android Programming Glossary: boundcenterbottom
Adding a custom marker to map - Android public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? public MapItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public MapItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker..
Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker this.context context populate Add this share..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker protected OverlayItem createItem int i return.. defaultMarker Context context super defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker mContext context public void clear mOverlays.clear..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s public MapOverlay Drawable _defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom _defaultMarker @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int..
Problem with large number of markers on the map Drawable defaultMarker Context context super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker mContext context public void addOverlay OverlayItem..
Android: ItemizedOverlay onTouchEvent and onTap overlapping Drawable marker Context context super boundCenterBottom marker this.context context @Override protected boolean onTap..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add.. want specially point out that you must call boundCenter or boundCenterBottom on the drawable. else it will not be drawn. be also careful..
GoogleMaps: custom ItemizedOverlay and OverlayItem, the correct way to show different marker ... public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable drawable ... super boundCenterBottom drawable ... populate public void addOverlay MyOverlayItem overlay.. to the constructor of MyItemizedOverlay and is set with boundCenterBottom which set the middle bottom point of the image to point to the.. the bounds to be used to be placed in the map as done with boundCenterBottom in MyItemizedOverlay for the default drawable And what is the..
adding multiple marker on google map in android public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker myOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem populate..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps public CustomPinpoint Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int.. public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker myOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem populate..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker..
Adding a custom marker to map - Android new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context context public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context this defaultMarker this.context context..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context mContext public MapItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public MapItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context super defaultMarker mContext context public..
Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context mContext public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i public int size return mOverlays.size public.. overlay populate public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context super defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker mContext context public void clear mOverlays.clear protected boolean onTap int index OverlayItem item mOverlays.get..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s private ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem public MapOverlay Drawable _defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom _defaultMarker @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i public void addOverlay OverlayItem..
Problem with large number of markers on the map OverlayItem private Context mContext public HelloItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker mContext context public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected..
Android: ItemizedOverlay onTouchEvent and onTap overlapping overlays new ArrayList OverlayItem public SelectGameLocationItemizedOverlay Drawable marker Context context super boundCenterBottom marker this.context context @Override protected boolean onTap int index OverlayItem itemClicked overlays.get index AlertDialog.Builder..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client ArrayList OverlayItem mOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem.. overlayitem mapOverlays.add myItemizedOverlay i want specially point out that you must call boundCenter or boundCenterBottom on the drawable. else it will not be drawn. be also careful if you use different markers in the same overlay with overlayItem.setMarker..
GoogleMaps: custom ItemizedOverlay and OverlayItem, the correct way to show different marker ItemizedOverlay MyOverlayItem ArrayList MyOverlayItem items ... public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable drawable ... super boundCenterBottom drawable ... populate public void addOverlay MyOverlayItem overlay return this.items.add overlay populate @Override protected.. ones. That is the ones which have as drawable the one passed to the constructor of MyItemizedOverlay and is set with boundCenterBottom which set the middle bottom point of the image to point to the specified point in the map . When the getMarker method in.. method of an OverlayItem object to a ItemizedOverlay the bounds to be used to be placed in the map as done with boundCenterBottom in MyItemizedOverlay for the default drawable And what is the best way to do it android google maps itemizedoverlay overlayitem..
adding multiple marker on google map in android OverlayItem private ArrayList OverlayItem myOverlays public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker myOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem populate public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay myOverlays.add overlay..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps int index 0 boolean full false CustomPinpoint itemizedoverlay public CustomPinpoint Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return overlays i @Override public int size if full return.. OverlayItem private ArrayList OverlayItem myOverlays public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker myOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem populate public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay myOverlays.add overlay..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context context public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context this defaultMarker this.context context..