

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:30

android Programming Glossary: context.sensor_service

Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator)


the line return SensorManager getContext .getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE into return SensorManagerSimulator.getSystemService this SENSOR_SERVICE.. isn't activity And instead of SENSOR_SERVICE I had to put Context.SENSOR_SERVICE . After that the next change was private void attachToSensor..

Android getOrientation() method returns bad results


ll sensorManager SensorManager this.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE sensorManager.registerListener mAccelerometerListener sensorManager.getDefaultSensor..

How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer?


SensorManager manager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Sensor accelerometer manager.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER..

Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread


con Database d sm SensorManager con.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE s sm.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER .get 0 sm.registerListener..

Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock


SensorManager mContext.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Get the default sensor for accel mSensor mSensorEventManager.getDefaultSensor..

Android: I want to shake it


in onCreate mSensorManager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE mSensorManager.registerListener mSensorListener mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor..

How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL


mSensorManager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE openglView new GLSurfaceView this openglView.setRenderer this..

Is there a way to retrieve multiple sensor data in Android


mSensorManager SensorManager this .getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE mSensorListener new SensorEventListener @Override public void..

android compass seems unreliable


of my activity mSMngr SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE mSListener new cSensorListener mSMngr.registerListener mSListener..

Android natural sensor orientation help


code final SensorManager sm SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE sm.registerListener new SensorEventListener @Override public..

SensorEventListener doesn't get unregistered with unregisterListener() method


code sensorManager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE List Sensor sensors sensorManager.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION..

android device angle to vertical axis


sensorManager SensorManager context.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Sensor sensor List Sensor sensors sensorManager.getSensorList..

Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator)


to use the SensorSimulator in your application I changed the line return SensorManager getContext .getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE into return SensorManagerSimulator.getSystemService this SENSOR_SERVICE and that was an error. Instad of this I had to use.. so maybe because thermometer class extends View therefore it isn't activity And instead of SENSOR_SERVICE I had to put Context.SENSOR_SERVICE . After that the next change was private void attachToSensor SensorManagerSimulator sensorManager getSensorManager sensorManager.connectSimulator..

Android getOrientation() method returns bad results


ll.addView mTextView_filtered_roll setContentView ll sensorManager SensorManager this.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE sensorManager.registerListener mAccelerometerListener sensorManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI..

How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer?


textView new TextView this setContentView textView SensorManager manager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Sensor accelerometer manager.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER .get 0 manager.registerListener this accelerometer..

Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread


this approach doesn't create a new Thread. Accelerometer Context con Database d sm SensorManager con.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE s sm.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER .get 0 sm.registerListener this s 1000000 db d void run Please suggest me..

Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock


Obtain a reference to system wide sensor event manager. mSensorEventManager SensorManager mContext.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Get the default sensor for accel mSensor mSensorEventManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER Register for events...

Android: I want to shake it


super.onPause And add this to your onCreate method do this in onCreate mSensorManager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE mSensorManager.registerListener mSensorListener mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL..

How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL


onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mSensorManager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE openglView new GLSurfaceView this openglView.setRenderer this setContentView openglView @Override protected void onResume..

Is there a way to retrieve multiple sensor data in Android


mSensorManager private SensorEventListener mSensorListener mSensorManager SensorManager this .getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE mSensorListener new SensorEventListener @Override public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor arg0 int arg1 @Override public void..

android compass seems unreliable


int m_fCompBearing calcOffset rotateCmp And code in on create of my activity mSMngr SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE mSListener new cSensorListener mSMngr.registerListener mSListener mSMngr.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI..

Android natural sensor orientation help


FYI I register this listener in the Application. Here is my code final SensorManager sm SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE sm.registerListener new SensorEventListener @Override public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent sensorEvent if sensorEvent.sensor.getType..

SensorEventListener doesn't get unregistered with unregisterListener() method


SensorThread Running . The registration code sensorManager SensorManager getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE List Sensor sensors sensorManager.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION if sensors.size 0 sensor sensors.get 0 running sensorManager.registerListener..

android device angle to vertical axis


I register this listener to an Orientaion Sensor SensorManager sensorManager SensorManager context.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Sensor sensor List Sensor sensors sensorManager.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION if sensors.size 0 sensor sensors.get..