android Programming Glossary: br.close
How to parse complex JSON file in android line br.readLine null sb.append line data sb.toString br.close catch Exception e Log.d Exception while downloading url e.toString..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? line br.readLine null sb.append line data sb.toString br.close catch Exception e Log.d Exception while downloading url e.toString..
Android Assets with sub folders line null while line br.readLine null Log.e wtf line br.close Are you sure you've got the names right share improve this..
Access resource files in Android Close the InputStream and BufferedReader is.close br.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace java android file resources..
WIFI to WIFI Connectivity using Android reply os.writeBytes 200 Close streams and socket. os.close br.close socket.close nb4namingconventions. almost forgot. you will..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity catch Exception e e.printStackTrace finally try br.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace if macCount 0 return..
Write a file in external storage in Android if test null break tv.append n test isr.close is.close br.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace tv.append n nThat is all..
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) line null while line br.readLine null sb.append line n br.close Log.e OUTPUT sb.toString httpsURLConnection.disconnect java..
How to parse complex JSON file in android iStream StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line while line br.readLine null sb.append line data sb.toString br.close catch Exception e Log.d Exception while downloading url e.toString finally iStream.close return data AsyncTask to download..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? iStream StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line while line br.readLine null sb.append line data sb.toString br.close catch Exception e Log.d Exception while downloading url e.toString finally iStream.close urlConnection.disconnect return..
Android Assets with sub folders
Access resource files in Android is not null while readLine br.readLine null Log.d TEXT readLine Close the InputStream and BufferedReader is.close br.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace java android file resources share improve this question If you have a file in..
WIFI to WIFI Connectivity using Android message to screen System.out.println requestLine send a reply os.writeBytes 200 Close streams and socket. os.close br.close socket.close nb4namingconventions. almost forgot. you will need to set these permissions inside the tags in your AndroidManifest.xml..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity String mac splitted 3 if mac.matches .. .. .. .. .. .. macCount catch Exception e e.printStackTrace finally try br.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace if macCount 0 return 0 else return macCount 1 One MAC address entry will be for..
Write a file in external storage in Android
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder String line null while line br.readLine null sb.append line n br.close Log.e OUTPUT sb.toString httpsURLConnection.disconnect java android sockets ssl https share improve this question ..