android Programming Glossary: aren't
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK the build target to Google APIs if you must. If they aren't there download them from the android download manager. If you're..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock always better to use the latest version if the trade offs aren't to critical. By posting how I force the overflow menu I am neither..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview full screen I don't know when the video ends its controls aren't shown this is pretty sad. I can't get the trigger for closing..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android problem isn't handling many images it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when your activity is destroyed. It's difficult..
Android: How to detect double-tap? listview double click share improve this question Why aren't you using a Long Press Or are you using that already for something..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? of where the photo was taken though many of the fields aren't actually used. To save time as you don't actually need the other..
ListView item background via custom selector this to some custom drawable doesn't affect items that aren't selected. Romain Guy seems to suggest in this answer that this..
Android: Access child views from a ListView listView.getChildAt wantedChild The benefit is that you aren't iterating over the ListView's children which could take a performance..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] is truly useful. Many layouts like the GridLayout aren't used much at all. Play around with RelativeLayout. See an example..
How to add external jar libraries to an android project from the command line it Force Closes in the emulator because those libraries aren't present. I'm doing this from the command line with ant not in..
Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android [closed] will work with android because they use libraries that aren't supported by android. I think I read that iText is interested..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] and Gallery to get what I want... hopefully those classes aren't using some package private variable I can't access. Do y'all..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime continual work on this I have found that the images still aren't 100 perfect. I'll make an update if I can improve it. Update..
How do you use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to clear the Activity Stack? the stack to... A B Browser B A though those flags aren't there. I tried calling finish in activity B after startActivity..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? . One would think this is a common case. However the docs aren't clear on what to do http guide topics..
Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord work but the values returned jump all over the place and aren't representative of a consistent frequency even in silence. Is..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? hpone sensor and their potential due to the fact that aren't accurate... Some more precision can be reached using Kalman..
Admob implementation Error Google forces us to specify some configChanges which aren't available before API level 13 and so we need to build our app..
DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient know whether I have modified my code correctly and there aren't too many examples regarding AndroidhttpClient on the internet...
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? docs if you want but it's important that the .jar files aren't directly in the libs folder. Create a .properties file in the..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK your project go into it's properties and under Android change the build target to Google APIs if you must. If they aren't there download them from the android download manager. If you're testing on an emulator make sure its target is Google APIs..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock a 12872537 450534 . NOTE That being said it is always better to use the latest version if the trade offs aren't to critical. By posting how I force the overflow menu I am neither suggesting that you use an older version nor do I recommend..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview without controlling it. Bottom line When displaying video in full screen I don't know when the video ends its controls aren't shown this is pretty sad. I can't get the trigger for closing the full screen. I tried few unsuccessful workarounds Reflection..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android this question It sounds like you have a memory leak. The problem isn't handling many images it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when your activity is destroyed. It's difficult to say why this is without looking at your code. However..
Android: How to detect double-tap? detect between single tap or double tap for it android listview double click share improve this question Why aren't you using a Long Press Or are you using that already for something else The advantages over a long touch over a double touch..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? its filepath to 'date last modified' to the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken though many of the fields aren't actually used. To save time as you don't actually need the other fields cursor search is done with a filter. The filter..
ListView item background via custom selector color transparent for the state_focused false case but changing this to some custom drawable doesn't affect items that aren't selected. Romain Guy seems to suggest in this answer that this is possible. I'm currently achieving the same affect by using..
Android: Access child views from a ListView
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] the tutorials use LinearLayout but you will find that RelativeLayout is truly useful. Many layouts like the GridLayout aren't used much at all. Play around with RelativeLayout. See an example from this question . Use fill_parent with a top level..
How to add external jar libraries to an android project from the command line project by adding those jar file to my classpath but of course it Force Closes in the emulator because those libraries aren't present. I'm doing this from the command line with ant not in eclipse . How can I make it include those libraries in the..
Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android [closed] question It seems that no one of the pure java pdf libraries will work with android because they use libraries that aren't supported by android. I think I read that iText is interested in doing a port to android but thinks that google should support..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] it a shot. I suppose I could possibly copy both AbsSpinner and Gallery to get what I want... hopefully those classes aren't using some package private variable I can't access. Do y'all think that's a good practice Does anyone have any tutorials..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime 100 out scaledBitmap null EDIT After continual work on this I have found that the images still aren't 100 perfect. I'll make an update if I can improve it. Update After revisting this I found this question on SO and there..
How do you use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to clear the Activity Stack? the user back to the Home Screen. Instead it seems to change the stack to... A B Browser B A though those flags aren't there. I tried calling finish in activity B after startActivity but then the back button takes me back to the browser again..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? and which resides in data data yourpackage databases . One would think this is a common case. However the docs aren't clear on what to do http guide topics data backup.html . There is no BackupHelper specifically for..
Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord easily be me misunderstanding how this class is meant to work but the values returned jump all over the place and aren't representative of a consistent frequency even in silence. Is anyone aware of a way to perform this task or am I overcomplicating..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? Anyway in various place on the web i found no best word about hpone sensor and their potential due to the fact that aren't accurate... Some more precision can be reached using Kalman filter but i have no idea how... share improve this answer..
Admob implementation Error SDK the more API features does it know. Out of whatever reason Google forces us to specify some configChanges which aren't available before API level 13 and so we need to build our app using at least the SDK tools 13 because a previous version..
DefaultHttpClient to AndroidHttpClient way it will work on 4.0 and 3.1. The problem is that I do not know whether I have modified my code correctly and there aren't too many examples regarding AndroidhttpClient on the internet. Here is my code that was adjusted AndroidHttpClient client..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? libs src and libs docs . You can use a name other than src and docs if you want but it's important that the .jar files aren't directly in the libs folder. Create a .properties file in the libs folder with the exact name of the actual library .jar..