android Programming Glossary: considering
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec good solution. I'm aware that I dropped some of Alex' code considering the SPS and PPS NALU's but I was hoping this would not be necessary..
IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android) is thrown if the server replies with a 401. Very intuitive considering that it was thrown in getResponseCode i.o.w. you are never able..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android simpler and faster to do it with JDBC because you aren't considering the real world operating environment of phones and portable..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? .popBackStack return isPop Step3 Now here I am considering for one fragment only hoping that rest can be handled by you..
Can I tweak my android emulator to make it fast? mine was taking 10 15 mins. 90 seconds is blazing fast considering a lot of threads in the Android discussion groups. The emulator..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView with the LinearLayout but with the ScrollView seems weird considering the fact that the ScrollView was expanding while the LinearLayout..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button in response to this particular question. Especially considering that adjusting the RadioButton layout to place the button on..
Android threading and database locking of handling such a problem It seems rather heavyweight considering we're talking about in front or behind. android sqlite locking..
AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver instead of Service - is that bad ? (Timeout) a Service for this kind of Refresh from Web functionality considering this article http 2009 09 09 diamonds are.. a Service for this kind of Refresh from Web functionality considering this article http 2009 09 09 diamonds are..
App on Android market - HTTP notifications don't come notifications let's compare the setups. EDIT2 seriously considering timed polling of my Google Checkout account. EDIT3 contacted..
Is Hibernate an overkill for an Android application? [duplicate] Hibernate is too much for Android applications especially considering the size of the code and the number of dependencies. http
hiding strings in Obfuscated code encrypted key ... A good alternative to all of this is considering using a third party drm solution such as the licensing server..
Is there a way to get references for all currently active fragments in an Activity? some own bookkeeping but still very limited in my opinion considering the quite specific goal you want to achieve status dependent..
Creating a custom layout for preferences set these each time he uses the application. Currently I'm considering using the standard PreferenceActivity to represent this submenu..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work?
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? change or not above we had done like by defalut we are considering that onCreate is not called from by changing orientation. If..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? calibrating it in specific position before start than considering phone's orientation is not changing logging accelerometer data..
Possible to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets? VpnService implementation to capture and send packets I'm considering the possibility of using the new android 4.0 VpnService interface..
Android P2P (direct-connection) over the Internet (behind NAT) work well if all the devices were in the same network. Considering that today we are almost always behind the NAT of a router how..
Augmented reality - Image size transform for simplicity obviously this is not true in real life . Considering that when looking forward you view 180 degrees and without peripheral..
Eclipse 64-bit - Android Virtual Device Manager Failed to create SD card to be the case as my hard drive has a lot of space left. Considering I have admin rights on my account it shouldn't be that it can't..
Android webview late rendering browser reflow . There are a lot of tools for this job. Considering you current setup you could opt for http forge..
Detect Scroll Up & Scroll down in ListView from the server the items are populated in a ListView. Considering that both the prev page next page are available in a scenario..
Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store application it in E drive. step 2 Now locate to jdk in C drive Considering for windows and assigning C drive C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0..
How can I create my custom properties on xml for Android? guide topics ui custom components.html Considering you have a CustomKeyboard that inherits from KeyboardView View..
Sharing domain objects between activities lookng at implementing Activities for the user interface. Considering that each activity needs to serialise its state what is the..
Face Detection in Android? of previous implementations the camera seems to lag a lot. Considering the camera on the HTC Desire has face detection support I know..
Android: Shader behave different in 'onDraw(canvas)' and 'new Canvas(bitmap)' effects different android share improve this question Considering the black rectangle in the second column PorterDuff.MODE.DST_IN..
Android approach for “Rate my application” approach to prompt Android users to rate your application Considering they could acquire it from or Google Marketplace..
Store a List or Set in SharedPreferences 11 and I'm targeting Android 2.1 and up which is API 7. Considering the usually small list of strings using a database seems total..
When a Fragment is replaced and put in the back stack (or removed) does it stay in memory? as well as by adding too many views to view hierarchy. UPD Considering your example F will stay in memory until C is killed. If C is..
Android fade in and fade out with ImageView image will fade out and another one will fade in. Considering that I have an image already set I can fadeout this Image without..
How to set dymanic images to ViewFlipper in android? enclose with any ImageViews. Now do this in your coding. Considering that you have stored your Images in a array like this int gallery_grid_Images..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec the main goal is to make a streaming service this is not a good solution. I'm aware that I dropped some of Alex' code considering the SPS and PPS NALU's but I was hoping this would not be necessary since that information was also coming from outData..
IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android) aware of what this error means I sure wasn't This exception is thrown if the server replies with a 401. Very intuitive considering that it was thrown in getResponseCode i.o.w. you are never able to check for 401s yourself but have to catch this IOException..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android jdbc share improve this question You think it's simpler and faster to do it with JDBC because you aren't considering the real world operating environment of phones and portable devices. They often have flakey connectivity through buggy traffic..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? .getBackStackEntryCount 0 isPop true getChildFragmentManager .popBackStack return isPop Step3 Now here I am considering for one fragment only hoping that rest can be handled by you in same fashion. Defining container Fragment class. Each tab..
Can I tweak my android emulator to make it fast? question I was having a similar problem thread here . However mine was taking 10 15 mins. 90 seconds is blazing fast considering a lot of threads in the Android discussion groups. The emulator is slow by nature and the only recommendation I read was..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView Found the solution myself in the end. The problem was not with the LinearLayout but with the ScrollView seems weird considering the fact that the ScrollView was expanding while the LinearLayout wasn't . The solution was to use android fillViewport..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button that it's incredibly ironic to bring up Human Interface Guidelines in response to this particular question. Especially considering that adjusting the RadioButton layout to place the button on the far right would achieve consistency with the layout of..
Android threading and database locking I am going to look at this but is this the recommended method of handling such a problem It seems rather heavyweight considering we're talking about in front or behind. android sqlite locking thread safety android asynctask share improve this question..
AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver instead of Service - is that bad ? (Timeout) something to avoid this timeout Should I absolutely go for a Service for this kind of Refresh from Web functionality considering this article http 2009 09 09 diamonds are forever services are not If YES I should switch to a service.. of the device even further. Should I absolutely go for a Service for this kind of Refresh from Web functionality considering this article http 2009 09 09 diamonds are forever services are not If YES I should switch to a service..
App on Android market - HTTP notifications don't come welcome. If you sell stuff on the Market and do get those HTTP notifications let's compare the setups. EDIT2 seriously considering timed polling of my Google Checkout account. EDIT3 contacted Google Checkout support. No substantial response for over a..
Is Hibernate an overkill for an Android application? [duplicate] less heavy compared to Hibernate and iBatis . I think that Hibernate is too much for Android applications especially considering the size of the code and the number of dependencies. http sqlite_java_android_orm.shtml The Android port of..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code for encryption private String mySecret MyDecryptUtil.decrypt encrypted key ... A good alternative to all of this is considering using a third party drm solution such as the licensing server google provides http android 2010..
Is there a way to get references for all currently active fragments in an Activity?
Creating a custom layout for preferences it has to be in this linear progression . The user must set these each time he uses the application. Currently I'm considering using the standard PreferenceActivity to represent this submenu of options. Maybe this isn't the right approach Edit I overlooked..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work?
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? fromOrientation tells the state either configuration had been change or not above we had done like by defalut we are considering that onCreate is not called from by changing orientation. If orientation changed onRetainNonConfigurationInstance then we..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? for car acceleration tracking. I used standard accelerometer calibrating it in specific position before start than considering phone's orientation is not changing logging accelerometer data for specified time and calculating move parameters one of..
Possible to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets? to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets I'm considering the possibility of using the new android 4.0 VpnService interface to implement simple packet capture and analysis. Does..
Android P2P (direct-connection) over the Internet (behind NAT) being used as an initial meeting point however this would only work well if all the devices were in the same network. Considering that today we are almost always behind the NAT of a router how can I achieve direct communication I've been reading about..
Augmented reality - Image size transform the average person does not use their peripheral vision for simplicity obviously this is not true in real life . Considering that when looking forward you view 180 degrees and without peripheral let us assume that 45 degrees from both left and right..
Eclipse 64-bit - Android Virtual Device Manager Failed to create SD card to do with storage space allocation but that doesn't seem to be the case as my hard drive has a lot of space left. Considering I have admin rights on my account it shouldn't be that it can't create a folder either. I really have no idea what is going..
Android webview late rendering in the DOM. To see how this affects your app just google browser reflow . There are a lot of tools for this job. Considering you current setup you could opt for http forge p template . Here are some other options http
Detect Scroll Up & Scroll down in ListView following requirement i At first data for page no 2 is fetched from the server the items are populated in a ListView. Considering that both the prev page next page are available in a scenario the following code has been added if prevPageNo 0 mListViewActual.setOnScrollListener..
Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store application ie A.keystore will be created in some drive location.Let's consider it in E drive. step 2 Now locate to jdk in C drive Considering for windows and assigning C drive C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list v keystore E A.keystore alias A So it will..
How can I create my custom properties on xml for Android? question This link gives a superficial explanation http guide topics ui custom components.html Considering you have a CustomKeyboard that inherits from KeyboardView View Create your custom properties in res values attrs.xml file..
Sharing domain objects between activities user interfaces and porting to other platforms and am now lookng at implementing Activities for the user interface. Considering that each activity needs to serialise its state what is the best way to ensure my domain objects are only serialised once..
Face Detection in Android? their face detection functions but from demos I have seen of previous implementations the camera seems to lag a lot. Considering the camera on the HTC Desire has face detection support I know it must be possible to get at least a semi decent face detection..
Android: Shader behave different in 'onDraw(canvas)' and 'new Canvas(bitmap)' different shader effect as follows Why are the shader effects different android share improve this question Considering the black rectangle in the second column PorterDuff.MODE.DST_IN is defined as Sa Da Sa Dc . Since the destination pixels..
Android approach for “Rate my application” &ldquo Rate my application&rdquo Is there a best practice approach to prompt Android users to rate your application Considering they could acquire it from or Google Marketplace what is the best route to handle this in a way that allows users..
Store a List or Set in SharedPreferences same the answer is unsuitable as the StringSet is API level 11 and I'm targeting Android 2.1 and up which is API 7. Considering the usually small list of strings using a database seems total overkill to me. Using a file to store this would be another..
When a Fragment is replaced and put in the back stack (or removed) does it stay in memory? you can run out of memory by adding Fragments to back stack as well as by adding too many views to view hierarchy. UPD Considering your example F will stay in memory until C is killed. If C is killed and then resurrected with different configuration F..
Android fade in and fade out with ImageView from an ImageView using the fade effect so the currently displayed image will fade out and another one will fade in. Considering that I have an image already set I can fadeout this Image without problem with this Animation fadeInAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation..
How to set dymanic images to ViewFlipper in android? android layout_height wrap_content ViewFlipper need not enclose with any ImageViews. Now do this in your coding. Considering that you have stored your Images in a array like this int gallery_grid_Images R.drawable.gallery_image_1 R.drawable.gallery_image_2..