

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:29

android Programming Glossary: contenturis.withappendedid

cover art on android


Uri.parse content media external audio albumart Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId sArtworkUri album_id ContentResolver res context.getContentResolver..

Android: SQLite one-to-many design


types Offer.TYPE type db.setTransactionSuccessful return ContentUris.withAppendedId Offer.CONTENT_URI rowId catch Exception e Log.e TAG Failed to..

Read all contact's phone numbers in android


with a contact in the following manner Uri personUri ContentUris.withAppendedId People.CONTENT_URI personId Uri phonesUri Uri.withAppendedPath..

How do I load a contact Photo?


contentResolver Long contactId Uri contactPhotoUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI contactId contactPhotoUri content com.android.contacts.. Bitmap fetchThumbnail final int thumbnailId final Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI thumbnailId final Cursor cursor..

How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays?


details and birthday like this Cursor c null try Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI id c ctx.getContentResolver..

How can I refresh MediaStore on Android?


delete any play lists with a data length of '0' Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI i getContentResolver..

How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android?


Uri.parse content media external audio albumart Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId sArtworkUri album_id I saw this post http stackoverflow.com..

Getting a Photo from a Contact


catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null Uri person ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI Long .parseLong getId..

Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android


values if added successfully if _ID1 0 _uri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI1 _ID1 getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange.. values if added successfully if _ID2 0 _uri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI2 _ID2 getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


null values Notify any watchers of the change newUri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI id getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange..

Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number


int id cursor.getColumnIndex Phones.PERSON_ID Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId Phones.CONTENT_URI cursor.getLong id String uriPhoto uri.toString..

Load contact photo in a listview performance


cb mContacts.get position if cb null Uri contactPhotoUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI cb.getContactIndex BitmapDownloaderTask..

How can I update the contents of an entry in the Call Log?


int result OsmoService.context.getContentResolver .update ContentUris.withAppendedId CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI 0 newValues null null android calllog.. If you update your code above and replace the line ContentUris.withAppendedId CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI 0 with this line Uri.parse content..

how to get contact photo URI


catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null Uri person ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI contactId return Uri.withAppendedPath..

Android's Media Scanner: How do I remove files?


ca.getColumnIndex MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID uri ContentUris.withAppendedId MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI id context.getContentResolver..

Android - Update a contact


Cursor cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI cursor.getInt 0 return..

cover art on android


android share improve this question Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external audio albumart Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId sArtworkUri album_id ContentResolver res context.getContentResolver InputStream in res.openInputStream uri Bitmap artwork..

Android: SQLite one-to-many design


Offer.TYPE t insert values into second table db.insert types Offer.TYPE type db.setTransactionSuccessful return ContentUris.withAppendedId Offer.CONTENT_URI rowId catch Exception e Log.e TAG Failed to insert record e finally db.endTransaction android sqlite..

Read all contact's phone numbers in android


question You can read all of the telephone numbers associated with a contact in the following manner Uri personUri ContentUris.withAppendedId People.CONTENT_URI personId Uri phonesUri Uri.withAppendedPath personUri People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY String proj new..

How do I load a contact Photo?


returns info for contact public Bitmap getPhoto ContentResolver contentResolver Long contactId Uri contactPhotoUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI contactId contactPhotoUri content com.android.contacts contacts 1557 InputStream photoDataStream Contacts.openContactPhotoInputStream.. return thumbnailId finally cursor.close final Bitmap fetchThumbnail final int thumbnailId final Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI thumbnailId final Cursor cursor contentResolver.query uri PHOTO_BITMAP_PROJECTION null..

How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays?


upcoming birthday For a single contact identified by id I get details and birthday like this Cursor c null try Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI id c ctx.getContentResolver .query uri null null null null if c null if c.moveToFirst..

How can I refresh MediaStore on Android?


let me know list.add Keeping cursor.getString 2 id i else delete any play lists with a data length of '0' Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI i getContentResolver .delete uri null null list.add Deleted cursor.getString..

How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android?


if I use the full images in a List Activity Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external audio albumart Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId sArtworkUri album_id I saw this post http stackoverflow.com questions 2902232 android media thumbnails serious issues But..

Getting a Photo from a Contact


null no photo else return null error in cursor process catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null Uri person ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI Long .parseLong getId return Uri.withAppendedPath person ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY..

Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android


uriMatcher.match uri case SAMPLE1 long _ID1 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE1 values if added successfully if _ID1 0 _uri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI1 _ID1 getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange _uri null break case SAMPLE2 long _ID2 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE2.. _uri null break case SAMPLE2 long _ID2 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE2 values if added successfully if _ID2 0 _uri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI2 _ID2 getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange _uri null break default throw new SQLException Failed to..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


uri QUADUSER try id db.insertOrThrow TABLE_NAME null values Notify any watchers of the change newUri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI id getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange newUri null catch NullPointerException e Log.v Error OnInsert..

Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number


cursor ImageView imageView ImageView view.findViewById R.id.Foto int id cursor.getColumnIndex Phones.PERSON_ID Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId Phones.CONTENT_URI cursor.getLong id String uriPhoto uri.toString String uriPeople uriPhoto.replace phones people Uri uriFinal..

Load contact photo in a listview performance


else viewHolder ViewHolder view.getTag ContactsBook cb mContacts.get position if cb null Uri contactPhotoUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI cb.getContactIndex BitmapDownloaderTask bdTask new BitmapDownloaderTask viewHolder.qcBadge bdTask.execute..

How can I update the contents of an entry in the Call Log?


newValues.put CallLog.Calls.DURATION 50 int result OsmoService.context.getContentResolver .update ContentUris.withAppendedId CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI 0 newValues null null android calllog share improve this question If you update your code.. null null android calllog share improve this question If you update your code above and replace the line ContentUris.withAppendedId CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI 0 with this line Uri.parse content call_log calls It works. I don't know why but something is..

how to get contact photo URI


null no photo else return null error in cursor process catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null Uri person ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI contactId return Uri.withAppendedPath person ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY..

Android's Media Scanner: How do I remove files?


for ca.moveToFirst ca.isAfterLast ca.moveToNext int id ca.getInt ca.getColumnIndex MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID uri ContentUris.withAppendedId MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI id context.getContentResolver .delete uri null null ca.close More of the same..

Android - Update a contact


to the contact's photo private String loadContactPhoto Cursor cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI cursor.getInt 0 return Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY..