android Programming Glossary: argv
Emulator not running 201m JellyBelly . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 home padmakumar android sdk tools emulator arm emulator argv.. 00 home padmakumar android sdk tools emulator arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home padmakumar .android avd.. tools emulator arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd hardware qemu.ini..
Android emulator segmentation fault 209m nexus_s . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 opt sdk tools emulator64 arm emulator argv 01 android hw.. emulator argv 00 opt sdk tools emulator64 arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd.. tools emulator64 arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd hardware qemu.ini..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? sockaddr_un sun_path return 0 int main int argc char argv static const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr.. sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr.. socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr com.whoever.xfer..
WIFI to WIFI Connectivity using Android System.exit 1 return true public static void main String argv throws Exception smsd mySock new smsd establish the listen..
iptables in android u_int32_t pdata_len payload int main int argc char argv struct nfq_handle h struct nfq_q_handle qh struct nfnl_handle..
How to get the telephone number associated with the SIM in a GSM phone? [duplicate]
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android this av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO HelloNDK str str if av_open_input_file.. about file onto standard error dump_format pFormatCtx 0 argv 0 Find the first video stream videoStream 1 audioStream 1 for.. av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 if av_open_input_file & pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 return..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it like this arm..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell hello world code. Mine is #include int main int argc char argv printf Hello World return 0 Edit and change the line..
Emulator not running avd JellyBelly.avd userdata qemu.img disk.dataPartition.size 201m JellyBelly . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 home padmakumar android sdk tools emulator arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home padmakumar .android.. 201m JellyBelly . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 home padmakumar android sdk tools emulator arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd hardware qemu.ini Concatenated QEMU options home.. QEMU options list emulator argv 00 home padmakumar android sdk tools emulator arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd hardware qemu.ini Concatenated QEMU options home padmakumar android sdk tools..
Android emulator segmentation fault .android avd nexus_s.avd userdata qemu.img disk.dataPartition.size 209m nexus_s . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 opt sdk tools emulator64 arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd hardware.. 209m nexus_s . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 opt sdk tools emulator64 arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd hardware qemu.ini Concatenated QEMU options opt sdk.. nexus_s . QEMU options list emulator argv 00 opt sdk tools emulator64 arm emulator argv 01 android hw emulator argv 02 home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd hardware qemu.ini Concatenated QEMU options opt sdk tools emulator64 arm android..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? name pAddr sun_family AF_LOCAL pSockLen 1 nameLen offsetof struct sockaddr_un sun_path return 0 int main int argc char argv static const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c'.. char argv static const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr com.whoever.xfer sockAddr sockLen 0 return 1 int fd socket.. const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr com.whoever.xfer sockAddr sockLen 0 return 1 int fd socket AF_LOCAL SOCK_STREAM..
WIFI to WIFI Connectivity using Android catch IOException e System.out.println Accept failed System.exit 1 return true public static void main String argv throws Exception smsd mySock new smsd establish the listen socket mySock.createSocket 3005 while true if mySock.listenSocket..
iptables in android iphdrp printf n return nfq_set_verdict qh id NF_ACCEPT u_int32_t pdata_len payload int main int argc char argv struct nfq_handle h struct nfq_q_handle qh struct nfnl_handle nh int fd int rv char buf 4096 __attribute__ aligned printf..
How to get the telephone number associated with the SIM in a GSM phone? [duplicate]
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android Android NDK. I could open the file through FFmpeg and wrote this av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO HelloNDK str str if av_open_input_file pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 return 2 Couldn't.. 0 return 3 Couldn't find stream information Dump information about file onto standard error dump_format pFormatCtx 0 argv 0 Find the first video stream videoStream 1 audioStream 1 for i 0 i pFormatCtx nb_streams i if pFormatCtx streams i codec.. outbuf uint8_t inbuf AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 if av_open_input_file & pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 return 150 if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx nb_streams i if pFormatCtx..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc sudo apt get install gcc arm linux gnueabi I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it like this arm linux gnueabi gcc static hi.c o hi I ran it on an emulator..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell is. Edit hello jni.c remove all the code and put in your hello world code. Mine is #include int main int argc char argv printf Hello World return 0 Edit and change the line include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY to include BUILD_EXECUTABLE..