android Programming Glossary: armv6
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG build_one to #arm v6 CPU armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU PREFIX . android CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG.. build_one I thought changing it to armv6 would build ffmpeg compatible with armeabi devices. m i wrong.. lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 libgcc.a #arm v6 CPU armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU PREFIX . android CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG..
Android build system, NEON and non-NEON builds NEON and non NEON builds I want to build my library for armv6 and there is some neon code that I enable at runtime if device.. seems that there is no way for me to compile one file for armv6 and the other file for arm7 neon. Can anybody give any clues.. main points 1 make only ONE lib. 2 make build that runs on armv6 pre neon devices e.g. armeabi . 3 this build contains NEON code..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices abi softfp mfpu vfpv3 d16 marm march CPU PREFIX . android CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG build_one to #arm v6 CPU armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU PREFIX . android CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG build_one I thought changing it to armv6 would.. armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU PREFIX . android CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG build_one I thought changing it to armv6 would build ffmpeg compatible with armeabi devices. m i wrong Doubt 1 Do i also have to change toolchain i.e from arm linux.. ldl llog warn once dynamic linker system bin linker PREBUILT lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 libgcc.a #arm v6 CPU armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS marm march CPU PREFIX . android CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG build_one #arm v7vfpv3 #CPU armv7 a #OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS..
Android build system, NEON and non-NEON builds build system NEON and non NEON builds I want to build my library for armv6 and there is some neon code that I enable at runtime if device supports it. The neon code uses neon intrinsics and to be.. intrusive I wouldn't have to ask questions but it seems that there is no way for me to compile one file for armv6 and the other file for arm7 neon. Can anybody give any clues if that's doable thanks Edit Before trying to reply and wasting.. wasting internet ink it should be clear that these are the main points 1 make only ONE lib. 2 make build that runs on armv6 pre neon devices e.g. armeabi . 3 this build contains NEON code which could be executed based on run time cpu detection..