android Programming Glossary: consists
Converting bitmap to byteArray android use it b is the Bitmap calculate how many bytes our image consists of. int bytes b.getByteCount or we can calculate bytes this..
How To Create a Rotating Wheel Control? to implement just as shown in the below image.The wheel consists of individual images.Does anybody have any idea regarding this..
Switching fragments within tab I'm creating an app that uses ActionBarSherlock. The app consists of three tabs and in each of them multiple screens are shown..
Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails? displays the list of recorded videos where each item consists of icon video title tags and location information the following..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager when using tabs with ViewPager I have an application that consists of using ActionBarSherlock in tab mode.I have 5 tabs and the..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch rotation matrix has now effectively been calculated. It consists of the three vectors m_NormEastVector m_NormNorthVector and..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? you have custom layout for listView items and this layout consists of button and some other views like TextView ImageView or whatever...
Gmail style listview I can come close but it's not quite there. My custom row consists of an ImageView on the left and some TextViews on the right...
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections? See the example below. I try to generate a List that consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining..
How to change current Theme at runtime in Android setTheme at any special point in the code My application consists of several Activities if that helps. android themes share..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? comment here's more specifics. Your application currently consists of Activity derived and Service derived classes for the most..
Vertical line using XML drawable 1px thick but that complicates the drawable XML if it consists of multiple item elements. Anyone had any chance with this UPDATE..
Add and Remove Views in Android Dynamically? right side of a field and it adds or deletes a field which consists of a TextView and an editTextView from what I can see . Any..
Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android another view in android I have a linear layout which consists of imageview and textview one below another in a linear layout...
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents are conflicting with each other. For example if my app consists of the activities A B C then the above issue can lead to a stack..
Creating a product SDK: How do I add a native lib (.SO) and a jar with the SDK I am creating? widget that we will provide to developer end users and it consists of a JAR and a native library .SO built using the NDK. The JAR..
Combine image and text to drawable and text to drawable I want to create a drawable which consists of a map pin bubble and some text. The bubble should be in the..
Sluggish zoom and scroll with GridView in Android suggestion I got via twitter from Lawrence D'Olivero . It consists on subclassing View caching it and using the OnDraw event for..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase to get some basic experience. My app is pretty simple and consists among other things of a broadcast receiver and some activities...
Override Android Backbutton behavior only works on the first page with PhoneGap different page the backbutton does nothing at all. The app consists of a tabview like this body div data role page id pilotTab div..
Converting bitmap to byteArray android what you'll want to use so here is an example on how you can use it b is the Bitmap calculate how many bytes our image consists of. int bytes b.getByteCount or we can calculate bytes this way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images...
How To Create a Rotating Wheel Control? below.I came across the tutorial from this link . But i want to implement just as shown in the below image.The wheel consists of individual images.Does anybody have any idea regarding this implementation Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance...
Switching fragments within tab fragments within tab I'm creating an app that uses ActionBarSherlock. The app consists of three tabs and in each of them multiple screens are shown consecutively based on user input. I am able to switch Fragments..
Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails? recording application with library dialog. The library dialog displays the list of recorded videos where each item consists of icon video title tags and location information the following way Does anyone know whether it is possible to replace icons..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager Activity has been destroyed&rdquo when using tabs with ViewPager I have an application that consists of using ActionBarSherlock in tab mode.I have 5 tabs and the content of each tab is handled using fragments. For tab2 though..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch screen_adjustment 3 float Math.PI 2 break NB the rotation matrix has now effectively been calculated. It consists of the three vectors m_NormEastVector m_NormNorthVector and m_NormGravityVector calculate all the required angles from..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? improve this question I hope I can help here. I assume that you have custom layout for listView items and this layout consists of button and some other views like TextView ImageView or whatever. Now you want to have different event fired on button..
Gmail style listview left or view an email by clicking anywhere else on the row. I can come close but it's not quite there. My custom row consists of an ImageView on the left and some TextViews on the right. Here's the gist of the getView on my Adapter. @Override public..
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections? the entries like it can be seen in some of the property sections. See the example below. I try to generate a List that consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining the next part of the list and then again some text views...
How to change current Theme at runtime in Android about what could be happening and how to fix it Should I call setTheme at any special point in the code My application consists of several Activities if that helps. android themes share improve this question I would like to see the method too where..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? and the activities are all paused . EDIT In response to the comment here's more specifics. Your application currently consists of Activity derived and Service derived classes for the most part. Inherently you get functionality from an instance of..
Vertical line using XML drawable Yes there are workarounds such as drawing a rectangle shape 1px thick but that complicates the drawable XML if it consists of multiple item elements. Anyone had any chance with this UPDATE Case is still unsolved. However For anyone on a Android..
Add and Remove Views in Android Dynamically? Android contacts screen where you press a small icon on the right side of a field and it adds or deletes a field which consists of a TextView and an editTextView from what I can see . Any examples on how to achieve this android android view share..
Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android Overlapping z index a view above another view in android I have a linear layout which consists of imageview and textview one below another in a linear layout. linearLayout android orientation horizontal ... ImageView..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents to multiple copies of the same activity being launched which are conflicting with each other. For example if my app consists of the activities A B C then the above issue can lead to a stack A B C A. I tried using android launchMode singleTask on..
Creating a product SDK: How do I add a native lib (.SO) and a jar with the SDK I am creating? .SO and a jar with the SDK I am creating I am creating a widget that we will provide to developer end users and it consists of a JAR and a native library .SO built using the NDK. The JAR has a JNI interface to the dynamic library. It's very clear..
Combine image and text to drawable image and text to drawable I want to create a drawable which consists of a map pin bubble and some text. The bubble should be in the background and the text in the foreground. This drawabale..
Sluggish zoom and scroll with GridView in Android 100 lp.gravity 0 this.addView i2 lp An alternative solution suggestion I got via twitter from Lawrence D'Olivero . It consists on subclassing View caching it and using the OnDraw event for composing the scrolling image on a fixed background as his..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase newbie on Android and I'm working on a simple application to get some basic experience. My app is pretty simple and consists among other things of a broadcast receiver and some activities. Both components make use of a single database so in theory..
Override Android Backbutton behavior only works on the first page with PhoneGap only works on the first page of my app. After changing to a different page the backbutton does nothing at all. The app consists of a tabview like this body div data role page id pilotTab div data role header h1 Pilot h1 div div data role content id..