android Programming Glossary: context.bind_auto_create
Bind service to activity in Android or there are one or more connections to it with the Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE flag. Once neither of these situations hold the Service's onDestroy..
How do I bind this service in Android? bindService hello_service hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But my question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection..
Restful API service context.bindService i conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE else Toast.makeText context Cannot bind service already bound..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging bindService new Intent this MyService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mIsBound true textStatus.setText Binding. void doUnbindService..
Android media player and seekbar sync issue this.bindService new Intent this GroveService.class conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE ArrayAdapter String songList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.song_item..
Android:sound pool and service this LocalService.class bindService intent mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected void onStop super.onStop Unbind from the..
NullPointerException when calling service in onResume FooService.class bindService intent fooServiceConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected void onResume I would assume the service..
Location service onProviderEnabled never called new Intent this LocationService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE .... and @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy..
bind/unbind service example (android) to explain what is it mContext.bindService i mServerConn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mContext.startService i public void stop mContext.stopService..
Android Regular GPS Polling in Service, maximizing battery life the activities with bindService new Intent .... mServconn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE in onStart and unbindService mServconn in onStop of each activity..
Bind service to activity in Android will keep the service running as long as either it is started or there are one or more connections to it with the Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE flag. Once neither of these situations hold the Service's onDestroy method is called and the service is effectively terminated...
How do I bind this service in Android? this HelloService.class hello_service_conn new HelloServiceConnection bindService hello_service hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But my question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection public void..
Restful API service i new Intent i.setClassName context.bindService i conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE else Toast.makeText context Cannot bind service already bound Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show protected void destroy releaseService..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging msg catch RemoteException e void doBindService bindService new Intent this MyService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mIsBound true textStatus.setText Binding. void doUnbindService if mIsBound If we have received the service and hence registered..
Android media player and seekbar sync issue seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener this this.bindService new Intent this GroveService.class conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE ArrayAdapter String songList new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.song_item gs.songs setListAdapter songList timer.setOnChronometerTickListener..
Android:sound pool and service super.onStart Bind to LocalService Intent intent new Intent this LocalService.class bindService intent mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected void onStop super.onStop Unbind from the service if mBound unbindService mConnection mBound false ..
NullPointerException when calling service in onResume void onStart super.onStart Intent intent new Intent this FooService.class bindService intent fooServiceConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected void onResume I would assume the service would have bound by now super.onResume doSomething android..
Location service onProviderEnabled never called savedInstanceState .... Bind location service bindService new Intent this LocationService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE .... and @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy Unbind LocationService ItemDetail.this.unbindService mConnection..
bind/unbind service example (android) mContext is defined upper in code I think it is not necessary to explain what is it mContext.bindService i mServerConn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mContext.startService i public void stop mContext.stopService new Intent mContext ServiceRemote.class mContext.unbindService..
Android Regular GPS Polling in Service, maximizing battery life I used an Ibinder in the service and bound to it from the activities with bindService new Intent .... mServconn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE in onStart and unbindService mServconn in onStop of each activity I had the service use sendBroadcast to BroadcastReceivers..