android Programming Glossary: bout
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException Log.i return1 return1 return BufferedOutputStream bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile.. int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir.. DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile..
how to parse ics file using ICal4j in android catch block e.printStackTrace ByteArrayOutputStream bout new ByteArrayOutputStream try for int i i 0.. ByteArrayOutputStream try for int i i 0 bout.write i i catch IOException e TODO Auto generated.. params.add Encoding.BASE64 Attach attach new Attach params bout.toByteArray VEvent eout VEvent calendar.getComponent Component.VEVENT..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android throws IOException SQLException ByteArrayOutputStream bout new ByteArrayOutputStream DataOutputStream dout new DataOutputStream.. DataOutputStream dout new DataOutputStream bout for long l longs dout.writeLong l dout.close byte asBytes bout.toByteArray.. for long l longs dout.writeLong l dout.close byte asBytes bout.toByteArray PreparedStatement stmt null however you get this.....
Resume Download not working in android in null FileOutputStream fos null BufferedOutputStream bout null try downloaded 0 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection.. new FileOutputStream DESTINATION_PATH true bout new BufferedOutputStream fos 1024 byte data new byte 1024 int.. data new byte 1024 int x 0 while x data 0 1024 0 bout.write data 0 x downloaded x System.out.println downloaded..
Resume http file download in java new FileOutputStream DESTINATION_PATH true bout new BufferedOutputStream fos 1024 byte data new byte 1024 int.. data new byte 1024 int x 0 while x data 0 1024 0 bout.write data 0 x downloaded x progressBar.setProgress downloaded..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException stream null return catch NullPointerException e stopSelf Log.i return1 return1 return BufferedOutputStream bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile byte buf new byte bufsizeForDownload int.. bufsizeForfile byte buf new byte bufsizeForDownload int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit bout.. null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile try numread buf catch IOException..
how to parse ics file using ICal4j in android catch FileNotFoundException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace ByteArrayOutputStream bout new ByteArrayOutputStream try for int i i 0 bout.write i i catch IOException e TODO.. catch block e.printStackTrace ByteArrayOutputStream bout new ByteArrayOutputStream try for int i i 0 bout.write i i catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace ParameterList params.. params new ParameterList params.add Value.BINARY params.add Encoding.BASE64 Attach attach new Attach params bout.toByteArray VEvent eout VEvent calendar.getComponent Component.VEVENT Attach aout Attach eout.getProperty Property.ATTACH..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android with the data. public static void storeInDB ArrayList Long longs throws IOException SQLException ByteArrayOutputStream bout new ByteArrayOutputStream DataOutputStream dout new DataOutputStream bout for long l longs dout.writeLong l dout.close byte.. SQLException ByteArrayOutputStream bout new ByteArrayOutputStream DataOutputStream dout new DataOutputStream bout for long l longs dout.writeLong l dout.close byte asBytes bout.toByteArray PreparedStatement stmt null however you get this..... DataOutputStream dout new DataOutputStream bout for long l longs dout.writeLong l dout.close byte asBytes bout.toByteArray PreparedStatement stmt null however you get this... stmt.setBytes 1 asBytes stmt.executeUpdate stmt.close public..
Resume Download not working in android but the net result is an invalid zip file. BufferedInputStream in null FileOutputStream fos null BufferedOutputStream bout null try downloaded 0 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if ISSUE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS.intValue.. fos downloaded 0 new FileOutputStream DESTINATION_PATH new FileOutputStream DESTINATION_PATH true bout new BufferedOutputStream fos 1024 byte data new byte 1024 int x 0 while x data 0 1024 0 bout.write data 0 x downloaded.. true bout new BufferedOutputStream fos 1024 byte data new byte 1024 int x 0 while x data 0 1024 0 bout.write data 0 x downloaded x System.out.println downloaded onProgressUpdate int downloaded 100 size succes true catch..
Resume http file download in java fos downloaded 0 new FileOutputStream DESTINATION_PATH new FileOutputStream DESTINATION_PATH true bout new BufferedOutputStream fos 1024 byte data new byte 1024 int x 0 while x data 0 1024 0 bout.write data 0 x downloaded.. true bout new BufferedOutputStream fos 1024 byte data new byte 1024 int x 0 while x data 0 1024 0 bout.write data 0 x downloaded x progressBar.setProgress downloaded This is not my code but it works. share improve this answer..