

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:29

android Programming Glossary: contentproviderresult

Add number to contact on Android 2.0


Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM .withValue Phone.LABEL testLabel .build ContentProviderResult result contentResolver.applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY..

Master-detail Using ContentResolver.applyBatch()?


HERE .withValue Detail.NAME .withValue Detail.VALUE .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch MasterDetail.AUTHORITY.. .applyBatch MasterDetail.AUTHORITY operations for ContentProviderResult result results Uri test result.uri In my content provider I..

Inserting contacts in Android 2.2


StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME Mike Sullivan .build ContentProviderResult res getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY..

Contact API storing contact as an invisible contact: How to make it visible?


.build try ContentProviderResult results getContentResolver . applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY..

Semantics of withValueBackReference?


them to the content provider using the applyBatch method. ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY.. FOO.DESCRIPTION A foo of despicable nature .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY.. BAR.NAME Barbarian .withValue BAR.GENDER male .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY..

Android Contacts - Update Note


hello@hi.comm .build try operationList.add builder.build ContentProviderResult res context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY..

Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x


r.nextInt 20 .build try ContentProviderResult result context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY..

Android - Update a contact


contact into the database. Here is the code to get this id ContentProviderResult res try res KramerApplication.getInstance .getContentResolver..

Add number to contact on Android 2.0


.withValue Phone.NUMBER testNumber .withValue Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM .withValue Phone.LABEL testLabel .build ContentProviderResult result contentResolver.applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY op_list The big challenge is a huge lack of good documentation...

Master-detail Using ContentResolver.applyBatch()?


detail .build .withValue Detail.MASTER_ID WHAT GOES HERE .withValue Detail.NAME .withValue Detail.VALUE .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch MasterDetail.AUTHORITY operations for ContentProviderResult result results Uri.. .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch MasterDetail.AUTHORITY operations for ContentProviderResult result results Uri test result.uri In my content provider I am overriding the applyBatch method in order to wrap the operation..

Inserting contacts in Android 2.2


Contact API storing contact as an invisible contact: How to make it visible?


.withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE_WORK .build try ContentProviderResult results getContentResolver . applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY op_list catch Exception e e.printStackTrace this code..

Semantics of withValueBackReference?


operations new ArrayList ContentProviderOperation then apply them to the content provider using the applyBatch method. ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY operations That is the basic concept so let's apply it. Suppose.. intent.getData .withValue FOO.NAME Foo B .withValue FOO.DESCRIPTION A foo of despicable nature .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY operations Nothing special here we are adding 2 ContentProviderOperation.. BAR.FOO_ID 1 Index of parent Foo B is 1 .withValue BAR.NAME Barbarian .withValue BAR.GENDER male .build ContentProviderResult results this.getContentResolver .applyBatch FooBar.AUTHORITY operations So the withValueBackReference method allows us to..

Android Contacts - Update Note


.withSelection selectPhone phoneArgs .withValue Email.DATA1 hello@hi.comm .build try operationList.add builder.build ContentProviderResult res context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY operationList if res 0 .count 0 TODO Then Use the..

Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x


020 r.nextInt .withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE r.nextInt 20 .build try ContentProviderResult result context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY contactOps catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..

Android - Update a contact


id is the raw contact id returned when you insert a new contact into the database. Here is the code to get this id ContentProviderResult res try res KramerApplication.getInstance .getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY ops if res null res..