android Programming Glossary: consumer
Is fingerprint supported in android devices? share improve this question This is not possible current consumer touch screens cannot 'see' with that level of detail. You might..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation request_token .openConnection final DefaultOAuthConsumer consumer new DefaultOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1.. api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c This line... final InputStream is c.getInputStream.. oauth request_token final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1..
OAuth instance state in Android Here is the problem. My application has a OAuth consumer and provider as members of my main class. When the browser is.. callback url relaunches my main Activity the provider and consumer are new instances and therefor don't work when I try to make.. correctly because I'm still working with the original consumer and provider. I tried using onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android in this Line authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer CALLBACK_URL It always returns oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthNotAuthorizedException.. failed server replied with a 401 . This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. but if.. follows public class Main extends Activity OAuthConsumer consumer OAuthProvider provider Twitter twitter private static String..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] necessary to have great looking apps. If your app is not a consumer app but an enterprise app which use is dictated by some internal..
Is there a way to hide the system/navigation bar in Android ICS bottom the screen. Their application is not for regular consumer use and it's very important for them to take over the whole..
How to Login twitter using Oauth from my android application? twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken.. new TwitterFactory .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken.. .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? a hold of it what are the consequences of this Compromised Consumer Secret assumptions Am I correct in stating that a compromised..
phonegap.js crashes android app com.phonegap.sample com.phonegap.sample.sample server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 12 17..
Why does the WebViewDemo die? server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 03 09..
Activity restarts on Force Close server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 05 25..
JSON file not getting downloaded, function returns null '4081c258 com.buddy com.BuddyListActivity server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 11 06..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J Tried I already have registered an app in twitter and got Consumer Key and Secret.Even I got various codes to login with twitter.These..
Twitter login clarification login page and login to twitter. For this should we need a Consumer key Consumer secret Key. What does this mean.To create this.. login to twitter. For this should we need a Consumer key Consumer secret Key. What does this mean.To create this login page should..
Is fingerprint supported in android devices? and detect finger prints android support fingerprint share improve this question This is not possible current consumer touch screens cannot 'see' with that level of detail. You might have more luck using the camera but I don't know of any..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation c HttpURLConnection new URL https oauth request_token .openConnection final DefaultOAuthConsumer consumer new DefaultOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c This line... final InputStream is.. final DefaultOAuthConsumer consumer new DefaultOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c This line... final InputStream is c.getInputStream while 0 ... in combination with this line causes responseCode.. for int i 0 i 2 i final HttpGet c new HttpGet https oauth request_token final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer api_key api_secret SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 consumer.sign c final HttpResponse response new..
OAuth instance state in Android Then the callback url will redirect back to my application. Here is the problem. My application has a OAuth consumer and provider as members of my main class. When the browser is launched for authentication sometimes my main Activity is.. my main Activity is discarded to save memory. When the callback url relaunches my main Activity the provider and consumer are new instances and therefor don't work when I try to make a request to the api. If the main Activiy was not freed during.. not freed during the authentication phase then everything works correctly because I'm still working with the original consumer and provider. I tried using onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState but haven't been successful. It seems the onRestoreInstanceState..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android Web Based application or Desktop Application. If i send Callback in this Line authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer CALLBACK_URL It always returns oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthNotAuthorizedException Authorization failed server replied.. Authorization failed server replied with a 401 . This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting to Twitter Login Page.. Links Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link4 Link5 Link 6 My Code is as follows public class Main extends Activity OAuthConsumer consumer OAuthProvider provider Twitter twitter private static String CALLBACK_URL twitterapptest connect @Override public void onCreate..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] a reason you do NOT have full control. And full control is necessary to have great looking apps. If your app is not a consumer app but an enterprise app which use is dictated by some internal department then you might get by with so so design because..
Is there a way to hide the system/navigation bar in Android ICS Sandwich devices and are very keen on hiding the bar at the bottom the screen. Their application is not for regular consumer use and it's very important for them to take over the whole screen to provide their experience. How possible is it to hide..
How to Login twitter using Oauth from my android application? done some code mention below. Please help me out.. Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken AccessToken accessToken null Log.i Acces.. some code mention below. Please help me out.. Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken AccessToken accessToken null Log.i Acces Token.. below. Please help me out.. Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken AccessToken accessToken null Log.i Acces Token accessToken.getToken..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? secret has been compromised and a hacker has gotten a hold of it what are the consequences of this Compromised Consumer Secret assumptions Am I correct in stating that a compromised consumer secret as such has no effect on the user's security..
phonegap.js crashes android app 17 11 13 23.253 ERROR InputDispatcher 62 channel '406defc8 com.phonegap.sample com.phonegap.sample.sample server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 12 17 11 13 23.253 ERROR InputDispatcher 62 channel '406defc8 com.phonegap.sample..
Why does the WebViewDemo die? 68 channel '40763638 server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 03 09 18 57 07.800 ERROR InputDispatcher 68 channel '40763638
Activity restarts on Force Close InputDispatcher 18449 channel '40a16ec8 server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 05 25 08 26 02.990 ERROR InputDispatcher 18449 channel '40a16ec8
JSON file not getting downloaded, function returns null Phone Data 11 06 23 02 23.716 ERROR InputDispatcher 159 channel '4081c258 com.buddy com.BuddyListActivity server ' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events 0x8 11 06 23 02 23.716 ERROR InputDispatcher 159 channel '4081c258 com.buddy..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J Login with Twitter using Twitter4J What I Have Tried I already have registered an app in twitter and got Consumer Key and Secret.Even I got various codes to login with twitter.These are what I have tried from http
Twitter login clarification twitter application in android. For this I want to create a login page and login to twitter. For this should we need a Consumer key Consumer secret Key. What does this mean.To create this login page should we need any this else other than a twitter.. in android. For this I want to create a login page and login to twitter. For this should we need a Consumer key Consumer secret Key. What does this mean.To create this login page should we need any this else other than a twitter account. Please..