android Programming Glossary: consistency
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? mobile development frameworks for this and any form of consistency in how the devices behave. I'm not totally sure I've asked a..
open link of google play store in mobile version android using getPackageName from Context or subclass thereof for consistency thanks @cprcrack . You can find more on Market Intents here..
How To Control use of OverFlow Menu in ICS in the action bar or the device's MENU button. Users want consistency between apps on their device . For users whose device has a..
Designing android apps for tablets the APK was uploaded. So at least there is a semblance of consistency in the review process. Finally the US version. To reiterate..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button layout to place the button on the far right would achieve consistency with the layout of the Spinner menu. I completely agree with..
Android Set ImageButton as Toggle out the image which may be favorable from an Android UI consistency perspective. Another option is to use a complex set of drawables.. option I'll show below. But remember be cautious about UI consistency before doing this. res layout foo.xml ... ToggleButton android..
Getting rid of the gradient at the top of an Activity (Android) set this theme for all activities in the application for consistency application android theme @style Theme.Foo ... share improve..
Is using Serializable in Android bad? on disk because it doesn't have good guarantees about data consistency when things change however Serializable is slow enough that..
Getting decibel from an android microphone there's little reason to assume more than crude consistency from device to device even of the same model. share improve..
Android NDK incremental build least every week or two things never got very far out of consistency and both build scripts were in the revision control system so..
Android user interface guidelines etc. Use the onResume onCreate onPause methods to ensure consistency. Writting in a text box starts the text with an uppercase letter...
How to programatically clear application data application using Robotium . In order to ensure the consistency and reliability of tests I would like to start each test with..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview question Non trivially difficult. Depending on how much consistency you need between your new WebView implementation and the existing..
howto programatically “restart” android app? user have to delete their data factory reset because of consistency. It is possible to force to get the lock because the user might..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss So imagine a flow like this P1 B1 P2 B2 P3 B3 etc. For consistency I'm loading profiles and badges of the same user so each P page..
Proguard tells me 'Please correct the above warnings first.'. How to address references of external jars? cause some harmless notes about descriptor classes. For consistency you may want to remove public for the classes or add public..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? as part of the ActionBar. Normally it would be good for consistency but in my case I need to remove the divider. How can I remove..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button to open the exact same menu. To address the issue of consistency across devices Ultimately it's more important to the user experience..
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? there's a standard approach or default behaviour built into mobile development frameworks for this and any form of consistency in how the devices behave. I'm not totally sure I've asked a good question here but I've struggled to find 100 relevant..
open link of google play store in mobile version android
How To Control use of OverFlow Menu in ICS its means of triggering the menu either the ... affordance in the action bar or the device's MENU button. Users want consistency between apps on their device . For users whose device has a MENU button they will expect to use the MENU button in all apps..
Designing android apps for tablets version. It displayed when you did it as 12th June the date the APK was uploaded. So at least there is a semblance of consistency in the review process. Finally the US version. To reiterate this is basically the same app with the same xml as the Irish..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button Especially considering that adjusting the RadioButton layout to place the button on the far right would achieve consistency with the layout of the Spinner menu. I completely agree with your opinion on the matter but it's quite possible that NickTFried..
Android Set ImageButton as Toggle button background in its checked state you'll be able to swap out the image which may be favorable from an Android UI consistency perspective. Another option is to use a complex set of drawables and nine patches to get an image inside a ToggleButton.. background and or the image resource upon toggle. That's the option I'll show below. But remember be cautious about UI consistency before doing this. res layout foo.xml ... ToggleButton android textOn android textOff android layout_width wrap_content..
Getting rid of the gradient at the top of an Activity (Android)
Is using Serializable in Android bad? You can't use Parcelable for data that will be stored on disk because it doesn't have good guarantees about data consistency when things change however Serializable is slow enough that I would strongly urge not using it there either. You are better..
Getting decibel from an android microphone
Android NDK incremental build gain for daily work. Provided I had to do a real build at least every week or two things never got very far out of consistency and both build scripts were in the revision control system so there was history to examine . Something like this could be..
Android user interface guidelines last state it has been last selected item last opened windows etc. Use the onResume onCreate onPause methods to ensure consistency. Writting in a text box starts the text with an uppercase letter. This is not automatic with the textbox widget you have..
How to programatically clear application data application data I am developing automated tests for an android application using Robotium . In order to ensure the consistency and reliability of tests I would like to start each test with clean state of the application under test . In order to do..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview android firefox webkit webview share improve this question Non trivially difficult. Depending on how much consistency you need between your new WebView implementation and the existing implementation you could have a lot of work to do. There..
howto programatically “restart” android app? instance gets that logged in lock all other instanecs of that user have to delete their data factory reset because of consistency. It is possible to force to get the lock because the user might delete the app and reinstall it what would result in a different..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss profile to a badge list to other profiles to other lists etc. So imagine a flow like this P1 B1 P2 B2 P3 B3 etc. For consistency I'm loading profiles and badges of the same user so each P page is the same and so is each B page. The general gist of the..
Proguard tells me 'Please correct the above warnings first.'. How to address references of external jars? class members from being shrunk optimized obfuscated. This may cause some harmless notes about descriptor classes. For consistency you may want to remove public for the classes or add public protected for the class members. share improve this answer..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? release I see that I get a blue line divider separator as part of the ActionBar. Normally it would be good for consistency but in my case I need to remove the divider. How can I remove or style the divider of the ActionBar in ICS Tried setting..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button ambiguity for the user essentially having two buttons available to open the exact same menu. To address the issue of consistency across devices Ultimately it's more important to the user experience that your app behave consistently with every other..