android Programming Glossary: connectthread
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” once a BluetoothSocket is obtained public void run setName ConnectThread mSocketType Always cancel discovery because it will slow down.. failure e2 connectionFailed e.getMessage return Reset the ConnectThread because we're done synchronized BluetoothChatService.this mConnectThread.. because we're done synchronized BluetoothChatService.this mConnectThread null Start the connected thread connected mmSocket mmDevice..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service 3 now connected to a remote device private ConnectThread mConnectThread private static ConnectedThread mConnectedThread.. now connected to a remote device private ConnectThread mConnectThread private static ConnectedThread mConnectedThread public mInHangler.. macAddress if mState STATE_CONNECTING if mConnectThread null mConnectThread.cancel mConnectThread null Cancel any..
android bluetooth can't connect mDialog.dismiss BluetoothDevice device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public.. device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public class ConnectThread extends.. new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public class ConnectThread extends Thread private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket private..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” 1 Here's the method of interest which gets run once a BluetoothSocket is obtained public void run setName ConnectThread mSocketType Always cancel discovery because it will slow down a connection mAdapter.cancelDiscovery Make a connection to.. TAG unable to close mSocketType socket during connection failure e2 connectionFailed e.getMessage return Reset the ConnectThread because we're done synchronized BluetoothChatService.this mConnectThread null Start the connected thread connected mmSocket.. e.getMessage return Reset the ConnectThread because we're done synchronized BluetoothChatService.this mConnectThread null Start the connected thread connected mmSocket mmDevice mSocketType The relevant log entry printed when the exception..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service an outgoing connection public static final int STATE_CONNECTED 3 now connected to a remote device private ConnectThread mConnectThread private static ConnectedThread mConnectedThread public mInHangler mHandler new mInHangler this private static.. connection public static final int STATE_CONNECTED 3 now connected to a remote device private ConnectThread mConnectThread private static ConnectedThread mConnectedThread public mInHangler mHandler new mInHangler this private static Handler mHandler.. String macAddress BluetoothDevice device mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice macAddress if mState STATE_CONNECTING if mConnectThread null mConnectThread.cancel mConnectThread null Cancel any thread currently running a connection if mConnectedThread null..
android bluetooth can't connect data public void onEvent EventMessage.DeviceSelected event mDialog.dismiss BluetoothDevice device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public class ConnectThread extends Thread private final BluetoothSocket.. event mDialog.dismiss BluetoothDevice device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public class ConnectThread extends Thread private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket private final.. device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public class ConnectThread extends Thread private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket private final BluetoothDevice mmDevice public ConnectThread BluetoothDevice..