android Programming Glossary: constants.tag
USSD service not working CharSequence text throws RemoteException Log.d Constants.TAG Message text Log.d Constants.TAG getMmiRunningTest getMmiRunningText.. RemoteException Log.d Constants.TAG Message text Log.d Constants.TAG getMmiRunningTest getMmiRunningText return null public void.. RemoteException return false public void onCreate Log.d Constants.TAG ExtendedNetworkService Started.. super.onCreate public IBinder..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter @Override public void afterTextChanged Editable s Log.d Constants.TAG Search value changed s.toString adapter.getFilter .filter s.toString.. CharSequence constraint FilterResults results Log.d Constants.TAG PUBLISHING RESULTS for constraint myData List MyDataType results.values.. performFiltering CharSequence constraint Log.d Constants.TAG PERFORM FILTERING for constraint List MyDataType filteredResults..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ intent.getAction Log.d Constants.TAG Received a registration ID from Google. intent.setAction Constants.REGISTRATION_INTENT.. intent.getAction Log.d Constants.TAG Received a C2DM message from Google. intent.setAction Constants.START_C2DM_SERVICE.. onBind Intent intent Log.e com.technosoft.Akashc2dm.Constants.TAG I was awakend by C2DM return new Binder
USSD service not working throws RemoteException return null public CharSequence getUserMessage CharSequence text throws RemoteException Log.d Constants.TAG Message text Log.d Constants.TAG getMmiRunningTest getMmiRunningText return null public void clearMmiString throws RemoteException.. public CharSequence getUserMessage CharSequence text throws RemoteException Log.d Constants.TAG Message text Log.d Constants.TAG getMmiRunningTest getMmiRunningText return null public void clearMmiString throws RemoteException return false public.. return null public void clearMmiString throws RemoteException return false public void onCreate Log.d Constants.TAG ExtendedNetworkService Started.. super.onCreate public IBinder onBind Intent arg0 Log.d Constants.TAG ExtendedNetworkService..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter CharSequence s int start int count int after ignore @Override public void afterTextChanged Editable s Log.d Constants.TAG Search value changed s.toString adapter.getFilter .filter s.toString 3 Override getFilter in your custom adapter and have.. unchecked @Override protected void publishResults CharSequence constraint FilterResults results Log.d Constants.TAG PUBLISHING RESULTS for constraint myData List MyDataType results.values MyCustomAdapter.this.notifyDataSetChanged @Override.. @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint Log.d Constants.TAG PERFORM FILTERING for constraint List MyDataType filteredResults getFilteredResults constraint FilterResults results new..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Context context Intent intent if Constants.RECEIVED_REGISTRATION_ID_FROM_GOOGLE.equals intent.getAction Log.d Constants.TAG Received a registration ID from Google. intent.setAction Constants.REGISTRATION_INTENT intent.setClassName context RegistrationIDReceiver.class.getName.. else if Constants.RECEIVED_C2DM_MESSAGE_FROM_GOOGLE.equals intent.getAction Log.d Constants.TAG Received a C2DM message from Google. intent.setAction Constants.START_C2DM_SERVICE intent.setClass context C2DMService.class.. public class C2DMService extends Service @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent Log.e com.technosoft.Akashc2dm.Constants.TAG I was awakend by C2DM return new Binder files public class RegistrationException extends Exception..