android Programming Glossary: context.mode_world_readable
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? through myContext createPackageContext com.example.package Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE and then call myContext.getSharedPreferences.. and then call myContext.getSharedPreferences pref_name Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE However I can't write to the preferences.. getApplicationContext .getSharedPreferences svcprefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE mEd mPrefs.edit mEd.putString test..
Create and Share a File from Internal Storage outputStream context.openFileOutput fileName Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE PrintStream printStream new PrintStream outputStream String..
How to read text file in Android? [duplicate] to read the file File file new File activity.getDir data Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE new android out.txt BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new..
Show PDF in Android .getInputStream FileOutputStream fos openFileOutput fname Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE transfer bytes from the input file to the output file byte buffer..
Android: Retrieving shared preferences of other application testPrefs myContext.getSharedPreferences test_prefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Map String items testPrefs .getAll for String s items.keySet..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage .getAbsolutePath OR mFile getDir media Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE .getAbsolutePath record seems to work but playback fails with.. .getAbsolutePath BAD mFile getDir media Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE .getAbsolutePath BAD mFile audiorecordtest.3gp Log.e LOG_TAG..
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? myPrefLogin this.getSharedPreferences myPrefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE fromOrientation myPrefLogin.getString fromOrient false if fromOrientation..
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? can be read by another. Essentially I create a new context through myContext createPackageContext com.example.package Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE and then call myContext.getSharedPreferences pref_name Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE.. Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE and then call myContext.getSharedPreferences pref_name Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE However I can't write to the preferences successfully from the outside app SharedPreferences.Editor.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mPrefs getApplicationContext .getSharedPreferences svcprefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE mEd mPrefs.edit mEd.putString test original send from prefs owner mEd.commit 2. Set up the..
Create and Share a File from Internal Storage Intent. I'm able to create a XML file using this code FileOutputStream outputStream context.openFileOutput fileName Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE PrintStream printStream new PrintStream outputStream String xml this.writeXml get XML here printStream.println xml printStream.close..
How to read text file in Android? [duplicate] am unable to read this file. I used the following procedures to read the file File file new File activity.getDir data Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE new android out.txt BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader file Can anyone please help me out to fix this issue..
Show PDF in Android URL url new URL data InputStream myInput url.openConnection .getInputStream FileOutputStream fos openFileOutput fname Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE transfer bytes from the input file to the output file byte buffer new byte 8192 int length while length buffer..
Android: Retrieving shared preferences of other application is the owning app containing the preferences SharedPreferences testPrefs myContext.getSharedPreferences test_prefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Map String items testPrefs .getAll for String s items.keySet do somthing like String value items.get s .toString share..
MediaPlayer error -2147483648 when playing file on internal storage mFile getFilesDir .getAbsolutePath OR mFile getDir media Context.MODE_PRIVATE .getAbsolutePath OR mFile getDir media Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE .getAbsolutePath record seems to work but playback fails with ERROR MediaPlayer 4559 error 1 2147483648 What function will.. getFilesDir .getAbsolutePath BAD mFile getDir media Context.MODE_PRIVATE .getAbsolutePath BAD mFile getDir media Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE .getAbsolutePath BAD mFile audiorecordtest.3gp Log.e LOG_TAG mFile ... When I record to external storage and playback works..
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? super.onCreate savedInstanceState prefsEditor myPrefLogin.edit myPrefLogin this.getSharedPreferences myPrefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE fromOrientation myPrefLogin.getString fromOrient false if fromOrientation do as per need logic of orientation changed...