android Programming Glossary: arraylists
Android custom ListView unable to click on items but I'm using an overridden ArrayAdapter since I'm using ArrayLists to contain the list of databases internally. Do I just need..
How to pass a ArrayList<Bitmap> between activities intent using a Bundle. However it allows me to pass other ArrayLists like ArrayList String using Intent intent new Intent myClass.this..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) caches the fragments and saved states in ArrayLists mFragments and mSavedState . But when the fragments are reordered..
Android how to sort JSONArray of JSONObjects on base of a value from the jsonobjects. Formerly I sorted ArrayLists of custom objects like this Comparators public class KreeftenComparatorLA..
Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution) activity that when started needs access to two different ArrayLists. Both Lists are different Objects I have created myself. Basically..
Android: Pass List<GeoPoint> to another Activity parcelable but I searched but could not find a way to pass ArrayLists. android activity parcelable share improve this question..
Extending Application to share variables globally to share variables globally I'm trying to share two ArrayLists across the various activities in my application using the scheme..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items relevant to my current situation. I found this question but I'm using an overridden ArrayAdapter since I'm using ArrayLists to contain the list of databases internally. Do I just need to get the LinearLayout view and add an onClickListener like..
How to pass a ArrayList<Bitmap> between activities using the method getBitmapFromAsset and want to pass it via intent using a Bundle. However it allows me to pass other ArrayLists like ArrayList String using Intent intent new Intent myClass.this Rclass.class Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putStringArrayList..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) I figured out exactly what is going wrong. The FragmentStatePagerAdapter caches the fragments and saved states in ArrayLists mFragments and mSavedState . But when the fragments are reordered there's no mechanism for reordering the elements of mFragments..
Android how to sort JSONArray of JSONObjects jsonarray of jsonobjects. Now I need to sort the JSONArray on base of a value from the jsonobjects. Formerly I sorted ArrayLists of custom objects like this Comparators public class KreeftenComparatorLA implements Comparator Kreeft public int compare..
Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution) enum or object through an intent the best solution I have an activity that when started needs access to two different ArrayLists. Both Lists are different Objects I have created myself. Basically I need a way to pass these objects to the activity from..
Android: Pass List<GeoPoint> to another Activity in that activity. How do I do it I know I have to use the parcelable but I searched but could not find a way to pass ArrayLists. android activity parcelable share improve this question This function will help you http reference..
Extending Application to share variables globally Application to share variables globally I'm trying to share two ArrayLists across the various activities in my application using the scheme explained here Android How to declare global variables..