.setLayoutParams new FrameLayout.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT contentView.measure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec getScreenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY..

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


final Notification notif new Notification R.drawable.icon tickerText System.currentTimeMillis final RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setImageViewResource R.id.image R.drawable.icon.. final RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setImageViewResource R.id.image R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText R.id.text tickerText contentView.setProgressBar.. context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setImageViewResource R.id.image R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText R.id.text tickerText contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress 100 0 false notif.contentView contentView..

How to load the Listview “smoothly” in android


you have. Possibly this will help you. So in list adapter you have such code public View getView int position View contentView ViewGroup arg2 ViewHolder holder if contentView null holder new ViewHolder contentView inflater.inflate R.layout.my_magic_list.. list adapter you have such code public View getView int position View contentView ViewGroup arg2 ViewHolder holder if contentView null holder new ViewHolder contentView inflater.inflate R.layout.my_magic_list null holder.label TextView contentView.findViewById.. getView int position View contentView ViewGroup arg2 ViewHolder holder if contentView null holder new ViewHolder contentView inflater.inflate R.layout.my_magic_list null holder.label TextView contentView.findViewById R.id.label contentView.setTag..

Refresh progress bar in notification bar


mHandler new Handler protected void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle define Notification ... RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress_bar MAX_PROGRESS.. define Notification ... RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress_bar MAX_PROGRESS mProgressStatus false notification.contentView contentView Start file upload.. contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress_bar MAX_PROGRESS mProgressStatus false notification.contentView contentView Start file upload in a background thread new Thread new Runnable public void run while mProgressStatus MAX_PROGRESS..

Android Runtime Layout Tutorial


Brightness Screen Filter


that lets touches pass through. To make touches pass through use the following Window flags before setting the contentView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Window window getWindow Let touches..

Custom notification layouts and text colors


the solution for older API The trick is to create the standard notification object and then traverse the default contentView created by Notification.setLatestEventInfo ... . When you find the right TextView just get the tv.getTextColors .getDefaultColor.. this COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP Utest null LinearLayout group new LinearLayout this ViewGroup event ViewGroup ntf.contentView.apply this group recurseGroup event group.removeAllViews catch Exception e notification_text_color android.R.color.black..

Android ClassNotFoundException


googling to no avail and hopes someone has some pointers It only seems to be when an activity is loaded which when the contentView is set it tries to inflate a custom View called GoBoardView which extends the View class this is just doing some simple..

sliding drawer appear in all activities


drawer from xml inflate our layout for activity by reId provided in method call combine them as we need and set as the contentView of the activity. EDIT After you've created the stuff above just proceed to write an app as usual create layouts without..

How to get Activity's content view?


to get Activity's content view Tell me what method should I call to get know if Activity has it's contentView I mean method setContentView has been done android share improve this question this.getWindow .getDecorView .findViewById..

inflating fragments with compatibility package android


file and placed it in the libs folder of my project. I extended Fragment and then tried to inflate it by setting the contentView of the Activity to LinearLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android layout_width fill_parent..

Extract notification text from parcelable, contentView or contentIntent


notification text from parcelable contentView or contentIntent So I got my AccessibilityService working with the following code @Override public void onAccessibilityEvent.. parcel However I have no idea how to extract the notifcation's message either from notification or notification.contentView notification.contentIntent . Any ideas edit To clarify what is asked here How can I read out 3 android notifications android.. Reflections. Here it is Notification notification Notification event.getParcelableData RemoteViews views notification.contentView Class secretClass views.getClass try Map Integer String text new HashMap Integer String Field outerFields secretClass.getDeclaredFields..

Custom Spinners/drop down menu


List QuickAction quickActions Do nothing @Override protected void onMeasureAndLayout Rect anchorRect View contentView contentView.setLayoutParams new FrameLayout.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. List QuickAction quickActions Do nothing @Override protected void onMeasureAndLayout Rect anchorRect View contentView contentView.setLayoutParams new FrameLayout.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT contentView.measure.. new FrameLayout.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT contentView.measure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec getScreenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT int rootHeight..