android Programming Glossary: bounds.width
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? Rect parentBounds parentDrawable.getBounds a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height parentBounds.width parentBounds.height else .. parentBounds.width parentBounds.height else a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height 0 0 long currentTime AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis..
Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText final Rect bounds drawable.getBounds if x v.getRight bounds.width fuzz x v.getRight v.getPaddingRight fuzz y v.getPaddingTop..
How to get string width on Android?
Calculate text size according to width of text area 0 text.length bounds text_height bounds.height text_width bounds.width Edit after comment Use the above in reverse int text_height.. text.length bounds text_check_h bounds.height text_check_w bounds.width incr_text_size if text_height text_check_h text_width text_check_w..
Gettextbounds in android space you can do Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bounds.width bounds.height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new Canvas.. let's say 2 you can do Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bounds.width 4 bounds.height 4 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new..
Pagination in Android TextView Will give you height textview will occupy text_check_w bounds.width Will give you width textview will occupy share improve this..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() f measureText f getTextBounds d f p.measureText someText bounds.width The output shows that the difference not only gets greater.. s 0 s.length bounds float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? parentDrawable getDrawable if parentDrawable null Rect parentBounds parentDrawable.getBounds a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height parentBounds.width parentBounds.height else a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height 0 0 long currentTime.. a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height parentBounds.width parentBounds.height else a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height 0 0 long currentTime AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis boolean running a.getTransformation currentTime..
Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText null final int x int event.getX final int y int event.getY final Rect bounds drawable.getBounds if x v.getRight bounds.width fuzz x v.getRight v.getPaddingRight fuzz y v.getPaddingTop fuzz y v.getHeight v.getPaddingBottom fuzz return onDrawableTouch..
How to get string width on Android?
Calculate text size according to width of text area size String text Some random text paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds text_height bounds.height text_width bounds.width Edit after comment Use the above in reverse int text_height 50 int text_width 200 int text_check_w 0 int text_check_h 0.. String text Some random text paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds text_check_h bounds.height text_check_w bounds.width incr_text_size if text_height text_check_h text_width text_check_w found_desired_size false return incr_text_size this will..
Gettextbounds in android bitmap that contains text and you want to fit exactly the available space you can do Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bounds.width bounds.height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new Canvas bitmap canvas.drawText text bounds.left paint.. want to leave a few pixels to the left right top and bottom let's say 2 you can do Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bounds.width 4 bounds.height 4 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new Canvas bitmap canvas.drawText text bounds.left 2
Pagination in Android TextView
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() 0 someText.length bounds Log.d Test String.format Size f measureText f getTextBounds d f p.measureText someText bounds.width The output shows that the difference not only gets greater than 1 and is no last minute rounding error but also seems to.. p new Paint Rect bounds new Rect p.setTextSize 60 p.getTextBounds s 0 s.length bounds float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 p.setStyle..