android Programming Glossary: context.getstring
I can't open a dialog from GCM onMessage in Android arg1.getStringExtra message when String title context.getString R.string.app_name Intent notificationIntent new Intent context..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? text1 itemName reminderOrAlarmMessage CharSequence text2 context.getString R.string.notif_Go_To_Details PendingIntent pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text your context is CharSequence sequence Html.fromSource context.getString R.string.clickable_string SpannableStringBuilder strBuilder..
Android mkdir not making folder
How do I default to numeric keyboard on EditText without forcing numeric input? [duplicate]
Is there a way prevent AlertDialog from closing with invalid inputs? context return new AlertDialog.Builder context .setTitle context.getString R.string.enter_name .setMessage context.getString R.string.enter_name_msg.. context.getString R.string.enter_name .setMessage context.getString R.string.enter_name_msg .setView editText .setPositiveButton.. .setView editText .setPositiveButton context.getString R.string.done new PositiveButtonClickListener .setNegativeButton..
OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB List NameValuePair nameValuePairs httppost new HttpPost context.getString R.string.SYNCURL HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset..
Adding an intent to a TabActivity in Android view.findViewById if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.settings 0 resId R.drawable.settings_icon else if.. 0 resId R.drawable.settings_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.remotes 0 resId R.drawable.remotes_icon else if text.compareTo.. 0 resId R.drawable.remotes_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString 0 resId R.drawable.live_icon else if text.compareTo..
Push notifications / C2DM for Kindle Fire? context AndroidMobilePushApp.class newIntent.putExtra context.getString R.string.msg_field payload.toString newIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK..
I can't open a dialog from GCM onMessage in Android Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.notification_icon arg1.getStringExtra message when String title context.getString R.string.app_name Intent notificationIntent new Intent context Your Activity .class set intent so it does not start a new..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? newIntent.putExtra item_id itemId CharSequence text1 itemName reminderOrAlarmMessage CharSequence text2 context.getString R.string.notif_Go_To_Details PendingIntent pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 newIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text this question Try this final Context context ... whereever your context is CharSequence sequence Html.fromSource context.getString R.string.clickable_string SpannableStringBuilder strBuilder new SpannableStringBuilder sequence UnderlineSpan underlines..
Android mkdir not making folder
How do I default to numeric keyboard on EditText without forcing numeric input? [duplicate]
Is there a way prevent AlertDialog from closing with invalid inputs? AlertDialog buildAlertDialog Context context return new AlertDialog.Builder context .setTitle context.getString R.string.enter_name .setMessage context.getString R.string.enter_name_msg .setView editText .setPositiveButton context.getString.. Context context return new AlertDialog.Builder context .setTitle context.getString R.string.enter_name .setMessage context.getString R.string.enter_name_msg .setView editText .setPositiveButton context.getString R.string.done new PositiveButtonClickListener.. R.string.enter_name .setMessage context.getString R.string.enter_name_msg .setView editText .setPositiveButton context.getString R.string.done new PositiveButtonClickListener .setNegativeButton context.getString R.string.cancel null .create android..
OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB httpclient ResponseHandler String res new BasicResponseHandler List NameValuePair nameValuePairs httppost new HttpPost context.getString R.string.SYNCURL HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset params UTF 8 String lastupdate..
Adding an intent to a TabActivity in Android tv.setText text int resId 0 ImageView iconImageView ImageView view.findViewById if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.settings 0 resId R.drawable.settings_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.remotes 0 resId R.drawable.remotes_icon.. if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.settings 0 resId R.drawable.settings_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.remotes 0 resId R.drawable.remotes_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString 0 resId R.drawable.live_icon.. else if text.compareTo context.getString R.string.remotes 0 resId R.drawable.remotes_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString 0 resId R.drawable.live_icon else if text.compareTo context.getString 0 resId R.drawable.guide_icon..
Push notifications / C2DM for Kindle Fire? key ' n' Intent newIntent new Intent newIntent.setClass context AndroidMobilePushApp.class newIntent.putExtra context.getString R.string.msg_field payload.toString newIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP context.startActivity..