android Programming Glossary: context.class
Android SMS API system app Mms.apk getClassLoader Class.forName true c .getMethod init Context.class .invoke null context Class.forName true c .getMethod updateAllNotifications.. null context Class.forName true c .getMethod updateAllNotifications Context.class .invoke null context This is obviously a very bad idea for several reasons but I can't think of another way to do what you..
Change the background color of the options menu View classes @SuppressWarnings rawtypes private static final Class standard_inflater_constructor_signature new Class Context.class AttributeSet.class protected void addOptionsMenuHackerInflaterFactory final LayoutInflater infl getLayoutInflater infl.setFactory..
How to programatically hide Caller ID on Android getDefaultPhone Method makeDefaultPhoneMethod phoneFactoryClass.getMethod makeDefaultPhone Context.class try makeDefaultPhoneMethod.invoke null this Object defaultPhone getDefaultPhoneMethod.invoke null Class phoneInterface..
Proguard and reflection in Android ArrayList Algorithm for Class extends Algorithm alg algorithms try Constructor extends Algorithm c alg.getConstructor Context.class list.add c.newInstance cnx catch IllegalArgumentException e Log.e TAG IllegalArgumentException e throw new IllegalStateException..
What if I want to release an update with higher minSDK than the one on the market? public static Method getExternalFilesDir try Class partypes new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir isn't available in.. e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir isn't available in this devices api This piece of code is saying Within the Context.class have I got this method getExternalFilesDir API level 9 If so instantiate the variable getExternalFilesDir as a reflective..